Chapter 6- Young Love

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(Mirayuki's point of view)
Flashback episode to when she was thirteen...

I stood crouched to the ground low, my sword held horizontally in my hand. Meanwhile my opponent, Shun, held his stance bending one knee forward with a straight knee back. The opposite of mine with my back knee bent and front straight.

His sword was behind him, both me and shun were very quick in this dance, however I was offensive and he was defensive.

I sprang to life bringing my sword past my shoulder preparing to strike, he made no movements obviously waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

On the last second I swiveled my foot turning to go at a different angle. He blocked it easily, and made a move to kick me on the gut. I jumped away going back into my stance. He shifted to an attack stance, springing towards me, I shifted to a defensive position. Blocking his attacking and attempting to throw his sword out of his hand.

However he moved it just slightly to avoid that, however that move did cause him to get scratched by the blade.

"And Mirayuki is the winner! Hooow in the world did you get so good Yuki?" Aki jumped down from hay bales she had been sitting on to watch our match. Umi continued to sit on the hay bales while watching us all quietly.

"Well that's simple Aki." I paused for dramatic fair, as all of the watched me with curious eyes. "I'm just that awesome." I smirked at all of them while shun gave me a playful punch.

"So how long are you and your dad staying Yuki?" I turned towards Umi, as he addressed the elephant in the field. In my thirteen years of life, I was always moving around. We never stayed for more than a couple of days, no matter where we were there was always movement.

"Umi..." I sighed and looked at him with sad eyes. He looked away tears pooled in his eyes. He got up and began to walk towards the inn, no doubt going to the back tree house that we all built. We made two, once they came up to the lions den and made one for me. Then last time I was here we made on behind the inn. It's where Umi goes when he's upset.
Aki went after him knowing that he shouldn't be alone and that eventually I would go to talk to him.

"So, how long..." I looked towards Shun, he never cries. He wants to be strong, if only he'd realize crying isn't a weakness.

"Tomorrow afternoon we head out to where my sister is, not that she'll know who we are. But it will be good to see her, even if she doesn't see me." Shun held out his hand to me, I smiled while taking his hand. He pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms around me.

"One day you'll know your sister, I promise you that Yuki. But you have to promise me something to..." He whispered into my ear and I looked up from his chest.

"One day... you won't have to go in and out of our lives... one day you'll be with me, with all of us Yuki." He leaned his head down slightly, his lips neared mine.

We both knew where the other stood, I knew that he liked me. He knew that I couldn't figure out my emotions. I was never able to figure out my emotions. But we both knew a relationship would never last at least not until I could be around more often.

But for once, even if for a moment I wanted to feel something different. Not the pain I felt from leaving them for so long. Not the pain of losing my mother that I had to deal with for ten years. Especially not the heartbreak of not being with my sister. The only thing in my life that was good was my father and the lions. But I didn't want just to keep surviving, even for a moment.

I closed the gap between our lips, what a way to have a girls first kiss. But it was... something. It felt magical and for a moment I felt bliss. His lips moved against mine, they were so soft and tasted like vanilla. Vanilla root beer to be exact, his favorite drink. Maybe it'll be my favorite soon.

He broke apart panting, his forehead was placed against mine. I couldn't breathe I couldn't do anything except stay in his arms and watch.

"I care about you Yuki, but I know his will never work while you still have to leave constantly..." He sighed sadly, and I hugged him tighter.

"I care about you Shun, but your right and I can't expect you to wait for me. So please..."

"No." He cut me off, "I will wait for you just please, give me a chance one day." I nodded into his chest before letting go one tear.

"Let's go find Umi and Aki... I'm sure they'll want to talk since I have such limited time here." I replied as we began to walk towards the inn and the tree. Holding hand the way there for awhile when we knew no one could see. They were warm, and familiar. I looked at him, and at that moment I had no idea that I would break the promise I made to him.

End of flashback...

Author note:

I'm gonna do some revisions to this book tonight so look to find differences in other chapters as I update them.

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