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" Hey, remember... You always wanted twins.. "

" Yeah... and remember we already have one... " Mehr said while resting on bed reading her book.

Mehr pointed at the 3 years old twin boys who were sleeping next to her.

" Well, you wanted three kids... How about we try for another? " Miran walked towards her and kissed her cheeks.

Mehr glared at him and said,

" I'll sleep... " Mehr kept her book on the side table and laid down.

Miran stood near her and kneeled down to face her.

" Come on... Kids are asleep... "

" But I think 2 are enough. You know how much they trouble me... " Mehr pouted while complaining.

" Fine. I'll scold them for troubling you. So, let's have baby girl. Someone who will be your bff in future... " Miran held her hands and kissed the knuckles.

" Fine... " Mehr smiled and kissed his cheek.

" But we have one problem... " Miran whispered making a worried face.

" What? " Mehr sat down on floor next to him and asked.

" How would I know that this will result in the production of twins? "

Mehr kept looking at him and then started laughing.

" What? " Miran asked confused.

" You must be kidding me... I never thought about it... " Mehr looked worried and Miran side hugged her.

" Hey, it's okay if you don't want one more... " Mehr nodded at Miran's words.

" I want more, Miran. I love kids. " Mehr whispered and Miran smirked.

" So... where are we gonna do it? " Miran asked looking at the bed where kids were sleeping.

" In other room... " Mehr suggested.

" But what if kids wake up and disturbed our romance? " Mehr asked.

" Then they'll learn how they were born... "

" Miran!! " Mehr slapped his shoulder hard.
Miran chuckled. Mehr and Miran were watching each other smile when they heard,

" Mom is hitting Dad... "

" Awww they are awake... " Miran placed the twins on his lap while sitting on the bed. Mehr sat beside him.

" Who needs tickle? " Miran asked in sweet voice and started tickling the twins who were giggling and laughing. Mehr was watching them bond and smiled.

" How about Mom? " One of the twins asked.

" No, baby. Mom cannot have tickle... "

" Why? " Miran asked worried.

" It's just... " Mehr shrugged her shoulders.

" Something is wrong, isn't it? "

" I don't think so... " Mehr placed Miran's hand on her abdomen and whispered,

" I think, it's something right. Your dream came true a week ago... "

" Huh? " Miran was taken aback with the sudden surprise.

Mehr passed the report to Miran and saw the sonography picture.

" Is Mom sick? " The twins asked in unison.

" No, baby. " Mehr caressed their heads and they giggled.

Miran kept the report aside and said to kids,

" It's time for bed, boys!! "

Miran laid down the kids in bed of their room and took hold of Mehr's hand when he entered their room. He pulled her a little for her to stand. Miran kneeled down and kissed her abdomen.

" Why didn't you tell me before? " Miran asked Mehr.

" Because I wanted to surprise you later. But then I thought it's the perfect moment. You know like when you want something and you get it fulfilled in few minutes. " Mehr replied sitting on the bed.
Miran nodded and kissed her forehead.

" I have never felt so happy and satisfied before. Thank you Mehr for coming into my life. " Miran said and kissed her cheeks and her hands.

" Well, if you remember clearly, it was you who entered my life. So, I am grateful to have you in my life, Miran. Thank you for loving me, taking care of me and cherishing me with your smooshes. " Mehr replied and kissed her cheeks like he kisses hers.

" I love you! "

" I too, love you!! "


*****     *****     *****

The End!


Author's Note

Assalamualaikum Warehmatullahi Wabarakatuh!

How are you guys?
It's been a long since I updated a chapter.
This story was in my mind since my 12th board English final exam. I woke up at around 3 or 4 AM and started writing the plot of this book under different title though.
Funny story: while I was writing this, my brother woke up and asked what's so important that you are writing it now. I was like it's a story plot. Maybe I'll use it in my English exam. He nodded and slept but woke up again half and hour later and saw me writing still. He sat up and wanted to read it but some how I managed to hid this story. Recently while cleaning my cupboard I found the register where I wrote it and I smiled reading it. I thought why not to publish it now. And when every chapters were typed, I announced the week daily update.
It was fun experience.

I hope you all will enjoy reading this story.

Thank you!

Don't give up! Keep working on it!

Iram Khan.

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