14. Eyes and Ears

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     I watched as Reese narrowed her eyes. They had just finished their lunch and were currently sitting in silence. "Care to share your thoughts with the rest of us?" I raised in eyebrow.

     She blinked before looking at us, I'm just thinking. That's all.

     "Right because that's all you do," I pointed out as she sipped her drink only to earn a glare from her.

     Maya leaned closer to the table, "So what's the plan, Reese?" Reese nearly chocked on her water as Maya continued, "Don't act so surprised. I've seen you swiped things here and there. Always keeping eyes on the guards and little notes on your arms."

     "That explains the ignorance lately," I mumbled.

     You've been stalking me?!

     Maya stuttered slightly, "I wouldn't call it that. More like... keeping an eye on you."

     I looked at Reese, "So do you got a plan or not?"

     Yeah I've got a plan. Half of one at least. 

     Reese motioned for us to follow outside. If were outside there's less of a risk of us getting caught. The sun's sunlight baked the large open field, making everyone sweat. Reese nodded to a bench.

     Before I tell you the whole plan I need you guys to get a few things for me.

     "And what is that exactly?" Maya stared at her, waiting.

     Reese took a deep breath before revealing what she need.

     "You want me to get all the guard posts and everyone single one of their schedules?!" Maya looked at her like she was crazy.

    Reese nodded, You seem to be the only one that Mr. Boss man likes and trust.

     Maya rolled her eyes, "Tell me about it."

     Reese looked at me, You know what to do right?

     "Of course! Guys this is going to be so exciting," My eyes danced with joy. "It's like a video game but it's real!"

     "Yes and one that you can die from if you aren't careful," Maya stared me down seriously.

     I put my hands up laughing, "You can trust me. You know that."

     For now we keep our heads low and keep our eyes and ears up. Got it. We nodded in agreement. She narrowed her eyes at the wall that stood between freedom and torture.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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