Chapter 1- We're back!

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(Mirayuki's point of view)

"Izana!" I stomped over to him as he tried to walk away and ignore me. We were currently walking through the halls of the palace. Of course at the top level where only nobles and other important people had clearance. So normally it wasn't to busy, especially now because everyone knows about me and Izana's tendency of yelling at each other. After the first couple screaming matches most people try to stay clear of the place but you'll still see a few people who have no idea and will come in unknowingly to give us information... only to run away in fear of being ripped apart.

"What!" He yelled at me as he turned around and glared. I just glared right back, I wasn't scared of him. After all before I met him I was a Lion, in second command no less, a simple glare and yell wouldn't frighten me. Now I know that I shouldn't glare or scream at him, he is my husband and I love him dearly. But sometimes he's just so... so Infuriating! He thinks he knows everything, which news flash he doesn't!

"Why are you so against Adoption!" I yelled with blinding white fury. You see me and him have been fighting over this for weeks. We both agree that we want to start a family. But we don't agree on how, I want to adopt a child and then later on we can have a baby of our own. But he for some reason is so dead set on having our own child and waiting awhile before adopting.

I shove the adoption papers in his hands, originally I was only wanting to adopt on child. But I found out the one I wanted to adopt had a twin sister. Of course right away I wanted to adopt both. The thing that attracted me to them at first were their eyes, they both had bright Golden Eyes... Just like mine, and I feel as though I need to protect them. But the more I read their file the more I knew it was meant to be. But Izana refuses to sit down for a single moment to even discuss it.

The oldest had long Strawberry Blonde hair and her name was Ritsuka. Her younger twin by about two minutes is Reiko. They were dropped off at the orphanage at the age of two, after their mother and father passed away in another Kingdom. One I had quite frequently visited known as Aripo, they were an ally to Clarines and Tanbarun. Aripo was one of true many places where I previously held the title, friend of the crown. Now while the title isn't erased, it was replaced when Izana and I married.

"Mira, I already told you-" I cut of his never ending speech about how he tells me something so I should just listen to him. Like that logic would ever work on me, o can't just listen when I have no explanation.

"But you haven't explained to me why!" I screamed and felt tears streak down my face. I had no idea why all of this meant so much to me, maybe it was God's plan *Or a weirdo author* but I wanted to adopt those kids and I was gonna do what ever it took.

"Mira..." His face softened at the sight of my tears. He took one step forward but something held him back. Why, why does he hold back from me... his wife.

"Please Zana..." I trailed off as I wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to comfort myself. I stood there with my tears and an awful coldness washed over me, one I never thought I would have to experience again.


(Obi's point of view)

"Obi!!! Over here!" I heard someone yell my name. I smiled already knowing who was calling me name. I turned around and sure enough my lovely Girlfriend was waving her hands at me.

I walked over to meet her only to be tackled by her. I wrapped my arms around her small little waist. I leaned down next to her ear and whispered "Hello my little Rem, how was your test at the herbalist school?"

"Got another A, I'm so close now to becoming a herbalist. Not to mention it means I'll be able to work with Shirayuki!" She wrapped her tiny hands around my neck and kissed my check.

"I'm so proud of you Rem." She giggled and slowly removed herself out of my embrace. She never was one to show to much affection out in public. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a little blanket with a Picnic basket.

"You know you didn't have to do all this."

"Yes but I wanted to, your always working so I wanted to make this special." Rem replied and I frowned. I had been working a lot for Zen, I had never thought what that might mean for us.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I'm at school a lot to anyways so it just makes these moments even more special."

"Your right, your always right." I tapped her nose making her blush. I chuckled at her cuteness making her playfully slapping my chest.

"Obi! Obi!" A guard came running yelling my name. I groaned internally, why can't I have a nice relaxing moment with my girlfriend. Even if it was just every once in awhile I want to be able to hold her and speak with her. To do things a couple can and should do, is that to much to ask of a man in my station.

"Not now Rupert." It took two heartbreaks for me to finally find someone to fix it... Please just let me have something world.

"Obi! Prince Zen is sick and the herbalists are out of town! We need you to go and get them!"

"What!" I jumped up very quickly, you see Shirayuki felt so bad about some of the poor towns we had visited so she talked the herbalists into visiting those towns once every two months.

"I'll try to stabilize him while you go and get Shirayuki. After all I'm a herbalist in training and I'm at the top of my class." Remi told the guard and nodded towards me. They took off towards the castle as I ran to my horse before jumping on and started my way to Shirayuki.

(Mirayuki's point of view)

"What!" I yelled as the guard told us about Zen. Me and Izana had been arguing about kids again.

"Where is he? Who's taking care of him?" Izana asked clearly worried. I remember a time when he wouldn't have shown his emotions like this... if it weren't for this misfortune I would smile at the thought. No one ever saw emotions from him until I came into town looking for my sister.

"He's in his chambers and Mira your friend Remi is currently taking care of him." I nodded as we began to leave but the guard stopped us.

"I will tell you though Remi says she thinks he's been... poisoned." I gasped in shock.

"H-how?" I asked shakily.

"We're not sure..." the guard replied and I frowned, who would do this?

"Thank you for telling us." Izana bowed before grabbing my hand and ran with us to Zen's chambers.

Well before you say anything I know and I'm sorry that it took so long. But honestly when I made that goal awhile back I never though that y'all would crush it. Now I have over 1,000 Votes and almost 30k reads. Thank you everyone it brings me some much joy. Now then everyone until next time this is MESparks signing off.


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