Ch. 122: The Final Reunion

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On the roof of the Conformitorum, Belos looked at the cage holding Luz's friends. Everything was coming together. He walked to the edge of the roof and addressed the people.

"Children of the Isles, we are gathered here today to witness a wonderful moment." Belos said, "These, children, have caused great travesties against the Covens and will be punished as such, by means of Petrification."

No one in the crowd looked pleased. They had lost faith in the Emperor's Coven over the last several months, with them only showing up to help Bonesborough AFTER the children have stopped the danger. To them, this was just Belos trying to rid the world of real heroes. And many of them were against it, such as the parents of said "criminals" in the cage.

"My little girl is not criminal!" Willow's Papa shouted from the crowd.

"You let those kids go right now!" Willow's Dad shouted with his husband.

"This is Perry Porter reporting at the scene! A true act of justice or a false charge against true heroism?!" Perry shouted, pointing toward Belos as a camera zoomed in on him.

Boscha had to withhold her smirk at that. It was nice to see that the people were aware of how bad Belos really was.

"Release our daughters, you bastard!" Elizabeth shouted out with Mavic by her side.

"They are heroes! Not criminals!" Mavic shouted.

The entire crowd shouted at Belos, all things about how he should let them go.

'Their shouting won't do any good, after this, the day of unity will commence and I will have finally won.'

There was a guard running up to Belos, holding a blood covered arm.

"Sir... the... the human."

"What of-" Belos asked before seeing the bloody left arm in the scout's hand. "Why do you have-"

"She's escaped!" The scout said in horror and worry.

"You moron! Get down there and kill her!" Belos said, "I imprisoned her so no one could stop my plans, this could ruin everything!

Belos didn't realize how close the camera was to him. He just admitted to faking the death of Bonesborough's beloved human, and it was safe to say, NOBODY was happy to hear that. Both civilians and the other 9 coven members. Chants of "Down with Belos" started. Inside the prison, Luz walked passed a dozen dead bodies with her sword dragging behind her.

"Okay, this is where they said their weapons were." Luz said, staring at the barrier.

'Just like the Monado, they can't use their weapons. So they contained them.' Luz thought, staring at hammer, swords, and boomerang.

Luz grabbed them and changed them into their jewelry form. With only one arm, Luz put on Amity's necklace, Boscha's earrings, Willow's bracelet, and Gus's...

"We never did see what you turn into, did we?" Luz asked, looking at the large boomerang.

With a shrug, Luz spun it in the air and made it transform into a small, green ring.

"Nice." Luz said, "Now... time to get to the roof."

She grabbed the Monado and switched to light mode before dashing off to the roof.

'I'm not going to be too late this time.' Luz thought, as an image of the blown-up Owl House appeared in her mind, 'I'm going to make it this time!'

As Luz was making it to the roof, Belos was busy ignoring all of the crowd's anger shouting while turning to his most loyal follower.

"Kikimora, activate the machine." Belos said to her.

"Right away, your grace." Kikimora said with glee.

'It may have taken Golden Guard and Odalia dying but I'm finally his number 2!' Kikimora thought.

Kikimora started the machine, making the crowd go silent, with the parents of said kids beginning to cry silent tears. The machine was ready, all that was needed was for it to be fired.

"Fire when ready." Belos said.

Kikimora was about to fire, when a sharp dragon blade hit the spot next to her head. She turned around and saw a very angry human.

"Touch that lever and I promise, I won't miss again." Luz said.

"Aaaah!" Kikimora screamed, jumping away as everyone turned to see Luz.

Luz pulled the monado from the ground and use the fire glyph to set it on fire. Her hair had embers rise from it, her eyes turned red, she was ready to beat this sorry excuse for a tyrant.

"Now, I'm only gonna saw this once. Let them GO!" Luz shouted as the crowd cheered for her, so glad to see Luz was alive.

Though, she looked absolutely horrified, because of her malnourished body, blood all over her, and MISSING LEFT ARM!

'Oh Titan! Luz!' Mavic, Elizabeth, Amity, Boscha, Gus, and Willow thought in shock as they saw her.

