Chapter 7: Ashley Has Arrived

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CHAPTER 7: Ashley Has Arrived

The moment I entered the house, I rushed up the stairs, banging my door shut lightly. I immediately regret that as my shoulder throbbed even more than it already was. "Dammit!" I let out a frustrated sigh. I slowly walked over to my bed and softly sat down, reminiscing everything that I've just been through. I let my good arm reach towards my bedside drawer where I store all of my first aid. Taking the bandage, I slowly wrapped it around my shoulder, wincing.

There was no way I could fight in this state. This dampened my mood significantly. I told them to wait for me in that bar, and now I'll look incompetent; a show-off. I pressed my head to the pillow, screaming. The next thing I know, I was engulfed in darkness.

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I blinked my eyes open, immediately groaning as bright sunlight shone directly at me and pain racking through my body. I slowly sit up, my good arm supporting my shoulder. I quietly cursed at myself for being so stupid. I skipped dinner and that probably made my pain worse. I even forgot to apply some cream that would help loosen up my now stiff shoulder.

"Damn it," I sighed. I thought I was over this. I thought I was over my fear of him.

I was about to get up and ready for school when the soft creaking of the door startled me. There stood Ashdan, looking me up and down in concern.

"Are you okay, Nys?" He approached me cautiously. His question was valid. I probably looked like the zombie of death right now.

I nodded mutely, still surprised that he was here. After a few beats of silence, I decided to ask the question that was lingering in my mind. "What are you doing here?" I winced at my tone so I added, "I mean, aren't you supposed to be in college?"

He gave me a sad smile. "That's right, Nys. I took the semester off though. I wanted to be here with you. I missed my baby sister."

I did not expect that response. Tears slowly filled my eyes as Ashdan wrapped his arms around me. "I'm here," he whispered. "I'm never letting you go again," he swore. "It hurt too much when you were gone. It was never the same." His words were like tiny daggers to my heart. Why didn't he try to see me, then? Try to call me?

I wasn't in the mood to put up a front though. However, I couldn't really sympathize as much knowing the fact that he never came for me. I mustered enough courage to mutter, "I missed you too, Ashdan."

I slowly stepped away from the embrace that was getting too long for my liking. Ashdan's face has brightened considerably in comparison to the cautious, unsure expression he had when he entered my room.

"Go get ready for school," he said. "I'm driving the three of you." he grinned as I raised an eyebrow at him.

He started walking out the door and shouted, "30 minutes, Nylin!"

My eyes bugged at his statement, and I started rushing to my closet to grab some clothes until pain shot up my arm, reminding me of my current demeanor. I groaned for the umpteenth time, before slowing down.

After about 20 minutes of getting ready and tending to my shoulder, I headed downstairs to see Laura on her way to the kitchen as well. She narrowed her eyes at me, making me purse my lips, and send a timid nod her way before continuing my way.

"Ashdan!" I called out. "Are we leaving yet?"

I entered the kitchen to see Aiden and Zach staring at me with disbelief while Ashdan had a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. I could only assume they were talking about me. I got handed a BLT sandwich. I pumped my fist, grinning, and kissed Ashdan briefly on the cheek. "Thank you," I piped up as he responded quickly with "No problem."

I started eating and looked up at the two troublemakers. They looked at each other, then at me, and back at each other, before both pointing an accusatory finger at me.

"Who are you, and what have you done to my twin," Aiden demanded.

Meanwhile, Zach was there protesting too. "We've been nice to you since you came back. Talking to you and being with you and all. In response, we get snippy replies and glares!"

Aiden fuels Zach's complaints too. "Yeah! All of a sudden, Ashdan is back, and you're all nice and chirpy. What gives?"

I looked at them with big eyes before looking at Ashdan.

In a triumphant tone, Ashdan said, "Guess we all know who she loves the most."

"I refuse to accept that! I'm her twin!"

"No way! I'm always nice to Nylin."

They all looked at me for answers. I simply shrugged, giving them a small smile, a teasing glimmer in my eyes. "I'll wait in the car!" I told them before walking out of the kitchen.

You're probably wondering what the hell is happening. I only had the rest of the week left. It's Wednesday right now, and honestly? I'm not spending the rest of the days I have with my brothers sulking and putting up my cold facade. I get in the passenger seat of the car, knowing they'd cause a riot calling shotgun.

'I'm going to act like me, the old me. Pretend like I never changed and act as though I never lost the innocence I once had.' I promised myself, mentally scoffing. I can pretend all I want, but I knew it wouldn't change anything. By next week, my fate will be sealed, and it is anything but a fantasy wonderland.

Voices started getting louder as I looked up to see the three guys walking towards the car. As soon as Aiden and Zach saw where I was, they narrowed their eyes at me, ready to pull me away from the seat. Before they could try to make me move, Ashdan called out to them, "Nylin's riding shotgun. Both of you babies sit at the back of the car."

