Ch. 120: Save the Hero

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At the darkest cell of the entire Boiling Isles, Belos opened the door. Inside, was a bloodied and bruised Luz, who was pale and looks like she hasn't eaten in weeks. Her left wrist was chained to the wall, allowing her to move around the room, but it prevented her from using glyphs or her natural magic she got from the monado. In the room, just out of reach, was said sword, sticking out of the ground.

"Hello, Luz." Belos said.

"Hi, Jackass." Luz growled.

Belos actually chuckled at this as he created a stool to sit on.

"Still a sassy little prisoner. So, I hope your day has been well." Belos said, acting like this was a normal conversation.

"Can't say I can complain. The guard won't listen anyway." Luz said, growling at him.

"That's a shame." Belos said, "Because today is a good day. The portal is almost completed."

"Yeah? And what are you gonna do with it? Invade Earth, take over?" Luz asked, rolling around to face the wall. "Because let me tell you, people have tried and failed throughout history."

"No, nothing of that sort." Belos said, "The portal is for AFTER my plan is complete."

"And what plan is that?" Luz said, glaring at him.

"You'll see."

Getting up from his chair and making it breakdown into nothing, Belos sent his gazed towards the Monado.

'The most powerful weapon on the Isles and it bound itself to a pathetic child.' He thought.

He reached for it, barely tapping it's handle and getting a small zap that made him recoil.

'Powerful as you may be, you're nothing without your master.' Belos thought.

He turned and left the human to her silent suffering, his goal so close and nobody of concern was powerful enough to stop her. Plus, just because he couldn't use the Monado, doesn't me he didn't have other powerful weapons at his disposal.

As he left the cell, Kikimora called him on a mirror.

"Sir, the portal is finished. Shall we begin the preparations for the Day of Unity?"

"No, I still have one more thing to do." Belos said, "I said I would take everything from the Human... I meant it."

Outside the castle, Boscha, Willow, Amity, and Gus stood.

"Don't worry, Luz, we're coming for you." Amity said.

The group had a plan, they had their armors, and they had the will to see this through to the end. Hell or boiling water, they will save Luz.

"Gus, give us some cover." Boscha said.

"Gladly." Gus said, drawing a spell circle to turn them all invisible.

"Great, let's go." Boscha said.

They walked towards a back entrance of the castle, moving past the guards quietly until they got inside.

"Alright, remove the spell." Boscha said.

"Boscha, you realize that this could be the death of us, right?" Amity asked

"Luz would do that same."

"Just making sure." Amity said, "Let's do it. But don't kill anyone, not their fault that they've fallen for Belos lies."

"I somewhat feel guilty about doing this." Willow said.

"Yeah, me too. But, it's to save Luz." Gus said before dropping the illusion, making them visible.

"Come on, we're saving her." Boscha said.

The group nodded to her as Boscha spun her swords and ignited them ablaze!

"Let's go!" Boscha said, rushing off.

The rest of them followed Boscha as some guards noticed them and held out their spears!

"Halt! State your-" He was cut off as Boscha kicked him in the face!

"Intru-" the other said before Willow slammed him into the wall!

"Where's the dungeon!?" Boscha demanded, pointing one of her swords to the guards neck.

"I'll never tell you!" The guard said.

"You're gonna tell us or you're gonna die." Amity said, holding her sword above his head. "Green, Blue, keep the others busy."

"Gladly." Willow/Green said, turning to see other guards rushing towards them.

"I'm going to enjoy this." Gus/Blue said.

The two rushed at the guards as Amity/Magenta and Boscha/Gold activated their swords a blaze.

"Now, let's try this AGAIN." Boscha said, glaring through her armor mask as the eyes glowed, "Where, is the fucking dungeon."

She didn't ask... she demanded.

"I....I...." The guard said before Amity stomped his leg.

"Talk! Or else I'll make you one limb short." Amity threatens.

"Okay, okay! I'll tell you!" He shouted, "It's entrance is in the throne room and it leads all the way down to under the castle!"

"The throne room? Really?" Boscha asked.

"The emperor likes to keep the worse prisoners close." The guard said.

"Thanks." Amity said, slamming a fist into the guard and knocking them out.

"Now, let's get our girl." Boscha said, standing up.

"But first, let's deal with this trash." Amity said, gesturing to more coven scouts heading their way.

Boscha spun her swords in her hands.


"Would you like to go first?" Amity asked.

"No, let's go together." Boscha said with a nod. "On three. One..."

"Three!" Amity shouted, rushing forward!

"Man, I love that girl when she's impatient." Boscha said, rushing after her.

Boscha threw her blades at the guards, knocking their weapons out of their hands. Amity swung her sword as abomination muck sprayed out and slammed the guards into the floor! She then turned and swung again to fire magenta flames to another guard that tried to jump Gus! Willow ran up and slammed her hammer on the ground, causing massive vines to wrap up guards.

"Sorry not sorry!" Willow said, twirling her hammer.

"Really not sorry!" Gus shouted, slamming his boomerang in the ground and slashing a wave of ice to freeze them over.

"You know, I expected them to be a little more skilled. Being the Emperor's guards and all." Boscha said.

"You'd think so, right? But even before Lilith quit, I always knew these guys were just cannon fodder. Just here for numbers." Amity said as she fired an abomination ball at a guard. "Honestly, I think they could lose to students at Hexside."

"Really? Hahahahaha, then why even join?" Boscha asked, calling her swords back as they knocked out two other guards.

"It's the 'Esteemed' Emperor's Coven." Amity said with sarcasm, "Who wouldn't want to join?"

"Well, looks like we have a clear path to the Throne Room." Boscha said, "Let's take it before we get swarmed."

The group ran to the throne room, finding it empty.

"Alright, look around for a secret entrance." Boscha said.

Everyone nodded as Willow and Amity barricaded the door to keep more guards out.

"And let's not hurt the Titan's heart. It's innocent in this." Gus suggested.

"Don't worry, killing a god isn't on my list of things to do... not today at least." Boscha said, "Now, I have this thing in the helmet that shows structural weaknesses, that could show us where the entrance is."

"When did you do that?" Amity asked.

"I've spent the last few months doing nothing but working on upgrades." Boscha said, "That's what happens when your girlfriend runs away and is presumed dead."

"Please don't bring that up, it makes me want to kill Belos even more." Willow said to her.

'How dare that bastard kidnap one of my best friends?!' Willow thought, planning on giving Luz a big hug and saying sorry 100 times when they save her.

Gus was going to do the same, along with some groveling in case he has to beg for forgiveness. They used the upgrade and were easily able to find the secret entrance. It was behind the throne. They opened the secret door and began to descend the stairs.

"Stay on guard. They might have guards down here too." Amity said to everyone.

They nodded and held their weapons up, ready for a fight. To their surprise, there wasn't anyone down here.

"It's empty." Boscha said, "Come on, this might be where Luz is being held."

Boscha went over to a door and began to try and open it. Willow ran up and slammed her hammer into it, breaking it down with ease. They went inside and looked around.

"I don't see anyone." Amity said.

"Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that."

The voice made them all freeze.

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