Ch. 101: Hunting for Love

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Amity isn't too sure when they fell asleep, but she know she was the first one up. Especially since they cuddled together for warmed in one sleeping bag. And just like Boscha and Luz before... it was Amity's turn to use the bathroom while being stuck in the middle.

'Titan, why?' Amity thought as she tried to get out but their grip was too great! 'This would be a good time for me to master teleportation via abomination puddles.'

She can't threaten them with transformation magic, like Boscha and Luz, because they'd probably enjoy it. So, trying to teleport out was the best bet. Moving a finger under the sleeping bag, Amity drew a spell circle to summon abomination goo under herself and let it engulf her. The next thing she knew, Amity was outside of the tent with a puddle under her and a surprised look on her face.

'I did it. I DID IT!' Amity thought with a smile before remembering something important. 'BATHROOM!'

Amity made her way into the woods, her missing body was obvious causing the two girls to run their hands over where she was.

"Hmm? Amity?" Luz mumbled before feeling a puddle where she was before opening her eyes. "Ewww."

"What?" Boscha asked as she opened her third eye and saw Amity was gone. "Where is our Mittens?"

"I don't know." Luz said, "But where ever she is, she made a mess."

Luz lifted her hand up, showing the abomination goo still on her hand.

"Ew but I think I know what she did. Teleportation via abomination puddle. I've only seen older abomination users perform it." Boscha said as she opened all of her eyes now, "Pretty impressive."

"Yeah, but she didn't have to just warp out of our arms." Luz said as she got out up and wiped her hand in the snow.

"Yeah... that was rude... let's turn her into something." Boscha said.

This seemed to get Luz thinking as she smirked a little bit.

"Hmm, maybe if she gives us a good enough reason to why she slipped out." Luz said to Boscha.

"Alright, let's go find her."

They got up and exited their tent, looking around for Amity before finding a trail of footprints going into the forest.

"The skillful hunters track their prey with silence and grace." Luz whispered.

"Why are you narrating?" Boscha asked.

"You know you love it." Luz said.

"You're cute when you call me out, you know that?" Boscha asked.

Luz gave a smile and stuck her tongue out a bit before they continued to "track" the "wild animal" of their affections, the alluring Amity Blight.

They walked through the woods, trying to locate the "Wild Lesbian" which Boscha said was the scientific name. They heard some leaves rustling and came to a stop, looking around for the source before they discovered the source.

"The wild Lesbian." Luz said, "No one has seen one up close before."

Luz and Boscha moved to kneel behind some bushes and watched as Amity straightened herself after most likely using the bathroom.

"Such a strange creature." Boscha said, "And very territorial."

"The Wild Lesbian was once a cruel and prideful creature, but now it is a peaceful and enchanting beast." Luz whispered.

"But still very dangerous when its mates are in danger." Boscha said.

Hearing something, Amity turned around as Luz and Boscha ducked down to hide.

"Hmmm." Amity hunter before turning to leave.

"Her senses as sharp as a blade, the wild lesbian continues its journey while wary of hunters." Luz whispered as she and Boscha looked through the bushes.

"So, how're we going to do this?" Boscha whispered.

"You know how some hunters will have head mounts?" Luz whispered, "I'm going to use the wand and turn Amity into one of them, except she'll be able to talk."

"Oh, that's a whole new transformation I've never done or seen that become. I love it." Boscha whispered.

"I knew you would." Luz whispered, before giving Boscha a long kiss.

The two then followed Amity back to the camp, seeing her putting some new wood on the fire before going into their supplies.

"The wild lesbian has returned to her natural setting and is currently scouring for substance." Luz whispered.

"Now is the perfect time to capture her." Boscha whispered.

"Indeed." Luz whispered as she slowly pulled out the training wand and aimed it at Amity.

Amity was hit with the spell and it resulted in her body becoming a wall plaque with her head untouched.

"LUZ! BOSCHA!" Amity screamed in anger.

"We got her!"

Luz and Boscha came out to pick the plaque up, smiling at Amity as she glared at them.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!" She shouted.

"We got a trophy." Luz said.

"And you are just so cute right now." Boscha said before she kissed Amity's forehead. "Now, we can kiss you all you want and you can't do anything about it."

Luz hung Amity up on a tree and Boscha summoned lipstick.

"I'm going to enjoy this." Boscha said, covering her lips, before giving it to Luz.

"Me too." Luz said, covering her lips.

"I'm not!" Amity shouted at them.

"Liar." Luz and Boscha said before the moved closer and began peppering Amity's lips, face, and forehead with kisses.

Boscha and Luz loved this. Amity did to but she was too stubborn to admit it.

"W-When will you both be done?" Amity asked them.

"When you decide to kiss us back." Boscha said as they kept kissing her.

"I can't move my head." Amity said, "And you aren't near my lips, so I can't if I wanted to."

"Yes you can, you just have to say, "Can I have a kiss on the lips?" Simple as that." Luz said to her.

"Can I have a kiss on the lips?" Amity asked.

"What was that? Speak louder." Boscha said with a tiny smirk.

"I said, "Can I have a kiss on the lips?" Please!" Amity said with grit teeth.

"well, when you put it like that." Boscha said, "What do you think Babe, should we give our trophy a reward?"

"Hmm, yeah. I think we can give her a reward." Luz said as she gave Amity a kiss on her lips.

"Hey, don't hog her." Boscha said.

The two basically spent the rest of day kissing Amity.

"Great, I've been stuck like this for seven hours, can I have my body back?" Amity asked, wondering how to get them back for this.

Not to mention her face and head were covered in lipstick marks.

"Hmm, maybe before bed." Boscha said.

"When I turn back, I am turning you two into... I don't know what but you'll be stuck like it for a week!"

"Really? Oh I love you so much!" Boscha said as she hugged Amity.

Once again, Boscha shows that she LOVED being transformed into things.

"Damn it, I can't really punish you for anything, can I?" Amity asked.

"What can I say, I'm a freak." Boscha said.

"To me, there are no freaks here. You're both my loving girlfriends." Luz said to them.

"That's just cheesy." Boscha and Amity said to her.

"I know. I'm a cheesy little human." Luz said with her tongue out a bit.

"Well, maybe that's what I'll turn you into." Amity said, "My CHEESEY little human."

"Hmmm, nope. Sounds delicious but risky. Luz might melt." Boscha said, "And then it will be so hard to enjoy it."

"I would taste good on Nachos though." Luz countered, "I think I'm like Boscha, and starting to enjoy it."

The two witches imagined Luz made of cheese and spread off a tray of nachos, posing as she melted and winked at them.

'Somehow Luz managed to make me blush even without doing anything.' Amity thought.

'We're so trying that.' Boscha and Luz thought.

"Ahem, about turning me back?" Amity asked them

"Just give me a second ." Luz said, pulling out the training wand and checking the battery. "Enough energy for one last transformation."

Luz hit her with a spell, giving Amity her body back... she was stuck to the tree branch by her belt though.

"Oh come on! This is even more embarrassing!" Amity said as her face was bright red.

"Don't worry, we'll get you down." Luz said, holding a hand out.

She fired an ice spike from her hand and cut the branch, leading to Amity falling into Boscha's arms.

"We've got to stop meeting like this." Boscha said with a small smile.

"Put me down or you'll becoming a baby class diaper." Amity said.

Boscha did as she asked, even she had limits on what exactly she would be turned into.

"As you wish." Boscha said before they walked back to their campsite.

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