The Last Goodbye Part 1

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  A/N I'll make this author's note quick. So, if you were confused about where Sammy grew up and lives, it's Gotham. I just kinda forgot about it. I'm so sorry if I confused you but Sammy did grow up in Gotham. Enjoy!

  I walked around the hospital, slowly; still recovering from the lightning. As I walked I thought about what actually has been happening.  Kendra almost died, Zac just bailed, Ray's been gone for about a month, and I can't have- well you know. I feel like everything is falling apart. I had a dream, maybe, a month ago, about my brother. I have no clue what the heck it means. I'm just so confused now a days.
  While I was walking I stumbled upon a sheet of paper with some weird hieroglyphics on it. I asked around to see if it was anyone's, but no one claimed it. So, I kept it.
  Jacquelyn, one of the main assistance's to the person who recruits, came up to me.
  "Are you Sammy Crawlford?" She asked me, with a kind yet unsettling voice.
  "Yes, I am. Does anyone need me?" Jacquelyn nodded and began to talk while she led the way to the person.
  "Yes, someone does need you for a mission. She told me not to debrief you so I'll try to stay away from that." It was silent for a few moments before she began speaking again. "Oh! We got word that Ray Gold's missing person's report has officially just been issued!" My eyes widened as she said that.
  "H..he's missing?" I said while being scared of the truth.
  "Well, until yesterday morning he was." My heart sank to the very bottom of my chest. Zac was right. I do love him. 
  We finally arrived to the person's office and I was a total shipwreck. Jacquelyn opened the door and I walked in and saw a young girl, about the age of twenty. She had dark brown hair that was braided and went down to her shoulders. She was dressed in a plain, gray pantsuit. She was looking out a window that oversaw the dark city of Gotham. I looked at the name plate, that was on her desk, that read Josie Gold. She turned around and looked at me with sad eyes that were so green and blue. It was like the Atlantic ice crossed over with the greenest grass!
  She walked to her desk and said "Sit," I did as she said, like a loyal dog. She sat down in her seat too and she looked through files for a couple of seconds. "I understand that you and Ray are dating." My eyes widened at how wrong she was. So, I corrected her, which was probably a bad thing.
  "Excuse me, but we weren't dating we just had a very complicated relationship." She chuckled a bit and continued.
  "Okay, well, you two had a complicated relationship, but I do know that you two did like each other, am I right?" I nodded. She had a file out, which I guess was about me.
  "So, you're sixteen and you don't have a drivers license? Bad form." I made this really weird face and she looked at me and laughed. "I'm only joking, but, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your brother?" I just stared at her blankly as I recalled the moment he died, the moment I was too slow to save my own blood.
  "It says here that, your brother wasn't kidnapped, he didn't die, nor did he run away, but there's no record of him past the age of nine. So, tell me, Sammy, what happened to Jacob?" I took a few moments before I told her about my brother's untimely death.
  "It was a day, just day like any other. Jacob and I were riding our bikes to our father's grave. After we spent some time there, we raced back home down a creek we went through almost everyday. He lost his balance, for some reason, and he fell into the creek." I could feel some tears streaming down my face but I tried to push them back.
  "I panicked and went to my best friend, Caitie. I told her what happened, and I showed her the site. She helped me bury him and have a very small funeral for him. 
  "After that, I went home, without Jacob. My mom started to worry and she yelled at me to tell her why my younger brother wasn't with me. So, I told her a different version of what happened. I told her that Jacob ran away, but I tried to stop him but he still left. Apparently, this only made things worse. My mom became an alcoholic and abused my dog so I would do chores for her." She was shocked at my messed up childhood story about my brother dying. I kept my head down and away from judgmental eyes as I quietly cried. She continued reading my file until something caught her eye.
  "Your father's name is Roland Jack Crawlford?" I slightly nodded.
"Did you know that he had a family before you?" My head shot up with wide eyes.
  "He had another family before me?!" I said almost bouncing out of my chair.
  "Yes, he had only one daughter, Jenny, but Jenny took her mother's last name instead of your father's last name." I became more calm and tried to wrapped my head around having an older half-sister.
  "So, what's her full name?"
  "Jenny Françoise is her full name." I just sat in the chair looking off into the distance, thinking of my older sister.
  "Now, onto the reason I brought you here." I looked up at Josie as she spoke. "I know you're working against all of this mojo crap. So, I want to recruit you on a mission going into the belly of the beast."

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