C2: What's Your Name

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Hino's eyes blinked open to find herself on smooth, stone floors, trapped in a jail cell in what seemed to be a basement. She looked back to find her ankles were chained to the wall as well as her wrists. She gasped softly and instantly started trying to break out of them, but she just kept falling over and tripping. She bit at the chains and pulled at them, hoping to break them that way, but her jaws weren't nearly strong enough. She gasped and flinched, instantly running to a corner and hiding in the shadows as she heard a door open and slam shut, followed by heavy footfalls against the steps that lead to whatever basement she was trapped in.

It was some weird jail, but it was big enough for her to do laps around but was only a quarter of the size of the basement. She widened her eyes when she saw who it was approaching her with a bored but relaxed expression. His piercing, ice cold gaze. His ashy, black, spiky hair. The patches of burnt flesh attached to his skin, held together only by staples. He looked like a real-life zombie, in her eyes.

"Ah. You awoke. Good. I was wondering when you'd finally start moving around. I thought you died." His voice was so intimidating... Low, husky, but young, so it wasn't as deep as one would expect. Hino kept her gaze locked on his as he crouched near her and grabbed one of the chains, forcing her close to him. "Don't hide from me, Doll... that's no way to thank your savior, now, is it~?" He taunted.

Hino just lowered her ears and whined softly, as she didn't fully trust him, but he was the one who saved her from the villagers. She had to thank him somehow.

"So. What's your name, pretty thing~...? We both know you aren't just some wolf..." He smirked softly. Hino's fur bristled at the sight, but she just shifted back into herself and hesitantly spoke.

"....... Akuma Hino...." She mumbled. The male felt her wolf ear, which made her whimper and lower her ears from the sensitivity.

"Akuma... huh... I think I'll call you Toriko..." He growled, confusing Hino.

"T-Toriko...?" She mumbled.

"Means prisoner..." He smirked, making her blood run cold. Her fur bristled as he continued to look her over, tending to linger around her neck, which had yet to heal from the damage. "Dammit... Gonna have to replace those every week..." She heard him mutter. She hesitantly raised a hand to touch her neck and she gasped softly when she felt metal lines along her wound. When she removed her hand, she lowered her ears at the sight of blood. "Hey, don't act so surprised. Be glad I saved your life. Ungrateful b*tch..." She heard him utter before he stood up and started walking back up the stairs.

"W-wait! Why am I down here?!" Hino tried to call to him. He paused and glanced at her.

"...... Because you're mine. And no one else's." He answered simply before continuing to walk upstairs.

"Then at least tell me your name! What's your name?" Hino asked, still being the naïve little girl she was. Even with Katsuki's help, she was still just a little girl with little knowledge on the outside world. He paused again and chuckled darkly before looking at her with a chilling smirk.

"Well... Most call me Dabi. But you can call me... Master..." He winked at her before leaving and locking her in the basement.


Hino lightly tugged on her chain and sniffed around in her wolf form before she flinched, hearing Dabi come downstairs with some food. She thought it was for her, so she yelped softly and tried to go towards him, to which he just gave her a weird look.

"The hell's up with you?" He huffed. She whined and barked as she tried to go up to him, but the chain held her back. He smirked and sat on the floor just out of reach. "Oh, you think this is for you?" He taunted with a smirk. She whined softly as he took a bite of his food. "Dumba— dog..." He muttered to himself. Hino shifted back into herself and just glared at him. "What. Is that supposed to intimidate me? Heh. Good luck with that one, puppy," he taunted with a smirk.

"Why can't I eat....? I'm hungry..." She whined softly.

"I'm hungrier. Too damn bad." He took another bite of his food. "Besides, you're under my care. Therefore you live under my rules. I'm being nice enough to grant you my basement as a hideout from all the bad men outside, so why are you disrespecting me by asking for what's mine when I've already given you plenty?" He scoffed.


"Shut up. You'll eat in time. That I can promise." Hino's ears lowered and she glanced down at the floor before she finally nodded softly. "Good." Hino almost flinched at the sound of his voice. The way he spoke with so much distain. As if she was a burden he was forced to bear.

Once he finished eating, he ordered her to clean his plate, allowing her to eat the scraps as he went upstairs again. Hino timidly started licking up the food on his plate, gnawing at the scraps and trying to make it last before she shuffled to her corner and laid down.

"...... I don't think he's here to save me...."

A/n: OML I FINALLY PUBLISHED THIS ONE. Didn't really know where I wanted to go with it, since the majority of Hino's past is gonna be the same scheduled thing, so I'm tryna spice things up a bit, so I guess this was just a chapter to get y'all filled in on the situation to better understand what this man does to her 😀 Sooooo I'll see how fast I can get the third chapter up, but for now, keep in mind, I still have pretty bad writer's block, so updates may be slower than anticipated as opposed to last year. Love y'all! 🫶

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