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'It-It's a Caterkiller!'

The ugly brown creature let out a demonic screech as it breached the dirt, a thirteen foot Orespawn that burrowed into the ground and found it's prey by using it's many feelers. Mitch and Kenny both took steps back in shock, but Vik wasn't as lucky with his movement. He turned around in an attempt to run, but was thrown to the ground and pinned down by a thick white substance.
"I'm stuck in it's silk... You've got to be bloody kidding me!". Escape wouldn't be impossible, but it definitely wouldn't be quick 'Guys, get past the barrier!' Vik called, wriggling around to try and loosen the cocoon as the Caterkiller turned it's attention to the village Guards, 'It's distracted, go-'
'Stop being so heroic, damn you; You're coming with us!' Dashing over to their friend, Kenny pulled a small dagger from the pocket of his hoodie and proceeded to cut through the tough webbing.

'Why did it attack us here, anyway? It should be past the barrier, in the Glitched Lands!' Mitch narrowed his eyes as he looked around, caramel orbs skimming across the semi-translucent wall before he let out a loud groan 'Oh for - Guys, look at the village'

'I don't get... We passed the barrier without even noticing?! But-But that makes no sense, only hybrids are able to get through without being attacked!' Vik yelped, gaining two weird looks from his taller friends as the last of the silk was cut away 'Uh, Vik? We were attacked' The blond pointed out, reaching out to pull his British companion from the ground while pushing a guilty feeling away. "He's already been attacked once, and now being jumped by an Orespawn? Not exactly the best moment of his life"

'Oh, yeah,' Standing up, his multi-coloured eyes narrowed in pain as Vik hissed and put a hand to the back of his head, 'Crap that hurts...' He muttered quietly, his voice inaudible to the others as the Caterkiller let out another screech. As if then realizing where they were, the trio looked around at their surroundings as if they had the feeling of being watched 'We should probably get under cover before anything else tries to attack us, especially now that that thing's distracted' The brunet Canadian pointed out, playing with the golden dogtags around his neck and reaching for the bow on his back. Remembering that it wasn't there, and that it was taken from him by the Guards, he let out a low growl that caused his two younger friends to flinch and turn back to him 'Mitch?'

He shook his head, snapping back into reality and smiling sheepishly before leaning against a nearby boulder as Kenny and Vik watched him with concern ''You alright? You've gone kind of pale' Vik spoke quietly, removing his hand before widening his eyes as he saw blood dripping from his fingers. He shoved his hands in his jacket pocket before the others could see, choosing to climb on top of a rock formation and sitting cross-legged while the brunet looked down at his feet 'Yeah... I'm just really annoyed about my bow, like seriously - That was the best weapon I ever had!'

'If worst comes to worst then we can get our parents, and go back to get it, but right now our priority is getting home. If we leave today then we should be back by nightfall, but if we travel in daylight then we'll be safe' Kenny deducted, looking back to see the Caterkiller eating a Guard whole. He held back a gag, turning to the mountains and taking a few deep breaths before skimming his honey-coloured orbs across the skies above. A few dark clouds were floating around, getting lighter as they neared the barrier, but Kenny knew that weather in the Glitched Lands could be unpredictable 'It's better to be safe than sorry, right?' Mitch added as he stood up, hugging his arms to his chest as a chilling breeze blew through the base of the mountains, 'I hate to admit it, but I think we might have to spend the night here'

'Are you crazy?! We could be jumped at any second, we don't know what's out here!' The shortest of the trio yelped, and Kenny shook his head while running a hand through his blond quiff 'Vik, we're more likely to get attacked at night, and if that does happen we're going to be too tired to run or fight. Our safest bet is to find a cave and block it off for the night, then figure out a plan for the night'



The first of the six to grow tired was, not surprisingly, the birthday boy himself. After about four hours of chasing a certain wolf hybrid, eating a ton of sugary foods and basically just having a good time with his friends, the Australian's azure eyes were beginning to droop as the group all moved around the fire.

'Tired, Lachlan?' Preston asked over the sound of Jerome's loud screeches and Pete's - Almost as loud - yells. The blond simply nodded in response, staring at the crackling blaze in front of him while Choco ducked under a water balloon ''Could say that, yeah' He muttered, leaning back against one of the logs and staring at the clouding sky while his older friend frowned slightly 'Hey, what's wrong?'

'I just... Something doesn't feel right. I feel like - Notch, I don't know,' Lachlan groaned loudly, reaching for his - Now dry - hoodie and hugging it to his chest before running a hand though his blond quiff, 'I feel like we're being watched' He finished as Preston tilted his head, glancing around occasionally. The lava hybrid didn't really want to admit it, but he too had had these feelings 'It's-It's probably just tiredness, Lachy, you've been through a lot today'

Lachlan snorted quietly, opening his eyes as the stars seemed to brighten above him. It was at that moment when he realized something was off about the sky - It seemed to have a shimmer flying across the heavens, and as he noticed this he felt a slight tremor in the ground 'What - Preston, did you feel that?'

'Feel what? I don't - The ground's shaking?'

'Exactly. And you know what Orespawn lives underground? The Caterkiller'

'Somebody's trying to get through the barrier? The-The Orespawns should protect us though, right?' Looking over at his softly glowing friend, Lachlan could see hints of panic in his eyes, and chose to move next to the hybrid 'We're gonna be fine, nothing can get past both the Caterkiller and my Dad'

'Are you sure?'

'Preston, when have I ever been wrong... Nevemind, don't answer that'


┬─┬ ︵ /(.□. )

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