18. Teacher's pet

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     I don't understand? Why work here?! I asked, placing my hands on my head and through my hair. Why Mr. Bosswood ask him of all people!?

     "Well I get to keep a closer eye on you... Where's your brother?" My dad looked around and glanced at me worriedly. "Where's your brother, Reese?!"

     I looked at him and then the floor. I kicked my shoe and shrugged, I don't know. And I was telling the truth. He could really be anywhere at this point.

     My parents gave me a quick hug causing me to stiff up. A few tears threatened to fall and I let them. I miss you guys, I cried. I fell into their arms not letting go. I hated it here and I just want things to go back to normal.

     My vision started to blur and I knew the feeling too well. I gripped their arms before vision started to take form.

     A girl with a black pixie cut knelt behind a bush. The scenery looked exactly like TSAC. Her blue seemed to stare straight at me before the scene shifted.

     Guns echoed in the distances while a blazing hot feeling passed my body. Sweat trickled as I saw the same girl from before expect dirt and blood stained her face.

     Mason determined face made me stare. I wanted to reach out to him but I'll I could do was stare. He brought an army. An army to save us all.

     I watched as Alejandro soared down before shifting into a bear. He swiped at the soliders like toys before being shot at. Bullets hit is massive body, life started to drain from his body before falling.

     I tired to scream his name but nothing came out. The enemies were too strong compared to us. We need more people...

     Pain clutched my heart as Mason's army started to fall back. Bullets rain from the sky but I stood immune to it all. My head spin and I collapsed forward back into reality.

     No one seemed to notice my mental disappearance nor why was a shivering so badly. War is coming and we aren't going to be ready. Unless... I need to get back to my room.

     I stood and wiped my eyes looking at my parents. My eyes stared straight at them and I glanced back to see Mr. Bosswood behind his desk. He seemed to be busy with papers but clearly listening to our conversation. The strange boy with wings sat in a chair. Facing them I narrowed my eyes and focused on talking strictly to them only, Why are you really here?

     My stepmoms face fell before leaning in, "He's trying to find Mason. Your father's here to keep an eye you. If you need him he'll be here." Relief floods my body, good an extra step of help on our side is a big step. Maya will be thrilled.

     A chair rolled back and Mr. Bosswood stands up. "I'm afraid time is up. Reese has classes to attend to and I'm sure you Mrs. Keeley have work. Mr. Keeley I'll see you tomorrow when you first day of this job begins." My parents nodded and glanced back at me before being lead out of the room by two guards. "Tim do you mind leading Reese back to her dorm room?"

     The boy sighed and levitated in the air towards me. No bracelet seemed to be attached to him to limit his powers as he flicked his wrist. The door opened and he glanced at me waiting with a bored expression. "Ya coming or not?" Tim asked annoyed. Slowly walking to him, his blue eyes followed me until I past him. The door closed shut behind me and he glided beside me taking me in.

     The tense air around us started to grow as we exited the 'no go hallway' and I glanced at him at the side. Yes? Is there something you want to ask? I snapped, my ears pressed back. He dropped to the ground walking beside me, a smug look on his face like he knew something I didn't. I wouldn't be surprised since he's obviously the teacher's pet.

     He laughed and shook his head. "Ah I would say but I'm not authorized to speak about it. Father's got a tight grip around me nowadays. Oops did that slip out?" He covers his hand around his mouth in a joking manner. "It's a shame you know now but it doesn't matter. Father knows you're up to something and it's a matter of time before he finds out."

     Let me guess. You're going to be watching me and when you find out his going to get rid of me? I rolled me eyes taking quicker steps to my room.

     Tim cut in front of me blocking my path. "No. I have better things to attend to then to be walking you to your room. Much better things." With that he walked off. His footsteps echoed off the floor before stopping. Glancing back he was gone and I was alone in a hallway.

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