23. Butterflies

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     I couldn't see anything but myself as I walked slowly. My urged for anyone or something consumed my brain. With every step I took, the more hopeless I felt. I had to get back to my friends. We were so close to the others but now I was just slowing them down.

     "Hello?!" a voice echoed the darkness. It sounded familiar but a strange feeling urged me answer her.

     "Uh hello. Where are you? Who are you?" I called out, desperately searching for the girl. I spun around until I saw I small figure in the distance.

     "Mason is that you?" her voice sounded surprise and shocked. "It's me Reese."

     I stopped running when her eyes landed on me. We stared at each other not believing what we were seeing. Reese looked taller and not as scrawny. Her hair was a lot longer than before, going slightly past her shoulders. Her eyes filled with tears and before I knew it she crashed into my arms, crying.

     "I missed you so much big brother," she sniffed.

     I held tight before letting go and she wiped her eyes, "Me too." The moment occurred to me way the voice was strange. "Reese... your talking! Verbally I mean!"

     "I am?" Confusion passed over her before she took a step back. "Oh my gosh, I am!"

     A blue butterfly fly by and we stop and watch it until it disappeared. "What the?"

     "Mason. Reese. It's time. I see that you have taken my mission but we don't have much time before the battle begins," the small girl said. Today she wore blue flowers that intertwined in her hair. Stained blood dotted her beautiful white gown. 

     "Overseer are... you okay?!" Reese glanced over her white dress before staring at her. Fresh blood poured out of her stomach, the dress soaking in the blood. 

     The Overseer glanced down at her gown before stumbling back, "Henry... no. You don't understand what you have done. The fate of the world-" She choked on her blood, her eyes glossing over. Her figure fading in and out of this world. I ran up to catch her as she fell but she passed right through. 

     Reese went on the other side of her, she looked at me worriedly knowing The Overseer didn't have much time left. 

     "Your reign is coming to the end, Henry... Your final journey to the ground is closer than you can imagine." Her eyes shined before she disappeared. A few dead butterflies littered the ground. I looked at Reese. Goosebumps crawled over my skin and that's when I saw Reese's body fading in and out. 

     "Mason... something- happened-where," her words jumbled and she reached out to me. I touched her hand but it past through. "I don't want to lose you," her words crystal clear for a second.

     "We'll find you. I promise." 

     She disappeared and I was alone once again. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and opened them. Cameron sat on the ground ahead of me and I realized I was back in the sewers. I stumbled up, gasping before falling back down. 

     Cameron rushed to my side and helped me back up, "You okay? We thought we lost you." 

     "I'm okay, just dizzy. Where's Jasper?" 

     "At the island. You think your ready to board the boat?" he asked, my troops waiting for my command.

     Thinking back to what just happened, it gave me strength. Whether The Overseer is actually died or not, I wasn't going to give up. I wasn't ready to abandon this mission because they needed us. I nodded at Cameron before starting up the ladder. Our ship was nearing the docks and we started to the boat. 

     "We're coming guys. Just you wait." 

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