"Hmm, interesting offer." Belos said, "But I have a counter offer."

Belos snapped his fingers and two guards brought someone that Luz didn't expect to ever see.


"Luz?!" Camila asked in shock, standing while wrapped in chains and held by the guards.

"Let her go!" Luz said, pointing her sword at Belos.

"Hm, why do that?" Belos said, grabbing Camila by the shirt and holding her over the edge of the prisons roof, "Now, here's my counter offer. Your friends lives, or your mother's? Who are you going to chose?"

Luz lowered the sword and felt tears build up. She had to make a decision, and no matter what, someone would die.

"No." Luz said.

"You have ten seconds or I kill them all." Belos said.

The crowd looked on in horror.

"You really do just sink lower and lower for your own selfish goals, don't you?" Luz asked with a glare.

"Don't talk to me about sinking low. Not after everything I've done in this world. Now chose, or you'll lose EVERYONE you have left." Belos said, glaring at Luz.

"I... I chose."

Luz looked down and held back the tears.

"I chose my mom."

Belos chuckled at this as he saw the looks of betrayal yet sad understanding on the faces of Willow, Gus, Boscha, and Amity in the cage.

'We did abandon her at her lowest...' they all thought.

Belos put Camila on the ground and she scrambled away from the ledge.

"Now, I believe I promised a petrification." Belos said, "Fire the machine."

The guards went over to the machine and got ready to fire.

"I'd just like to say something first." Luz said, standing up and taking off the ring, "You fucked up."

The ring became the boomerang and she threw it at the cage, freezing the lock. Boscha kicked the cage door, shattering the lock and all of them getting out before the machine fired.

"Come to papa!" Gus said with glee, grabbing his Boomerang!

Boscha ran at the machine and grabbed her sword, while Luz tossed her other sword.

"Oh, my sweet deadly babies." Boscha said.

Using their magic, Willow and Amity pulled Camila closer to protect her behind them as Luz threw them their bracelet/necklace.

"It's so good to have this back!" Willow said, transforming her hammer.

"It's not how I wanted to meet you, but it's nice to meet you, Mrs. Noceda!" Amity said quickly as she changed her necklace into her sword.

Luz pointed her sword at Belos.

"You sent several dangerous creatures onto Bonesborough to kill me, you hired a criminal and had them become your right hand, your men killed Lilith in front of me, you killed the Golden Guard, you blew up the Owl House with Eda, King, and Hooty in there, and you've hurt who fucking knows how many people!" Luz said, "I'm going to avenge everyone you've killed, you sorry excuse for a dictator!"

Belos growled at Luz as he gripped his staff tightly, his eyes glowing brig he lay behind his mask.

"I will not let you undo ALL of the work I have put into this plan!" He shouted.

"Too damn bad." Luz said.

Boscha walked next to Luz.

"Well, you seem a bit more focused." Boscha said.

"Someone finally managed to get my head removed from my ass." Luz said, "I'm sorry about before."

"Well, if you really want to make it up to me, I'd feel great if I killed this bastard... with my girlfriends by my side."

Luz smiled.

"I think I can help with that."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Amity asked, walking up to the other side of Luz. "Let's kick some ass!"

With a swing of all their swords, the trio unleashed a giant wave of flames at Belos as he created a large barrier to block!

"Well girls, I think we need something a little stronger to beat him." Luz said, "Any suggestions?"

"I've got something in mind." Willow said with a smile, twirling her hammer.

Willow ran up and swung her hammer. The weapon broke the barrier and slammed into the ground, sending vines up to slammed Belos into the air and trap him!

"My turn!" Gus shouted as he threw his boomerang towards Belos.

The boomerang hit and Belos legs were frozen.

"Grrr!" Belos growled raising his staff before an abomination tendril grabbed it and yanked it away!

"I'll take that!" Amity shouted as she caught the staff.

"You're done Belos." Luz said, "It's time to die!"

Luz ran at Belos, with Willow, Gus, Amity, and Boscha also running at him.

"ENOUGH!" Belos roared.

He summoned something and they were all blown away by... whatever it was.

