27. Friends to Enemies

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     I stood unsure as the beeping stopped but nothing happened. Not wanting to wait any longer I grabbed Reese and we ran.

     "Was something supposed to happen?" Jasper asked as we neared the hallway. Our footsteps echoed off the floor.

     I shook my head. "I don't know but let's just be glad nothing happen." I felt my hand tightened and Reese stopped causing me to stop. "Reese come on. We have to go!"

     Her eyes were unfocused while her ears stood up alert. The other girl stood still also. Everyone stopped and stared at them, confused.

     The pain in my hand flared and I pulled away holding it. "Reese?"

     The gun shooting stopped outside and everything went quiet. Part of my body screamed to run but I didn't want to leave Reese. Especially since I just found her after 2 years.

     Slowly her eyes focused on me. I backed away from her stare. Her eyes fixed on me like a predator and I was the prey. "Reese. It's me. Your brother."

     She stalked forward and growled, Death to the rebels!

     "And anyone that despises us!" the girl said.

     A hand touched my shoulder pulling me back. "I think that's our cue to leave," Alex said and Cameron nodded quickly. The Mexican girl stood in front of our only exit, Reese just right behind us. "Cam the vase!"

     Cameron raised the vase into the air, his eyes concentrated on the red vase. Next thing I knew he let it sail at her but she was quicker. She zipped at lightning speed and was gone only to appear next to Cameron. She had him pinned to the wall in a death grip. "Go!" He gasped as he shoved her off.

     Alex started to run off but then she froze. Jasper and I ran towards her but she stood frozen. Thoughts swarmed my head as I watched the scene in front of me. Jasper tried to shake her awake but nothing happened.

     "Mason look!" Jasper pointed towards my sister who stood with her eyes locked on Alex. A gut feeling told me to run and I grabbed Jasper's hand, pulling her away. I glanced at Cameron as he fell to the floor before taking off.

     Jasper tried to pull back but I shook my head. "Reese is taking control of her and with Alex against us we're screwed. We have to get to the others." She looked like she wanted to argue but she knew with the three of them against us we were no match without hurting them.

     "I think I know a guy who can help us. He might be able to hack into the system and jam the bracelets," she said as we turned onto another hallway. I could hear the fighting outside once more but closer this time. Jasper stood and looked at the multiple hallways that lead to different directions. Without Alex and the other girl to lead them they were lost.  "Everything looks the same!"

      I ran a hand through my hair before forming an idea. I went to the closes wall and stared at it calling to my laser eyes. "Stay back." She watched me confused before backing away.

     Thinking of the sun, heat, ice cream melting on a hot summer day I could feel my eyes burning with intense pain. Jasper yelped and I blinked, rubbing my eyes. Bricks fell from the man made holes and the green grass stood on the other side. I climbed over the few walls, Jasper not too far behind, before landing on the outside.

      Guns fired in the distance and light from the rebels powers flared in the darkness. Shouts of orders and screaming could be heard causing my heart to ache. Jasper took my hand and slowly pulled me along and into the forest. "This will all stop soon. Once Dean hijacks the bracelets and we take control it'll all be over."

     "How can you be so sure?" I asked as we sneaked to our bunker. My eyes landed on one of our comrades falling to the ground. Blood soaking up his shirt. I looked away in guilt. All these people fighting for a cause and I'm leading them to their death.

     "'Cause these people believe in the cause. That want change and acceptance. That drives them forward and if they die in battle they at least know that the future generation will live in peace," she told me. We entered the bunker and she walked towards a scrawny boy who sat making something, a light shined on his invention. "Hey Dean. Could we ask a favor?"

      Dean turned around to look at us and nodded. "Sure! Thomas! Catch!" He threw the invention towards a man before looking at us. "Whatcha need?"

     "We need you to make a device to hijack the bracelets that the prisoners are wearing. It's controlling them and targeting us."

     Dean eyes furrowed together. "Do you have the original device?" We shook are heads and he sighed. "I don't know. Without the original device it'll be difficult... almost impossible. Do you at least have a bracelet? I need something to work off of."

     Glancing around I saw a small girl dead on the ground and I frowned. I slowly walked towards her and laid her against a tree before snapping the bracelet off her wrist. It seemed to come off with ease sensing she was dead. I threw the bracelet at Dean and he caught it, observing it closely.

     "I can try but no promises."

      "I know you can do it!" Jasper told him and he started right away. We walked away from him and to the edge of the small campsite. I watched our people fight against the controlled mutants. They think they've turned against them, I thought sadly. The look of betrayal masked on their face. Jasper shook me and I turned to look at her. I pointed to the wall that I had blasted through and I froze.

     I spotlight was shined on them and they stood facing us. Reese's eyes were fixed on Alex, who was just ahead of her. The other girl stood a just next to her but Cameron was no where in sight. "We have to keep them distracted if we don't want them to get killed."

     "And how do we do that without getting ourselves killed or captured?"

     "We have to knock them out first."

Sorry for not updating in a while. I just have so much to do so updates will be slower than usual. But I will complete this book!!


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