Found My Solace In You

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                                                                                                                  Author: eeniexmeenie
Book name - Found my solace in you
Reviewer: praahi

About the story:

Found My Solace in You is a fanfiction including the cast of "Swaragini" and two other Hindi serial actors. Swara and Shanaya are best friends who are on a vacation and also in search of a groom for Swara, meets Sanskar and Sahil. While Swara finds Sanskar to be her perfect match, few mysteries start unfolding changing the lives of these four people.

*This is what I understood from the description and the two published parts. It is an ongoing story.


- I appreciate the effort in making the cover but as it is the first thing which the reader sees before picking up the book, we must be very careful in choosing it. Always prefer contrasting colors like if the cover is bright, use light green or white colors as font for the title but when the background is dark or shady, it is preferred to use black or red color fonts so that the title is clearly visible.

- The next thing is prologue and the introduction you gave about the characters as well as the story here is very nice and is more than enough to make the reader to go further.

Coming to the plot,

- The starting of the story goes well with the title as the female protagonist wants a life partner in whom she could find solace which means comfort and peace. The first two parts described the bonding between two friends and their love for one another. Every single detail is narrated well and I liked the flow of events in the story. As of now, it was good. Hopefully, the same momentum is continued.

- Most of the published authors write a story either in present or past tense. Whichever you chose, you need to follow it throughout the story and as I already said, you are using right tense and good vocabulary but there are few typos and grammatical errors which can be easily corrected by just going through once.

- Conversations or dialogue writing should be uniform. Either follow "Can i get an icecream?", asked Swara. or Swara: Can I get an icecream. Any one throughout the story to make it more appealing. Basically the first one is used for writing a novel and the latter is in Script writing but either is fine.

- As you asked one question in your story that in which point of view it is better to write a story? I would say, if the story is either narrated by the author (third person) or any one character as a self story, it would be more appealing to the reader. 

Need to Improve:

- As the story is beautifully written, concentrate more on grammar and punctuation. 

- The cover can be made more attractive by adding the background related to the main context of the story along with the main characters.

Best Things:

- I liked the introduction and the character description.

- The plot is interesting and I wish you all the best to continue your writing in the same way.

Thank you,


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