Bonus Chapter

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This is the bonus chapter for 100 reads everyone! Great job on getting this far! It's gonna be a Halloween special since today is Halloween! It's when Mirayuki was 10 and Shirayuki was 7. Mirayuki sneaks down Shirayuki's town and meets her for the first time in 7 years. Of course Skirayuki just thinks it's someone whose new in town.

(Mirayuki's point of view)

I was dressed up as a warrior from the lions. I had sneaked out of my house and travel all the way to see my sister. I "accidentally" bumped into her knocking out some of my candy from my bag.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't really watching where I was going!" Shirayuki apologized frantically while bowing towards me.

I rubbed the back of my head and gave a slightly awkward smile at her. "No I'd say it's my fault, I don't really know where I'm going." I chuckle a bit before extending my hand towards her."I'm M-Maria."

"Nice to meet you Maria! I'm Shirayuki." She responded and took my hand in hers.

"Do you think you could show me around Shirayuki?" I asked politely with a smile on my face.

"Ok come on we can go trick-or-treating together!" Shirayuki grabbed my hand a pulled me along with her. I laughed a bit from her excitement.

Once our bags were full Shirayuki asked me if she would ever see me again. I replied to her "Maybe one day I will again." I hug her before running off.

Once I got home my father's instant lecture almost made me want to go back and hang out with Shirayuki some more. But father made sure I wouldn't escape for awhile. He put a guard at my door and for two weeks I wasn't allowed outside of my room. But I'd say I'd do it again any day beside it was totally worth it.

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