25. A Bottle of Beer

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     Groaning I awake before being squeezed to death. For a minute I forgot where I was until Maya pulled away and helped me up. "When you didn't move we thought you were dead. But they assured us that you weren't."  I turned to look at the kids. They sat around in a circle but once they caught me looking they stood up. 

     The boy stared me hard in the face and once again I could hear his thoughts around me. I can sense courage. They are near. Lots of them. 

      Like a group? Can you see them? My eyes watched him as he stared unblinking. Alexis waved a hand in front of my face but I moved it away. 

     "You guys still need to show me the plans. Plus you're probably being searched for by now," Alexis huffed in annoyance when I denied her.

    I blocked out her voice when the boy shook his head. No. But we sense something bad. Can't explain. Overseer-

     You know the Overseer?! Is she alright? 

     Unsure. Unfamiliar energy. Bad energy.

     With that the boy turned away which caused the connection to be lost. A hand turned me away to face her and Alexis. Alexis now stood in the same uniform as me, her arm crossed as she watched me. "If you're ready we should get out of here," Alexis said. 

     "What about them? We can't leave them here," Maya protested. 

     Then we bring them with us. 

     "Seven of us trying to sneak around with guards everywhere? That's just asking to get caught. As much as I hate to leave them here but they'll be safer here then with us." Maya looked like she wanted to disagree but she knew Alexis was right. Walking out, Maya closed the door before walking ahead. 

     "Okay the plan is is if anyone spots us you need to stay quiet. I'll tell them that I'm transporting you to your dorms for misbehaving," she told us.

     "So we are children that are on time out... nice," Alexis rolled her eyes. "Will they really fall for that?" 

     "No. Anyone spots us run like the wind." 


     Sneaking out the building, we crossed the area without a problem but it was the main building that had us stuck. Three guards stood talking to one another in front of the door. "Lunch break must be over with." We all hid behind wooden crates, peering over at them. 

     We could go around them. Find another way in. 

     "Too risky. Guards are already everywhere by now. More eyes watching us," Maya responded. Alexis picked at the wooden crate, trying to pry open a wooden board. Maya looked down and asked, "What are you doing?" 

     Alexis smirked and pulled out a beer bottle. "How about a distraction?"

     "Now's not the time to be drinking," she hissed. 

     Alexis rolled her eyes. "Not to drink but distract them. Throw it in another direction, lead them away."  

     Alexis that's brilliant. 

     "We need a back up plan in cause only one goes to check it out. How good is your aim?" 


     I stood with the beer bottle in my hand. I moved closer to them with in aiming reach. I waited until I saw the two of them behind a nearby bush, ready to ambush. With a thumbs up it was time. Years of softball don't let me down, I thought before throwing it. 

     The bottle landed not far from the group but inside a bush. The group of guards stopped talking and one of them left the group. The other two had their backs turn to the girls who slowly crept behind and took them down. The other guard was too busy inspecting the bush to notice. I can't believe it actually worked.

     I felt a zap of energy flow through causing me to fall in pain, clutching my stomach I looked up at the attacker. "Reese? What are you doing?!" My dad knelt down before sighing. "Come on up." He helped me up before clicking something on my wrist. My eyes met the others and they nodded before running inside. "So who else is working with you?" 

     I have the right to remain silent, I glared but not at him. He pushed me towards the building and the guy from before looked around confused. 

     "Have you seen Rachel and Charlie?" he asked my dad. 

     "No. They probably all ready headed to work." 

     The guy nodded and walked away. Once we were alone I started, Dad what you're doing is wrong. You aren't helping any of us. Help us instead. Mason's coming and-

     "I'm afraid my duty lies here. The kids in here are safer here than out there. Don't you see how much you've grown. I've seen your papers, Reese."

     I turned around, stumbling slightly. No. He locks kids up in rooms. Uses their powers for himself. I've seen how he does things. You've only scratched the surface, Dad. I've- The voices went silent and I couldn't think. It was like my first day here all over again. 

     "I'll take her from here," Mr. Bosswood said behind me. 


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