I pumped my fist in the air and gave both Zach and Aiden a victorious smile. "I win. I win," I chanted. "You lose, you snooze."

The both of them grumbled, rolling their eyes before hopping in the car.

"Let's just go," my twin said.

"Yeah, yeah, you sourpuss," my elder brother replied as we took off.

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As soon as Ashdan dropped us off, all three of us started bickering again. I got strange looks from the students walking in the hallways. I mean, seeing me interact with my brother and another one of the most popular guys in school would do that; especially after giving a 'bad girl' kind of aura the past week.

"We'll walk you to your locker and class," Aiden told me as Zach nodded his head in approval.

"But-" I started but immediately got cut off.

"End of discussion," Zach dismissed.

I rolled my eyes and turned to my locker when I heard a familiar cheery voice. I looked to see it was--

"Ashley!" Zach hollered, looking all elated and excited.

She turned towards us and waved until her eyes landed on me. Her jaw dropped, a series of emotions flickering past her eyes.

No, no, no, no, no. This cannot be happening. Why is she here? I never knew that Ashley Carter still lived here or even went to school here. Where has she been for the past weeks that I've been here?

"Aisly?" I whispered, frozen. I still couldn't believe that it was my childhood best friend standing right there. She was just opposite the hall from me.

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Nylin is amazing. That was the only thing running through my mind ever since the car ride to school. It was almost as though she was back to her old self; at least, as much as the 13-year-old Nylin I used to know.

Right now though, my eyes caught this tiny brunette girl that I missed really badly. I couldn't help but shout, "Ashley!"

Her face lit up as she came to me, and in the corner of my eye, I could see Aiden looking at her in awe. I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle at his smitten look. He's probably loved this girl for as long as he could remember. For the life of me, I have no idea why he still hasn't asked her out. It's been what, 11 years now?

Before I could continue my trail of thoughts about Aiden being in love with Ashley, I was jumped by the said woman. I laughed freely, hugging her and lifting her off the ground.

"Miss me?" I teased. I could vaguely hear Nys' shocked voice at the sight of her childhood best friend.

"Yes, yes, yes," Ashley bounced up and down all giddy once I set her down.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Really? So where are my presents?"

She pouted, "I didn't know I had to get you anything."

I rolled my eyes and grunted, "I told you to get me something from your trip, Lee."

She laughed at my reaction before shoving me. "I didn't forget, you knucklehead. Do you really think I wouldn't get my geek, roman myth-loving brother from another mother, anything from Rome, Italy?"

All right, all right. I admit that I'm a sucker for mythology, especially the Greek and Roman ones. One Percy Jackson fan at your service. "Whatever. I missed you too, my dancer, music-loving sister from another mother," I mocked.

She stuck her tongue out at me then turned to Aiden. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Hey, Aid! How've you been?" she beamed, showing him her pearly white teeth. I scoffed at her acting all shy. I swear they should just get together. There were a few beats of silence from Aiden's part. I just sighed and shook my head at him.

Ashley saw Nylin beside Aiden, still gaping at the one and only Ashley Carter. Her attention was quickly diverted away from Aiden. If you watched Ashley carefully, you could see hurt flashing through her features before masking it with a tight smile. "Hi, Nylin. Long time no see."

'Oh, boy,' I thought. This is going to be a fiasco.

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My heart felt like it was ready to jump out of my ribcage. She was back. She was finally back. Ashley Carter, the love of my life. Well, the love of my life from afar. Okay, in my defense, I don't want to ruin anything between us.

As she talked to Zach animatedly, I felt a surge of jealousy boiling inside of me. I shook the feeling off. Zach's my best friend, my brother. He knew about my feelings for her, and I knew that he and Lee were like long-lost siblings.

I glanced at Nylin who was standing beside me, shell-shocked. I didn't miss a kind of emotion I can't deter flashing through her eyes briefly. I wonder what's running through her mind right now. I was immediately pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a small serene voice saying, "Hey, Aid! How've you been?"

I stared at the petite brunette standing a few steps away from me. All I wanted to do was stride over to her and pull her into my arms. Instead, I stood there awkwardly saying nothing at all.

I rolled my eyes when I saw Zach's reaction. He motioned for me to say something in return, but before I could, Ashley had already noticed my twin standing next to me.

Hurt flashes on Lee's soft features. However, she covered it up with a small, polite smile. "Hi, Nylin. Long time no see."

I glanced at them back and forth, from a shocked sister to a very hurt Ashley. I felt like one of them was going to explode.

I looked at Zach as he shrugged helplessly, also having no idea how to diffuse the situation.

Lucky for us, the bell rang, and Ashley started panicking. "Oh gosh, I still have to grab my books! I'll catch you guys later during lunch."

She gave Zach a quick hug and a smile to Nys. What shocked me was when she came up to me and pecked me on the cheek. My eyes were probably as wide as saucers as my cheeks heated up.

"Bye, guys!" Ashley scampered away to her locker, leaving me standing there like an idiot.

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