You Say S.H.I.E.L.D, I Say Knife

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~Three months since the "Successful Serum"~

I stare at the metal door sort of zoning out. As my mind wanders I start to think of "what ifs". Like what if I had never been kidnapped? Who were my parents? We're they even still alive? And if they were, do they even still care about me? No, of course not...I'm a monster now... No one can love a monster.... My eyes glance to my hand, breaking my train of thought, and I realize that I had "summoned" fire and was just having it dance between my fingers. I smiled a bit. It reminded me to still have hope, but that thought seemed to fade quite quickly. I wonder how the outside world is doing? Are there any superheroes that can save me? Is there a family out there that would accept me now? For who I am today? I start to chuckle. "No...I will always be feared...." I murmur to myself.

Just then I hear the tumblers click and I extinguish my small flame. The male opens the door and asks tiredly for me to just get up and follow him. I give him a curious look and ask "What the hell's wrong with you?". He just sighs and answers "Look, I've had a rough day...If you cooperate this'll be over in an hour." He explains simply. I shrug thinking 'What the hell...' And get up, following him. "We've got a new serum but...this was made around....maybe eight years ago?" The scientist pauses and counts on his fingers. "Yeah, that sounds about right. Ready?" He questions gesturing to the table. "Wait, why have you never used this until now?" I asked slightly worried. He just shrugs. "Alyssa made this before I came along and only showed it to me once, saying that it was the closest she's ever been to successfully making the CA Serum. Though with that said I personally thought that we'd use this on you first, but I guess not." He sighs grabbing the vial of purple liquid and putting it into a syringe. I had so many questions but before I could even open my mouth he jabbed it into my arm and whispered "I'm sorry."

I wake up, my vision blurry. I shake my head clearing my mind. Then it all comes back to me. "But that doesn't make any fucking sense?!" I practically scream in confusion, but then I hear yelling. I get close to the door to listen. "How could you let her die?! That isn't even possible anyways! She's supposed to be immortal!" I heard Alyssa scream assumingly at Andrew. "Well Alyssa, I don't know what to tell you! I used the serum you wanted me to!" Andrew yells back at her. I then hear glass shattering like someone threw something? No, turned over something. "You fucking liar.... YOU MOTHER FUCKING LIAR!!!" I hear Alyssa scream. "You didn't use the vial I gave you! You gave her poison!!!" "I couldn't take it anymore Alyssa! I couldn't watch her be tortured anymore!" Andrew yells.

As I listen to that horrid conversation I realize that this could be my chance. My chance to escape. My chance to be free. I then realize what I was hearing. Andrew waited THIS LONG to kill me?! My happiness turned into rage and that goes to my powers. I blast the door off with my fire and scream. "YOU WAITED THIS FUCKING LONG TO KILL ME?!" I roar and throw Alyssa against a wall with flames successfully knocking her out. "Y-your eyes..." Andrew chokes out. I glance toward the reflective metal wall and see that my eyes were red matching the intensity of the flames on my hands. I smile insanely and slowly start to walk toward him. I feel the wings that I had acquired awhile back tear my skin and grow out from my back. "How dare you do this to me. First you torture me and turn me into a monster and then and only then you decide "Oh I think she's had enough after eight years of torture." Well then, now you're gonna feel my pain." I say as I start burning his face. He screams in pain and that wakes up Alyssa. She pulls a lever that sounds an alarm. "Good luck running, monster!" She yells. I drop Andrew and Alyssa sees him. She screams, gets up and runs. I run after her.

We make it outside and I stop. I take it all in. The breeze, the sounds, the warm air, and....the beautiful night sky. Once I snapped out of my trance, Alyssa was lost. And I saw and heard sirens and police cars and.... A helicopter?! As soon as I heard the chopper I bolted. I pressed my wings against my  back and run to the forest. I hear many sets of footsteps behind me. I can't get captured again. Not when I've just now escaped. I keep running and running but I hear a gunshot. I wince at the noise and then feel something rap around my legs. I fall hard on the ground and I quickly try to untie the trap, but I'm too late. A search light shines down on me and guns are pointed at my body. A black guy with an eyepatch walks up to me. "Hello there, I'm Nick Fury, and this." He gestures to the men with guns. "Is S.H.I.E.L.D." He says to me offering me a hand.

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