Ch. 26: Date Disaster Part 3

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They were enjoying the pizza but having to deal with the cold.

"I appreciate this, Mittens, but maybe we should pick a warmer place next time." Boscha said.

"Well maybe we could make a fire to stay warm. We all know fire magic." Amity suggested.

"That still doesn't solve the wind problem." Boscha said to her.

"I can solve that." Luz said, pulling out the Monado in plant mode.

Stabbing it into the ground, Luz made a vine wall grow around them and the tree in the shape of a U. Cutting them off from the wind while letting them still see the stars.

"I don't know why you needed the sword for that." Boscha said, "You have magic now."

"Yeah, but I'm still working on that." Luz said, noticing something, "Boscha, how much pizza did you eat?"

"I don't know, I was focused on Mitten's eyes."

Luz pointed to Boscha's hand. Boscha looked at her hand and saw that it was much flatter than she thought, like her hand was a flimsy piece of paper.

"Oh Titan! Not again, I always get like this with pizza. I enjoy it too much and eat it too fast." Boscha said.

"Well, I can safely say this was the single most... interesting date ever." Luz said, "So, are you going to go fully flat?"

"In about five minutes. Then it takes about twelve hours to revert."

"But, Amity said-"

"She was pressed between a book, I won't be."

"Oh! Well....maybe you can drink some Root Beer to counter it? Fight the flattening with the bloating?" Luz suggested.

"Someone tried that before... it did not end well." Amity said.

"I'll be fine, Luz, I just am going to need one of you to bring me home later." Boscha said.

"I'll do it." Amity said, eating the pizza slowly.

"Hey, you make it sound like I won't be helping as well." Luz said.

"You know, a year ago, I never imagined this would happen." Amity said.

"That we'd be on a triplet date and Boscha would be as flat as paper?" Luz asked.

"Well, yeah, but I meant... I didn't think I would be so happy."

"Yeah, me either." Boscha said with a smile. "I really hope we can have more moments like this together in the future."

"Me too." Luz said, smiling at them.

"No matter what." Amity said as a shooting star passed over them.

Luz got an idea and grabbed Boscha.

"What are you doing?" Boscha asked, very curious about what Luz is doing.

"Just want to try something."

Amity watched as Luz folded her. After a second, she showed what she did.

"Tada, an origami rose."

Luz put Boscha into Amity's hair.

"Well, this isn't what I thought would happen but I'm strangely not opposed to it." Boscha commented, now folded into a rose.

"Me either." Amity admitted.

"Well, I just thought about what could make you two cuter, and figured that adding a cute girl to one might work." Luz said, "Plus, it'll be easier to get Boscha home."

"That makes sense." Amity said with a smile.

"Yep, I'm a beautiful accessory." Boscha said, "Maybe you could join me, Luz."

"Maybe another time, my beautiful flower."

The rest of their date was spent talking, eating, and enjoying the beauty of the realm but all things come to an end as Luz had summoned Amethyst to fly her girlfriends home.

"Hop on girls." Luz said.

"Tell that to Amity." Boscha said, "I'm a paper flower. I can't move myself."

"You know what I mean." Luz said with a smile, rolling her eyes playfully.

Amity got on and carefully held Boscha so she wouldn't fly out of her hair.

"Lift off in 3...2...1." Luz said before gently flying up with Amethyst and flying towards Blight Manor. "Let me know if I'm going to fast, okay?"

"We will."

The ride back to Blight manor was quiet, yet it was nice as Amity held Luz's waist and put her chin on Luz's shoulder.

'So romantic.' Emira said.

'This would be perfect for a picture if we weren't earrings.' Edric said. 'But the good news is, the spell should wear off by midnight and we can get the photons from Amity's memories.'

'NO ONE is taking my memories.' Amity thought, reminded of the "incident" with Willow.

'What about when you three get married?' Emira asked, 'Oh, can I be the dress?'

'Hey, why can't I be the dress?' Edric asked.

'Neither of you are being my wedding dress!' Amity thought.

