New Girl

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When shadow returned to school she looked just like she always did, pale and with her mask. The only difference was now everyone was far more wary of her but tried to hide it. shadow noticed it but said nothing...of course. One day however the popular kids approached her when she was sitting underneath a tree during lunch. As usual, shadow prepared for their antics but all she heard was someone clear their throat.

"Um... shadow?"

She looked up to the voice in confusion, he sounded nervous... and wasn't Dakota. In fact, the whole bully squad was there except him. Shadows confusion was evident and the boy must have understood it.

"Oh, um my name is Brandon, and I'm sure you recognize us. You must be wondering where Dakota is."

She nodded her head and waited for a response.

"Well you see we wanted to make peace with you, but he still wanted to hurt you... so we decided to kick him."

Her eyes were wide now, hope might just be here.

"And as a way to show we mean it, we worked together and made you this."

One of the boy handed him a box which he handed to her. She was scared of it but decided to risk it. When she opened it she was stunned in dispaleaf, her eyes welling up with tears. Inside was a piece of black cloth made of soft, silky fabric. Embroidered on it was the words 'true hero' in gold, and circled it in her family's magic type symbol, and written in smaller print, the word 'voxmancer' in deep red.

"Your mask just didn't feel like it fit your style, plus it kinds holds some unpleasant memories. So we hope this is a proper apology and made it a bit your own."

Shadow was genuinely touched by this, she shed a few tears. She was a bit confused about one thing. She pointed to the word voxmancer and looked to them for an answer. They gave her an excited smile, and Brandon told her.

"Well we wanted to write the name of your magic on it but when we looked for its name we couldn't find one. It seems no one else has your type of power, so we made a name for it. We'll go so you can put it on if you want to."

The boys turn to leave but stopped when they heard a hmm from behind them. They turn and see shadow looking at them, and go back to standing closer. She waited a moment before lifting her hands and slipping off her mask. The boys gasped as she looked back at them with mixed emotions in her eyes. Slowly, and probably painfully, shadow gave them a smile the best she could through her stitches.

She delicately lifted the new mask and tentatively placed it on her face. She looks over and gives them a look of surprise and joy. The mask was so soft and fit perfect, and it showed her true personality.

"Well, I'm thrilled you like it! Umm, would you mind if we sat here with you?"

Shadow gave a quick nod and the group sat around her and ate lunch. They asked her tons of fun and silly questions and she tried to answer the best she could. That day, when she went home, the girls questioned the new mask and shadow replied with Alice's telepathic connection.

"Some people can change, and let you see the real you. I'm not the girl with a voice that can murder, I'm the girl with a powerful voice."

(My art)

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