Chapter 4: I Didn't Know That We Weren't Allowed to Use Earphones

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CHAPTER 4: I Didn't Know That We Weren't Allowed to Use Earphones

As I got to school, I quickly headed down towards the office where an old lady was sitting. "Hey, I'm a new student here. I'm Nylin Miller," I murmured softly. "I was wondering if I could get my class schedule and locker number?" Okay, I may be a bitch, but I know when to keep my moodiness in check. Plus, I don't socialize well with new people. It's just weird.

"Sure, just give me a minute, Nylin," she gave me a warm smile, typing away on the computer, most likely looking for my information. I nodded and exhaled, not knowing I was holding my breath the whole time.

"Here you go, honey," she says, handing a small piece of paper. "This is your locker combination. If you want to change the passcode, just set all the numbers back to zero first, then pick the numbers you want. After that, you're all set! Do you have any more questions?"

I timidly shook my head, "No, I understood everything. Thank you so much for the help Ms.-"

"Mrs. Williams," she smiles back.

I gave her a nod, "Thank you, Mrs. Williams."

With that said, I walked down the direction of my locker whilst checking the schedule I had been given. I immediately groaned at the sight of AP Math being my first period after Homeroom. As I scanned the rest of my classes, I realized that it was bad at all. I had AP Chem and Biology, Psychology, French, Gym, and two periods. I was ecstatic to have this kind of schedule. I probably had fewer classes than normal because I finished so many units the past two years in the classes I enrolled myself in online. I don't regret it one bit. My hard work paid off, I grinned to myself.

I made my way to Homeroom when I bumped into someone. Of all the people it could've been, it just had to be Zach? Could my life get any worse?

The schedule I held was gone in a flash, where it's now being compared to Zach's own. "I guess you're going to see a lot more of me around." were the first words that flew from his mouth.

I looked at him, clearly confused. He decided to help my poor self out by explaining, "We have the exact same schedule."

My eyes almost bugged out of my sockets, my entire world crashing down before me. I spoke too soon, I muttered to myself. Apparently, life could get worse, way worse. I remembered that Zach was still here, and I simply looked at him blankly. "Is that supposed to mean anything to me? Am I supposed to be happy with the thought that I'm going to be stuck with you everywhere? Is it supposed to make me feel safe? Relieved?"

I internally winced as the smile on his face vanished, replaced by immense sadness. I wanted to stop the next words I said, but I couldn't. "Don't look at me like that." I gestured at his facial expressions. "I'm not the same girl you once knew. I'm not going to follow you like a puppy wanting to get your attention. That girl is long gone, so stop treating me like her. I think it's a few years too late to try and get her back." I didn't know if I was disappointed at the fact that he was too late to save me, or if I was elated with the satisfaction from his reaction. I walked away, my heart hurting, knowing it was my fault he now had a pained expression on his face. I'm sorry, my heart whispered, but I was too far gone to even consider looking back at him.

I entered the room, quietly scanning for a place to sit. Luckily, there was a vacant one next to the window. A perk of being the 'new girl' is that no one wanted to sit next to me, thank heavens for that.

Zach joined the class right before the teacher was about to call my name for attendance. I internally groaned when he sat right next to me. I did not want anything to do with him. I fished my earphones that were connected to my phone out of the pocket of my backpack and put it on, blasting some One Direction to avoid having any conversations with him or anyone in general.

Later on, did I realize that it wasn't such a good idea. Mr. Adams, he introduced himself as in the beginning of the class, stopped right in front of me, "Ms. Miller, what do you think you're doing?"

I bit back a curse, forgetting about the teacher's presence. It wasn't even technically a class if I'm being honest. Not being able to give a snarky remark because I wanted to stay low this school year, I sighed and plastered an innocent look on my face with a small grin. "I'm sorry, Mr. Adams. I'm new here, and I've been homeschooled the past few years," I lied. "I didn't know that we weren't allowed to use our earphones," I gave him an apologetic smile.

Thankfully, he fell for it. I am a great actor after all. I just can't believe I told him and the rest of the class I was homeschooled. I scoffed lightly to myself, homeschool by behind. "Just don't do it again, Ms. Miller." After giving him a meek nod and putting the earphones away, he went back to the front, satisfied with my actions, and resumed his announcements.

Zach leaned in my ear and whispered, "Just wait, Nys. Sooner or later, I'm going to find out what you're hiding and everything that happened to you, even if it's the last thing I do."

Fear suddenly crept in me because I knew that I liked him. I always have, ever since I was a kid but I know that he deserves way better. I want him safe, together with my family. What's worse was that he didn't say it like it was a threat. He said it like it was a promise he intended to keep.

I smirked and faced him, scanning his face. "What makes you think I'm going to let you?"

His confident stance faltered, making me shake my head and turn away from him. As soon as the bell rang, I rushed out of my seat and headed towards my next class.


My morning classes flew by without any discomforts, thank goodness. Zach left me alone, but if I'm being honest, I think I just hurt him too much. I entered the canteen but promptly exited at the sight of the long line. Grumbling to myself, I went out to the field and sat at the hidden spot behind the bleachers. If I couldn't eat, I might as well just try to get some rest. I took my phone and earphones out, blasting music in my ears once again, then rested my head on the side of the bleacher.

I started to drift off, contemplating today. I was never used to so many people, much less a school. In comparison to the last five years, this is a huge adjustment for me. I was hoping to have a nice, quiet school year but that didn't seem possible seeing as Zach is in all my classes. No matter how much I act like everything is alright, all of this is taking a toll on me. Zach has always been my soft spot, my weak spot, and he knows this. If he didn't, he wouldn't be so confident like he was earlier today. I'm scared that if he tries like he said he will, I'm scared that I'll break and tell him everything. I shook myself from those thoughts. The effect he has on me will never compare to my desperate need to save them all from the danger I'm putting them through. This is the vow I made to myself right at that moment. No one will ever know about my past if I want to keep them safe. All my secrets will die with me. I would rather die than to see any of them in harm's way.

My thoughts were broken off when someone kept on tapping my shoulder. My eyes blinked open to see Aiden and Zach standing there right in front of me. It irked me to see them there, smiling without a care in the world. Was it too much to ask to be left alone?

"Why are you here?" My tone unpleasant as I sat upright.

"We just wanted to catch up with you, Nys. Have you eaten yet?" Aiden cocked his head to the side, curious.

"Have you seen the line in there?" I said, pointing at the doors leading to the cafeteria. "I'm not an idiot. If I stand there and wait for my turn, I wouldn't even have the time to eat the foot I lined up for."

"But what about lunch?" Zach chimed.

I roll my eyes, "I'll live without it. It's not the first time I've had to miss lunch."

Aiden sighs, "Nys, are you sick?"

"I just don't feel like putting up with that long line, and you think I'm sick?" I snapped. "Thanks for the concern I didn't ask for, Aiden." I stood up, patting my jeans for any dirt, and swung my bag over my shoulder. I started walking away but felt guilty, so I turned around to face them. "I just really don't feel like eating, okay? I didn't mean to snap at you." I muttered and the small smiles on their faces was enough for me to walk away without a care in the world.

Off to my next class, I thought.

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