Waking Up

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In Nightmare

  I was running, running as fast as I could. I was trying to find an escape from this place. I saw a door and ran faster then I could towards it. I opened the door and behind it was a brick wall. I turned around and saw him walking towards me. I backed up but hit the wall. He grabbed my throat and lifted me up. I was gasping for air, trying to get out of his hold. Then he revealed his face to me. It was Jacob.

End of Nightmare
  I almost jumped from the bed I was in when I woke up. My heart monitor was going crazy. I looked around the room and saw Kendra and Zac barging in. "Hey, kid, calm down!" Zac commanded me. But, of course, I didn't calm down, since I'm so stubborn.

  "W..what's happening?! Where are we?!" I asked them as I struggled in the hospital bed. Kendra grabbed my arms and held them at the side of my body.

  "Sammy, please, calm down." I did what Kendra told me to do. Kendra let go of my arms and I looked around them room a bit more.

  "Where's Ray?" I asked them. Zac and Kendra looked at each other then back to me.

Zac sighed and and answered my question. "He went to go get some food from Mikey's Burger, kid." My eyes widened when I heard him say that.

  "Y...you mean we're still in Robinsville, shrimp?" I asked Zac. He nodded. Soon enough, Ray came in with a bag that had Mikey's Burger's sign on it.

  "Sam," Ray almost whispered. Zac grabbed the bag and Kendra and him left. He stood at the door in awe. He walked a bit closer and that's when I came to reality. Ignoring my injuries, I jumped from the bed and hugged Ray. He hugged back. Soon, my injuries activated their 'pain button.' I winced and Ray sat me on the bed as he sat beside me.

  I looked into Ray's eyes and he looked at mine. Ray had on a soft smile but he sighed and that smiled faded. "What's wrong?"

  "Sam, when you were hit by the lightning something bad happened, something very bad."

  "W....what happened?"

  "When the lightning hit you you started to bleed out in you stomach section. And, well....." He trailed off of the subject.

  "'And, well,' what?"

  "Sam, you can't have kids." I didn't really understand what Ray was saying. Then it just struck me. I can't have kids. A few single tears went down my face as Ray pulled me into a hug. Then I actually, for the tenth time in my life, cried.

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