21. Silent Kids

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     "Dude what the heck!" I said, looking at my now cracked phone. It laid on the ground broken and I glared at the girl. "That's my only way to communicate with Mason and his team." Reese perked up at the mention of his name but looked away as I made eye contact with her. I let out a sigh and face the other girl.

     Maya is a 'guard' she knows this place like the back of her hand... sort of, Reese told me in my head. The thought of having someone talking in my head creeped me out.

     "Okay Maya the so called guard. In order for this rebellion to start we need to notify everyone. Mason and the crew should be arriving at dusk. That gives us less than a day," I stated as I thought out a plan. I walked ahead of them thinking. A hand caught my shoulder and spun me around. Reese looked at me annoyed and so did Maya.

     "If you want to win this war, your going to need our help. You have to trust us," Maya stated and Reese nodded in agreement.

     We've collected data of the past two years. We just haven't had the supplies and men to carry it through. With Mason on the outside and us on the inside it should be a fair enough. How big of an army do you have on your side? Reese's brown eyes watched me closely while her huge ears stood alert. She wasn't the scared confused girl that Mason described to us long ago instead she was a leader ready to help like her brother.

     "About 20ish."


     Reese and Maya looked between each other in hopelessness. I furrowed my eyebrows together trying to read what they were saying to each other. My cat ears laid flat against my head annoyed. "That's all we managed to get. Others were too scared to leave their family behind."

     "Will make it work somehow." Maya looked around before motioning us to follow. "We have to get you out of your clothes. We need you to blend in in order for this to work." She brought up her wristband to a door and it unlocked letting us in. The building was cooler then outside and our footsteps echoed against the walls. I camera hung at the end of the hall.

     I stood closer to Maya and whispered, "Shouldn't we be careful where we walk?"

     "Most of the guards are on break and the cameras are being replaced. 'School' is starting in a few minutes so we have the place to ourselves."

     I looked over at the two of them, "Shouldn't you guys be there. Wouldn't it draw suspicion if you aren't?"

     Yes, which is way we have to hurry to the dorms and show you what we have. There you can organize what you have and together we can make a plan when we return.

     Maya turned into a dim room and grabbed a pair clothes. The room reeked of disinfection spray while piles of clothes and bracelets where stacked in boxes. She threw them towards me and handed me a silver bracelet. "Don't worry about it. The most its going to do it pinch you a little. It's not active like ours but you'll be able to fully blend in."

     I clasped the bracelet on and felt the needles poke my skin. I saw a lone door in the back of the small room and made my way towards it. The closer I got to it the more queasy I felt. Placing my hand on the doorknob, I slowly turned it. 

    Children lined the walls, their limbs bounded in chains. Most looked bruised and hungry, their eyes landed on me. A metal plate was wrapped around their mouths which muffled their voice.  Footsteps echoed behind me and the kids coward in fear in the single lit room. 

     "Hey... we aren't here to hurt you," I soothed and took a step forward. I placed my hand outward towards one of the kids and lit a match in the other. The bright light illuminate all four of the kids faces. Their faces stared in awe before I placed my fiery hand on the metal chain. It melted with impact and I did the same with the rest of them. 

     Maya and Reese helped them up and half carried them into the other room. Sitting down we watched them closely as they did the same to us. "How do we get the 'mouth guards' off?" I asked the two of them. It seemed like the metal band  was burned onto the mouth, making it nearly impossible to get off. 

       It's probably for the best, Reese said, taking her eyes away from one of the kids. 

      "What do you mean? They can no longer eat and drink. Much less speak-"

      They're dangerous and this band is protecting us from their gift. Their gifts are so powerful that not even the serum that's in our wristbands can control it. Reese gripped her head and leaned against the table. All four kids had their hands locked and stared at Reese. 

     Growling I stood in front of them, "Whatever your doing stop it! You're clearly hurting her!" 

       Voices swarmed around in all direction but came together to make a sentence, We are connecting her to her other soul. This is what The Overseer wants.

     Overseer? A shoe squeaked and Reese fell to the floor. Her body laid unconscious as Maya looked at me concerned. I turned to the four kids that turned away from her. They had released their hands and now sat in a circle, their eyes closed. "Are you satisfied now?"


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