a/n - asdfghjkl???

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'Hey, hey Luna. Luna. Luna-'

'Ugh, what?'

'Check your Wattpad, my dude. Glitched War just got over a thousand reads.'

A young girl spits out her coffee, staring disbelievingly at her Writer's Lounge roommate who winks and holds up a holographic screen. There it was, clear as day; 1069 reads.

'....Heh, nice. How did this happen?'

'Pfft, I dunno. It also has way more votes than your other books have gotten, so gg on that.' Trick congratulates, patting Luna's shoulder. 'So, how're you gonna thank the readers this time? Normally you'd release another book, but you don't have anything prewritten.'

'Ah, Trick, you naive lil' girl. I have multitudes!'

'... And you haven't written anything for A World Divided in how long, exactly?'

'Uh, 398 days and counting. Jay's already told me to suck a lemon and finish it, but I do believe and Alliance is in order. An Unlikey one, at that.'

'But did you suck a lemon?'

''course I did, I'm not a-' The next comment in censored. 'Wait, are you recording this?'

'Lemow, yeah.'

It's lmao, and you know it. Should I just edit the cover in here, or above?'

'Formatting says above, no copypasting here my dude. I'll leave the camera here so you can say thanks and all that, I've got to get some of the computers out of Tech so someone can record. Peace out.'

'See ya, Trick!' The cameraman walks away, handing the camcorder to Luna as she did so and giving a thumbs up. The wolf hybrid rolled her eyes, but appreciated the gesture as she readjusted her headphones.

'Ah, geez... Well, hi guys! Uh, I didn't expect to be making this in such little time after the release back in- March, was it? I lost track. Big yikes. Anyway, I want to say a big thank you to everyone who's been involved in this project, from reading, to voting, to sharing with your friends, which I know some of you did because somebODY ASKED ME ABOUT IT AT SCHOOL- Anyway.' She smiles again, albeit awkwardly, before continuing.

'So, I'm gonna release a book to celebrate- original, I know. Actually, wait, two options;

Unlikely Alliances, set in a kingdom AU. In a land of magic beings, a group of six must rise to fight the upcoming storms. Whether they're strong enough depends on the bonds they make, the bridges they burn, and the ones they save.


Guide Them Home, set in a real-world UA, so most things are they same save for some details. Mysterious cubes appear by YouTuber's broken computers, none of which wanting to make contact at first until one has no choice in the matter whatsoever, 'cause y'know, plot. What's in the cube changes their lives forever, and the group must join together to guide their new friends back to their world.

Make your choices, guys!' The brunette cheers. 'Quick warning in advance, GTH is still being written, while U.A is finished. Tell me in the comments down below which one you want, and I'll make an incredibly feeble attempt to please you guys. I guess that's it for now, and I'll see you all in the next paranormal timezone. Goodbye, stay safe, and keep your friends-'

The screen plunges into darkness. Multiple terrified screams sound from the Lounge, and a tall, headless figure appears. In a horrified whisper, you can hear one thing;

Headless boi has come for revenge.

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