As the blight siblings where having a mental argument, Luz had reached Blight Manor in record time.

"Well, here we are." Luz said, "Just hand me Boscha and I'll bring her home."

Amity jolted at how fast the ride was or by how long she had been arguing with her disguised siblings.

"Of course." Amity said as she dismounted the staff, pulling the paper rose of Boscha from her hair. "This was wonderful. I hope we can do it again."

"So do I, hopefully without the threat of a monster attack." Luz said, taking Boscha.

"I do as well." Boscha said, "Hopefully without getting flat, or inflated, or turned into a couch-"

"Turned into a couch?" Luz asked.

"It's a long story." Amity said.

"And it is not worth telling right now. Trust me." Boscha said as Luz put her in her black hair.

"I love you two." Amity said.

"And we love you, Amity." Luz said, kissing her for both her and Boscha. "I hope you have sweet dreams tonight."

"And I hope you two fly safely."

Amity waved then goodbye as Luz flew towards Triplet manor to drop Boscha off, or more likely take her to her bed and unfold her.

"Well, that was nice." Luz said.

"Hopefully next time it won't involve any monster attacks, or... we're not having pizza next time." Boscha said.

"Yeah." Luz said as she began unfolding Boscha.

'Though the pizza was good.' Luz thought.

Luz held Boscha up.

"You're like a really realistic poster."

"Well, if you want, you can take me with you." Boscha said.

"No, I'm not bringing you with me, I want my girlfriend, not a poster. Plus, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't survive the Owl House like this."

"Fine, just put me on my bed."

Luz did as she was told, moving the covers of the bed back and gently placing Boscha on the mattress.

"There you go, the covers should prevent you from slipping off the bed and a good night's sleep will make time fly." Luz said as she pulled the covers over Boscha up to her neck.

"So I should wake up back to normal or a few minutes before?" Boscha guessed.

"Well, if you can sleep for about 11 hours." Luz said with a shrug, knowing about an hour has passed since Boscha went flat.

"Can I get a kiss before you go?" Boscha asked.

"Oh, Bobo, I wasn't going to leave without one." Luz said with a smirk, leaning down to give her temporary flat girlfriend a kiss on the lips.

"Maybe next time I'll eat too fast." Luz said.

Luz walked out of the room and found herself in front of Boscha's parents.

"Luz, glad we could catch you before you left." Elizabeth said.

"We wanted to thank you for what you did." Mavic said, "If it wasn't for you, the entire restaurant would've been destroyed and hundreds would've died."

"It's no problem." Luz said. Assuming they recognized her for having the Monado.

"Is Boscha okay?" Elizabeth asked.

"Other than eating pizza food fast, she's fine." Luz said to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth pinched the bridge of her nose.

"That girl and pizza." She mumbled, "I'm assuming she's flat?"

"Yes, she's all tucked in and ready for bed. If anything, she should be back to normal by about 10 am tomorrow." Luz guessed, looking at the grandfather clock in the hall.

"At this point we should get a frame for her. This happens at least three times every few months." Mavic said.

"Pizza makes up about a third of her diet."

'And yet she still has a great figure.' Luz thought.

With that thought in her mind, Luz bid the Triplets goodbye and flew back to the owl house on Amethyst. Though she had to wonder just where did that Death Walker come from and how did it get into town without anyone noticing until it was near the restaurant? In the castle, Golden Guard kneeled in front of Belos.

"The mission failed." He said.

"Hmmm, yes. It seems we underestimated the human, she was more adept with the Monado then we thought." Belos said as he rubbed his chin, "Keep watch on her, find her weaknesses and exploit them."

"Yes, Uncle." Hunter said with a bow, raising up to leave.

"That girl is a threat to the Day of Unity. She is to be taken care of as soon as possible."

Though Hunter agreed with his uncle, he felt conflicted. The human didn't seem all that bad when they worked together to save the palismen and if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have a palisman himself but still, he was loyal to his uncle. It's not like he can just betray him for the friendship of one messily human.

"Of course, Uncle."

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