29. Guardian

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Groaning, I sit up to see Reese clutching her head and I looked at her bracelet to see it on the ground. "Reese..." I mumbled as I slowly sit up.

She massaged her head but avoid eye contact with me. What.. happened?

"Jasper!" I rushed up, ignoring the pain slamming against my skull and found her body laying on the ground. Blood stained her shirt and body was cold and still. "No.. no.. no!" I yelled and ran a hand over her eyes before draping myself over her. Tears streamed my face as my mind was silent for once and for once everything was silent.

Reese placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked up at her with sad eyes. M.


A powerful force rippled across the island as a white light flashed causing me to cover my eyes. Blinking I see allies and enemies standing in a circle, Mr. Bosswood in the middle around a group of kids with blankets covering their fragile figures. Metal plates burned across their mouths, yet the voice was coming from them.

Too many lives have been lost and this childish fight will end here!

I watched as everything froze expect Reese and me. Something pulled from my chest along with Mr. Bosswood and Reese. The familiar glowing ball swirled in the air and the hooded kids approached us.

I believe this belongs to one of you.

"Us? Is that the butterflies soul?" I asked to which they all nodded.

What will happen to use if we accept?

You will be tasked to become the guardian of nature and Novaids, of course. The power of gifting and taking away the gift from the Goddess. There are negatives that come with becoming the Guardian of course.

Which are?

You are giving your soul and body to the Goddess, for her to control at times. No marriage or kids. But this job is important for the safety and future of everyone... even life itself.

I turned to Reese who looked at me. Her eyes stared into my soul and she shook her head, knowing what I was going to do. I turned to look at the kids and Reese grabbed my hand. 

M, no. Her eyes narrowed and I know she was only speaking to me. M.. I just got you back. If you leave again than all of this will be for nothing. I know it's selfish but you are my bestest friend  and I've waited too long just for you to be taken away once more. 

I stood silent unsure what to say. Reese stood looking at the ground before collapsing me into a bear hug. The words she said still burn into my hand and I accepted her hug. Jasper would never let me do this, even if she is dead.

"I know. Which is why I have another idea in mind," I whispered and she pulled back. She nodded and I looked at the kids with the robes. "I think it's best if you  four split it. Our job was just to save the Novaids, not become the savior of all." 

The four kids looked at each other before nodding. The ball of energy swirled into the sky before splitting into four pieces. It entered each kid and they looked at us. 

What about Mr. Boss man?    

The kids smiled, Leave that to us. Time unfroze and the kids voice rang through the air. Mr. Bosswood as the new Guardian we sentence you to treason. But we are not about violence. 

Mr. Bosswood stood up and was about to attack but Reese stopped him with a simple hand gesture. His body froze expect his head region. He glared at us and then asked, "What did you have in mind then? Whatever it is it won't stop me from just doing this all over again."

The kids looked at each other and smirked. Their private conversation amusing them. We are giving you a second chance at life. Your memories wiped and replaced with new. Before he could complain they flickered their hand and he was gone. They turned to the humans and they did the same gesture causing them to disappear. 

"What did you do to them?" I asked seeing at that was left was the Mutants. 

Home. Away from where they do not belong. 

What are we suppose to do? The war is over so why are we still here? 

The mutants whispered loudly, the air tense with worry. The kids looked at one another than spoke to the two of us only. It's still not safe for them to go back but with the two of you here you can help them. All of them. Not for war or experiments but to teach them. Help them learn about their identifies in a safe place. '

Reese furrowed her eyebrows together, her eyes laid back in annoyance. All of us just want to go home.

I nodded to her response. "We aren't teachers. If you ask every single one of them they'll want to go home."

Convince them then. Until the world accepts us for who we are we will not be safe.

Reese narrowed her eyes before sighing. I nodded allowing for her to continued. She raised her hands to the building. Welcome to Angels Academy.

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