{ F I F T E E N }

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'You think they got into the Glitched Lands?!'

'It's possible, Sir... I didn't mean for them to go missing, we were just playing a game and I told the to check out the barrier village' Mat admitted, looking down in shame as Kyleigh and Abigail stood on either side. A few feet away stood the boy who'd told the village leaders, his crystal-blue eyes flashing with guilt whenever his robot friend would glare at him.

'Well, at least we have some information now. Thank you, you're free to go - Landon, I have to ask you to stay back for a few minutes' As the three older teenagers filed out of the room, the brunet heard them saying thing like 'Nice going, genius' 'You ruined the plan, 'we won't see them ever again now!' and 'Well done, you messed everything up - As usual'

Once the door had been closed, the groups "Interrogator" grinned and clapped his hands together 'Notch, I thought I was never going to get any information from that lot,' He mused, turning to Landon with a bright glint in his eye, 'Okay, Landon, I've decided to ask you the questions away from your friends, since they seemed pretty annoyed at you'

The blond gestured to one of the cushioned chairs in the room, telling the younger male to sit down before leaning against his desk and crossing his arms 'Alright, let's begin - Did you have any part of the game at the time the dare was given?'

'I was playing the game with them, yes. Mat dared Vik to pick two friends and find out what was happening in the barrier village. He chose Kenny and Mitch, obviously, and they left about an hour after the game ended'

'Right... Anything you think I should know?' The young boy shrugged, playing with his hands as he bit his lip nervously 'Kenny said that he's always wanted to check out whatever's past the barrier, but there's also the chance that one of them got hurt... Oh gods, what if they're dead?!'

'Hey, hey, it probably won't come to that. We're probably going to launch a raid on the village, and if they're not there we'll go to the mountains. Don't worry, we're going to find them'

'Th-Thank you, Harry'

'Just another day for the survey corps... You should get home, we've been keeping you here for a few hours and your parent's are probably getting worried'

'Why didn't you ask me as much as the others?'

Harry simply laughed, uncrossing his arms and strolling over to the door before pulling a face at the weather outside 'Got to love Over weather... Oh, you were actually telling the truth. There's one of the reasons I'm the team's Interrogator - I can almost always tell when somebody's lying, and those three weren't even trying to hide it'

'You can tell just like that? Cool!'

'I know, right?'


'Oi, oi Rob, wake up,' The soft light of dawn filled the hybrid's vision as he groaned, turning away from the voice and snuggling back into his covers, 'For fudge's sakes - Rob, wake the fudge up before I throw a cactus at you'

The brunet groaned once more, wrapping his tail around his waist and pushing his head under the pillow before someone pulled the covers away from his body 'You should probably just let me try... Hey, Rob, time to get up' This time the voice was soft, causing Rob to sigh and slowly open one eye. He felt someone shaking his shoulder, and he raised his head to see a blurry orange glow sitting on the edge of his bed 'Hmf... Why am I being woken so early'

'Preston wanted to make sure you were okay. We told him about the thing with the spider last night, and he got worried, so we decided to climb through your window' Lachlan explained as the older teen pushed himself up, grimacing at the pain in his shoulder while Preston titled his head in concern 'Hey, what's wrong?'

'It managed to get a bite in before we killed it; Speaking of which, is Jerome okay?' The older hybrid asked as he rubbed at his eyes, giving a small yawn and ruffling his bedhead-hair while Lachlan sighed quietly 'He got the worst of the venom, unfortunately. He says that he's fine, but you know Jerome'

'Dangit. Was anyone else hurt?'

'Not that we know of... Did you get someone to look at the bite, or have you left it? You look pretty pale' Preston noted, feeling the wolf hybrid's forehead with the back of his hand as the brunet fell back onto his pillows 'I left it, didn't feel too bad yesterday... I'm just really tired, and I want to sleep, but some jags came in and woke me - Hold on, how did you guys get through the window?'

'I climbed a tree, and Jagbattleduty over there used the vines on the side of your house. I would've told Lachlan that he could just fly, but he was halfway up your wall before I could say anything' The Texan looked around and dropped his voice to a whisper, charcoal eyes flickering to their blond friend who was standing just out of earshot before whispering in his best friend's ear 'I think something's wrong. He always tries to avoid the subject whenever someone asks him about his wings, he does the same when somebody talks about his dad'

Rob pushed himself up once more, bruises scattering his arms screaming at him not to move as he observed the Australian's tense form carefully 'It's weird, yeah... Hold up a sec, I'm hearing something' Straining his heightened senses to pick up on the noise, the Canadian narrowed his ears before groaning and moving to get something to block his door as Preston grabbed his arm 'What's going on?'

'It's my Dad, he's waking up and if he catches you guys in here then we're all toast!' He hissed quietly, taking two steps towards the door and tripping over a discarded book. The hybrid let out a small squeal arms flailing as the floor rushed up to approach him... Until an iron grip held him by his wrist 'Wow Rob, you should really look where you're going' Preston smirked as he pulled his taller friend upright, rolling his eyes while Rob simply shook his head bashfully 'Y-Yeah, sure'

'So boys...' Lachlan grinned cheekily at the two, who jumped away at the sound of his voice, 'When's the wedding?'. He then proceeded to duck under the book that was thrown at his head, holding back a laugh as his Texan friend's skin brightened 'You mother fudger!' The boy hissed, though he still smiled at his friend's antics.

The smile was wiped from his face as he heard an ominous door creak, followed by footsteps at the other end of the hall. Rob's eyes widened in fear as he shoved the two towards his window, drawing the curtains as they dropped down before turning around. His Father had just opened the door, bleary eyes narrowing at his Son who looked away nervously 'Robert... Who the Nether were you talking to?!' He snapped, the boy wincing and pressing his ears against his head as he heard a quiet gasp from outside 'Uh - Nobody, Dad, I think you were just hearing things'

'I don't hear things, now tell me who you were talking to!'

"Oh, crap... This isn't going to be fun"

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