"¿QUÉ COÑO?" Camila shouted in shock as she and everyone was caught by a mass of vines and abomination muck to keep from going off the edge.

As the smoke began to clear, everyone was able to see just what had blown them all away but instead, they saw Belos standing with SOMETHING he used to blow them away.

"I was hoping to test this first but it seems you forces my hand." Belos said, glaring at all of them.

"What... is that." Luz demanded.

"While I may not be able to use your sword, I am able to replicate it." Belos said.

"For every original, there's a cheap knock off." Luz said, "That's what I think of it."

"Hehehehe, and I think that you can always improve on something. Surpass the original if you may." Belos said, slowly moving to hold the sword with both hands and make the glyph wheel spin. "Care to see?"

"Trust me, there's a reason everyone remembers the original." Luz said.

"And we're all originals here." Boscha said, twirling her swords in her hand.

"You may have made a rip off of the Monado but that doesn't mean you can beat it." Willow said, forming her grip on her hammer.

"We'll see." Belos said.

Luz ran at him and swung the sword. Belos smirked as he swung his own, clashing in a large wave of magic energy before Luz was pushed back!

"That pathetic relic can't hold up to mine." Belos said, "Observe."

The glyph images began to rotate, making the fire glyph become the one on top. A tornado of fire came out of the sword as Belos smirked, ready to finish them off.

"You call that fire?" Boscha asked before connecting her sword handles, forming a double bladed weapon. "I'll show you fire!"

Boscha ran at Belos and swung her swords. He blocked her attacks as Boscha spun her weapon about and kept attacking, her flames clashing as Belos'.

"You clearly took after your family." Belos said, "You've made some incredible weapons."

"Keep your flattery!" Boscha shouted as she span and stabbed at his mask, cracking it as Belos stumbled a bit.

"Impressive skill to but very annoying!" Belos said as she launched the fire tornado at Boscha!

Boscha spun her double ended blade, blocking the fire. As Boscha was distracting Belos, Willow ran up behind and swung at Belos, knocking him away from Boscha. Willow made a spell circle and vines formed, but Belos just cut them down.

"Your magic is strong, but even you can't stop me with some small plants." Belos said.

Belos ran at Willow, only for more vines to grab him. Willow looked over and saw Boscha with a spell circle up.

"Don't mess with my friend." Boscha said.

"Y-you finally learned how to do plant magic on your own." Willow said.

"Yeah, I got a good teacher." Boscha said, smiling at Willow, "Now help me hold him down."

Willow nodded as she slammed her hammer down, growing more vines as they began wrapping around Belos.

"Impressive but worthless." Belos said, squeezing his sword so the wheel changed to put the ice glyph on top.

He froze the vines and broke free. He charged at Boscha and Willow, only for a purple haired witch to get between them with a sword that had purple flames.

"Don't even think about it!" Amity said, swiping her sword at Belos.

Acting fast, Belos swung as well and clashed ice with her fire to produce a smokescreen of steam! This only help Gus, as he's used to moving easily through things you can't see through. He used this chance to throw his boomerang behind Belos legs, freezing the back on them, before it turned back and came back to Gus, freezing the front of Belos legs. The steam went away and Luz ran up, holding her sword in a reverse hold. She swung it and blinded Belos with the large light beam she fired.

"AAAAAAH!" Belos screamed, feeling his eyes and face burned greatly from the beam of light!

"He's on the ropes, get him!" Luz said.

The group ran at Belos, but Belos just slammed his sword on the ground, shaking the prison and knocking them all away. Everyone watching from below screamed in a terror as they took cover, some ducking down while others produced shields to protect themselves and others around them. Belos stood up and switched to the plant glyph.

"I promised to take away every ally you have." Belos said, slamming the sword down.

The sword created vines that wrapped up Camila. He walked over to the petrification machine and started it up.

"I meant it."

Luz looked up and saw her mom in the line of fire.


The machine started and fired at Camila. Luz got up and ran in front of her mother, holding her hand out to the machine. Luz felt the beam hit her and she screamed in pain. Luz felt the stone creep up her arm and felt tears fill her eyes.

"Why keep fighting?" Belos asked, "Just give up!"

