6. Friends or Foes?

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"Reese! Reesssse!" I screamed, ignoring the fact that I could be caught also. I place my hands on my head and watch as they load her into the car. "No. No this can't be happening."

The men slammed the door close before they started talking to each other, one of them looks this way. It just occurred to me that I was standing in the street and was frantically yelling at the girl they just took.

I take off running towards the ally, heavy steps follow behind me. I grabbed unto the window ceil and pull myself up and in before slamming it shut.

Standing on the toilet I bend down but just enough to look down. The men run up carrying a bag and some guns but remain confused as they looked around the alley. They turn to each other before walking away. I breathe a sigh of relief just as a pair of hands wraps around my body and mouth.

"Grab the bag of darkness!" A male's voice yelled, which a assumed was the one holding me. I struggled against his arms, I tried to speak in protest but it muffled against his callused hand.

A annoyed female answered somewhere in the distance, "I said we weren't calling it that!"

"But-" Gripping my feet against the old tile floor, I shoved him backwards making him lose his balance. He fell to the old wooden floor cracking it before falling through. He glared at me with his green eyes before trying to push his body up that was stuck through.

A teenage girl walked in unaware what was going on looked surprised when she saw me. Her red hair went to her shoulders and her brown eyes went from me to the boy stuck in the floor.

Another girl popped from the corner holding a cloth bag in her hand, "I got the-" She lowered the bag out of my sight as she saw me standing over her friend.

"It's not what-"


A large metal pipe floated in the air as I fell gripping my head. A pair of arms held me up as they slipped the bag over my head. The bag of darkness consumed me as I lose concussions and start thinking about home.


I moved around in what I assumed to be a chair. The cloth was still on my hand and my legs and arms were tied down. "If I really have to then fine," A female voice mumbled before slapping someone's arm.

The male growled, "What! Oh." Footsteps inched closer then stopped right next to whatever was keeping me bound. The cloth was ripped off my face and a warm bright light was shined at my face.

I blinked a few times before my eyes settled on the bag girl. Her dark brown hair was a pixie cut and her blue eyes seemed to absorbed the orange glowing fire. She had two cat ears on her head that were the same color as her hair.

The orange ball of light hovered above her tanned colored hand before she tossed it aside to the match that she held in her other hand. The match was black on one side meaning it was used. She blew the fire out then tossed the match unto the ground.

"That's considered littering," I blurted out.

She cocked her head to the side revealing a green colored scale on her neck, "And who's going to stop me? You? The police?"

"Enough! What are you doing in here anyway?" The blond male stepped up pushing the girl out of the way. Two goat horns stuck out of his head. His blond hair looked like someone dumped a bunch of curly noodles on his head. He had a light tan on his skin which made his green eyes stand out.

"I was just running from these men, they-"

"Were they cops?" The blond boy asked looking me right in the face.

I shake my head, "But they-"

"Good. Least we don't have to worry about them looking here," the girl sighed in relief before pulling out a knife. "As you know you can't have you running off telling the cops about us."

I struggled in my chair as she leaned closer gripping my face. A surge of strength filled my body and the rope ripped apart. I grabbed her arm that held the knife and I looked her in the eye. She grabbed the knife in her other hand but I was way ahead of her, ripping the ropes apart and standing.


"I'm just like you," I pulled up my sleeves revealing the snake scales that coated most of my body. The two of them looked at each other and gave a apologetic look.

"You said these men were after you, why?" The red head said stepping out from behind the wall.

"Is she one of us too?" I asked.

The pixie girl looked at me, "There's no us. We are still human just... different."

"You didn't seem like that just a minute ago," I shot back and she glared at me.

"Precautionary measures."

I turned to look at the red head girl who had joined the circle, "They took my stepsister away. She had seen this boy from her thoughts and went to save him but it turned out that he was working with them."

"So she can read the future? Wouldn't she have seen it coming?" The blond said.

I can't tell them not yet, "It doesn't work that way. Besides the future isn't set in stone."

"Did you see who took your stepsister?"

"I don't know but they had this high tech bracelet on the boy."

The pixie hair girl looked at the male, "You don't think it was them?"

"Who? Who took her!?"


I take a step back, "No. No. We have to go get her! She might be hurt!"

"You need to calm down. We don't need you to make any irrational decisions," He said calmly.

"You're right. You're right," I run a hand through my hair. I just have to believe she can get through this. Once we form a plan we can go and bust them all out. The last thing we need is for us to get caught too.

"He took it way better than I thought he would," He said as he leaned against the table.

I looked at them all, "I never caught your guys names."

The pixie cut girl lifted her hand, "Alexis."

I raised my hand to shake it, "Mason."

"The name's Cameron," The noodle dude said giving me a bro hug.

"Jasper," The redhead nodded. Respecting her space I nodded back.

"Now that we all know each other what's the plan?" I said getting down to business.

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