{ N I N E }

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Scrambling through the mouth of the cave, the five boys were constantly dodging arrows and swords as a mass horde of mobs followed them out. After Mitch's... What could they call it, ability? Wore off, the cloaked figures had managed to cut a path through the mobs and were currently leading the three into the open 'Vik, on your left!'
'How many of these things are there?!'
'It's a full moon, there's almost always a larger expanse of mobs when - Get into the bushes, quickly!' A loud howl echoed around the woodlands as a dark figure stood atop the cliff, the five all diving into the berry bushes that lined the space 'W-What was that thing?' Mitch yelped, gripping his sleeves tightly while the two cloaked figures exchanged glances 'We might as well tell them. That was Adam Latsky, King of-'
'King of the Werewolves, one of the most powerful fighters in Notch's Army,' Kenny finished as he pushed a spiky branch out of his face, 'That means we're near the hybrid's village, right? Is that where you come from?'. The two cloaked people stayed silent, save for a nervous laugh from the taller one while the one with golden daggers let out a loud sigh 'Well played, well played... Yes, we live in the village, and it's where we're headed right now'

'So you guys are hybrids?' They nodded, peeking out of the bushes and crawling away before standing up 'The coast's clear, let's go'
'Wait, Zio, where are we actually going?'
'My house. I live alone, remember? They can stay with me until we find out what we're actually doing, but we don't tell anybody... Okay, maybe we can tell the guys' Confused by most of what they were saying, Vik just looked around as he and his friends also stood up. The moon was about a fifth of it's way into the sky, with a cold breeze flowing through the trees as he shivered 'Guys, something doesn't feel right' He muttered quietly, his brunet friend sharing the same feelings.

Kenny on the other hand was absolutely ecstatic. Most of his childhood was filled with reading about the myths of the Glitched Lands, but he never thought that he'd actually be there - He especially didn't think that he'd meet any hybrids in the flesh 'Is it true that you can tame Orespawns? Are there different levels of hybrids? How did hybrids become accustomed to life past the barrier?' He asked, one of the hybrids starting to laugh at his optimism while his older friends groaned and shook their heads.
'I'm so sorry about him, Kenny's just... He's been obsessed with hybrids since he found out about them, and he makes up theories all the time' Mitch explained, the second figure shaking his head slightly 'It's fine, honestly. Choco seems to be having as much fun as your friend is, if not more'
'I thought their name was Zio?'
'We just use eachother's last names as codenames, so his is Zio while mine's Hutt. We started doing this since his parents... Left, it seems to make him feel better. There are more of us, but you'll probably meet them later,' They'd started walking mid-sentence, reaching a tall tree with multiple wooden rooms hanging from the branches, 'None of you are afraid of heights, are you?'

'I think Kenny is, but he's going to be too distracted to actually notice. Thanks for this'
'No problem! Oh, my name's Brandon by the way, and my good ol' buddy over here is Choco. Also, just to let you know, he's a bird hybrid - That's why he lives in a tree' As if to prove that point, Choco pulled his dark hood down to reveal soft golden feathers 'Welcome to Casa Di Choco!' He cheered, and Kenny started jumping up and down in his place 'This is so cool, this is so cool, this is so-'
'Kenny, remember to breathe' Vik warned playfully, the blond nodding rapidly as he looked around 'I know, it's just - This is amazing!'

The golden bird hybrid laughed, looking at his taller counterpart with a sparkle in his eyes 'I think he'll get along with Preston quite well, don'tcha think?' He grinned (Which honestly, confused the two humans - He had a beak, how could he grin?) cheekily, and Pete nodded in response before looking at the sky and cursing quietly 'Shouldn't Rob be hunting by now? Normally he comes by here'

'I thought something was off... Maybe his Dad dragged him down the other route?'
'Unlikely. He usually hides until he's gone, then - There he is!' The bushes surrounding the unusually tall tree parted as a dark brown wolf pushed it's way through. It immediately ran over to Choco, biting his cloak's sleeve and trying to pull him back through the treeline 'Woah, Rob, what's up?' The blue-eyed humanoid asked, kneeling by the canine's side as he let out a low whine, 'Where are the others?'
It growled again, before it saw that three unknown boys were standing nearby. Hazel eyes narrowing, it pinned it's ears to it's head and made a warning snarl 'Rob, chill out - They're good. Now c'mon, what's wrong? Do you want us to follow you?'. The wolf -Now known as Rob - seemed to hesitate before nodding and turning back to the forest. He seemed panicked, even Vik and Mitch could tell that, so they somehow found themselves chasing the furred creature through the ever darkening forest.

A small voice was poking at the back of Vik's mind, no sense in the words that they spoke, but it wouldn't go away. In fact, the more they ran, the louder it got until it was almost painful - Of course, Vik being Vik, decided to keep it to himself as they reached a clearing.
Now that they were in the open, he could actually make sense of the words that now formed into sentences such as "Rob needs to hurry the fudge up", "I'm going to kill Preston's Mum when I see her" and the most recent, "Who the fudge are these three". Choco was quickly dragged over to a dim light and a furry creature, while a tall male in a red hoodie stood against a tree, turquoise eyes darting across the group before Brandon walked over and pulled his hood down to reveal... Was that slime?

'Hey Lachlan, what's going on here?'
'Preston's "Mother" is getting a death sentence, that's what,' The blond spat, a strange glow in his orbs as he spoke, 'Who are they?'
'They got lost in the caves, and were about to die because of a horde before Choco decided to - Literally - drop in. Long story short, one of them has powers and we're still trying to figure out the other - What the bloody Nether happened to Preston?!' Brandon screeched, eyes wide as Lachlan crossed his arms 'That's why she's going to be smashed into a rock, before being set on fire and being thrown into the ocean, tied up with chains and weighed down so that she can never escape!'

'Lachlan, no... You set her on fire first, then she burns for longer. Why the Nether would she do something like this?' The slime asked, sadness his main expression as the younger - Yet taller - boy sighed and ran a hand through his golden quiff. He muttered something in the hybrid's ear before glancing back over at the trio, who were attempting to hide themselves behind the trees 'Guys, what are you trying to do?' Brandon asked, tilting his head slightly as Mitch held a fern in front of his face.

'Attempting to avoid awkward conversation!' Kenny replied from a branch in the nearby birch tree, a silly smirk on his face as Vik groaned while Mitch facepalmed with the foliage in his hands 'Kenny, if you weren't in that tree right now I swear to Notch I would slap you'
'But Vik, I thought you loved me?'
'You're so funny'
'Aww, thanks!'

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