Luz looked down as the stone began to reach her shoulder. That's when a voice rang in her head. Hunter's voice. She heard the words he told her before escaping.

'Don't give up, not as long as you have something worth fighting for.'

Luz thought about her friends and allies that died. She thought she had truly lost everything and everyone, but seeing her mom here, in trouble, seeing her friends in trouble... she closed her eyes, right as the stone began to cross her face. She shot her eyes open again, revealing them to be white.

"No." Luz said.

The stone began to recede, shocking Belos. Luz looked at Belos.

"I won't give up." Luz said, "Not as long as my friend and family are in danger. Not as long as there are people that I need to get justice for. Not as long... as I have people that love me."

The stone moved down to Luz's hand, even began to glow as Luz fired a beam of light through the machine. Luz held out her hand and her sword flew into it. She pointed it at Belos.

"I am going to avenge everyone you killed. Hooty, King, Hunter, Lilith, Eda... and everyone you've killed through the years that I will never know the names of." Luz said, "You're reign of terror ends today!"

Belos growled at her as his limit was fully reached, his body twitching and change before he roared in rage!

"ROAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared as his body became the same monstrous form he took when he killed Hunter, showing everyone just how much of a monster he truly is!

"That's what I thought!" Luz said, "You're a monster, inside and out."

"And you are an annoying wretch!" Belos shouted, fusing his X-Caliber with his right hand! "You will be the first I kill before this whole realm!"

He went to stab her, only for Luz to block it with the Monado.

"Try me." Luz said.

She pushed him back and jumped, slashing at his arm and nearly cutting it off!

"Aaaah!" Belos shouted in pain.

"En Garde!" Luz shouted at him.

Luz charged at him, switching to fire mode and swinging at him and sending fire at him. Belos slammed his sword into the ground and produced giant ice spikes. Another clash of steam hit between them as Luz switched to light more, rushing through with a trail of light.

"Two can play at this!" Belos said as he switched his sword to the light glyph and dashed into the smoke as well.

Luz smirked and switched to the plant glyph, slamming it down and creating massive vines. Smashing into the wall of vines, Belos nearly splattered as the smoke cleared, showing Luz was standing behind him.

"Gotcha." Luz said, shifting to fire mode.

Belos growled as he shifted his goo like body to look "forward" at Luz win his sword now on his left. Luz swung her sword, creating a blast of fire. The fire hit Belos, but didn't do much.

"Hm, pathetic." Belos said, "My turn."

Belos fired at Luz, only for a giant wall of vines to block her. Luz looked at Willow, who had her hammer.

"Don't worry, Luz... we're not going to let you fight him alone." Willow said.

Belos burned the vines. He raised his blade and was about to swing it, when he was hit in the head by a boomerang.

"Don't even think about it." Gus said, catching his boomerang.

Boscha and Amity walked next to Luz.

"Well, girls." Boscha said, "What's say we end this with a bang?"

All four swords caught fire. Boscha's flame was yellow, Amity's was purple, and Luz's was orange.

"It's over Belos." Luz said.

The three swung their swords, with a wall of different colored fire heading right for Belos. The monster emperor quickly changed his sword back to fire glyph before launching a giant wave of his own flames, clashing with the multiple flames of his enemies. The fire erupted on the top of the prison and the three girls ran through the fire, ready to end this, by any means necessary.

"We're not playing anymore!" Boscha said, throwing her sword at Belos.

The swords hit Belos, cutting Belos' arms off. Amity ran up and jumped.

"We're finishing you off for all the pain you caused!" Amity said, slicing Belos legs off.

Willow and Gus ran up and slammed their hammer and threw their boomerang at him, wrapping him in ice and vines.

"This is for kidnapping Luz you bastard!" Willow said.

"And for kidnapping her mother!" Gus said.

Luz looked at him with glowing white eyes.

"The Titan is displeased." Luz said, running and shoving her sword right through his head, "I should thank you, if you never sent me to my lowest... I would never have reached my highest."

Luz pulled her sword out and Belos... melted. Luz looked at her friends.

"Well... I need a healer." Luz said before passing out.

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