Ch. 16: Surprise Gift?

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They flew to the field and found... nothing. Boscha isn't there.

"Uh, are we early?"

"I'm not sure. She might be taking a break in the bathroom." Amity suggested as they looked around the field.

"Well, let's go check?"

Luz nodded to Amity as the duo headed for locker rooms.

"Hello? Is there a Boscha Triplet in here?" Luz asked, "Nope, she's not here either."

"Weird, maybe she's at home?"

"Then let's head there." Luz said to Amity.

They took off and went to Boscha's house, where they saw flashes coming from the window.

"Is she... working on something?"

"Maybe. She is one of the best students in the potions track." Amity said to her.

"Uh... Boscha?!" Luz called.

The flashing stopped and Boscha opened the window.

"You're here! Great!"

Boscha took off the goggles.

"How much did you sleep last night, you have bags under your eyes."

"I didn't sleep at all! I was too excited after my discovery!"

Without asking, Boscha grabbed Luz and Amity by the hands and dragged them inside of her room before she shut the window.

"Now, feast your eyes on... this!"

Boscha held up a red watch looking device.

"A watch. Cool." Amity said, sarcastically.

Luz looked it over, seeing that it was pretty advanced yet primitive. Like a fancy pocket watch.

"It still looks cool but why are you showing us this?" Luz asked Boscha.

Boscha groan. She put it on Luz's wrist and pressed a button. The watch turned into a full suit of red armor that engulfed Luz.

Amity flinched away as Luz was not in a red suit of battle armor, a built-in face plate to protect her face as well.

"Whoa! Cool!" Luz said, looking over the red battle armor.

Amity noticed that Luz's voice was distorted, almost as if it's trying to keep her hidden.

"It worked!" Boscha said.

"WHY did you make this?" Amity asked her.

"So, I was looking through my grandfather's notes, when I knocked ink over it. I found an entire group of secret projects and a whole missing part to the Monado destiny."

"A secret group?" Luz said in her disguised voice.

"A missing part?" Amity said in surprise.

"Yes! And you I will NOT believe it!" Boscha said as she went to the notebook.

Boscha was giddy with excitement when she showed them the notebook. Looking inside, the two say designs for the armor Luz was wearing and designs for magic weapons like the Monado. The ones Boscha had circled was a large boomerang, a war hammer, a broad sword, and two dual blades.

"Cool weapons, did you design them?" Luz asked as she clicked the watch, making the armor retract.

"My grandfather did, but I'm going to make them. This is amazing!"

Amity and Luz have never seen Boscha this happy before.

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