Ch. 52: Relaxtion and Planning

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At the Owl House, Luz was polishing her sword. She never noticed how dirty her magic sword had gotten or that it even could get dirty considering it was in a hidden cave for how many years.

"Somehow this world still surprises me."

Luz just kept repeating that to herself, day in and day out. No matter how much she learned or saw of the demon realm, there would always be things that left her just as surprised or shocked as in her first day.

"Okay, almost done. Soon you'll be just as shiny as when I found you."

Luz put the rag down before grabbing a can of chrome polish Eda had in the house. It may have been old but it still did the job as she sprayed some in the Monado.

"There, now for the last wipe." She said as she dragged the rag across the blade and looked at it, seeing her reflection in it, "Perfect."

The way it shined in the light was almost blinding, like it was just forged in a blacksmith's hut.

"Hopefully it will be a calm evening." Luz could use a simple day at home after what just happened but at least Odalia was behind bars.... to her knowledge, "Finally, I can relax."

Luz put the Monado against the wall as she laid in her room, grabbing a notebook and began thinking of glyph combinations.

"There's bound to be something that I can make."

As Luz was thinking of combinations, like wood or maybe crystal, Hunter was walking through the hall of the coven towards his uncle's throne room. He had called him to introduce a new member that he would be working with.

'Wonder who it is?' Hunter thought as he carried his artificial magic staff and Lil Rascal hidden under his cloak.

He opened the doors and walked in. Kneeling as he made it to the front of his uncle.

"Ah, Hunter. You've arrived just in time. Your new partner is just freshening up." Belos said as he sat on his throne.

"Yes, Uncle, who is it, might I ask?"

Gesturing to his left, Belos gave the signal for Odalia to walk in with her new armor. The eyes of her helmets still have the red glow as she walked up with a white cloak over her body.

"Say hello the Eclipse Enforcer." Belos said as Hunter rose to his feet, seeing that she was taller than him.

"Greetings, Golden Guard. It's an honor to be working with you." She said in a digitized voice.

"And she will help with the... problem?"

"She is MORE than happy to help." Belos said with a nod.

"Let's just say I have... HISTORY with the little human." Odalia said with a growl.

"Then I look forward to working with you." Hunter said.

"The same to you, Golden Guard." Odalia said as she and Hunter shook hands.

"Now, go plan the next attack." Belos said.

The Golden Guard and Eclipse Enforcer turned to Belos, paying close attention to their emperor as he gave them his new plan. They were to destroy the Owl House... with everyone inside. While the Eclipse Enforcer/Odalia loved this idea, the Golden Guard/Hunter was hesitant. Luz was his friend but this was his job, which was more important? He kneeled.

"Of course Uncle."

'Uncle, hmm? Interesting.' Odalia thought, never knowing the Emperor had family.

"We will not fail you, your majesty." She said with a kneel.

"I would hope not, you are dismissed. I need to speak with some of my allies to see how the day of Unity will proceed. Do not begin this plan without my permission." Belos said.

"Understood." They said as they got up and turned to leave.

During her inauguration into the coven, Belos told Odalia about the Day of Unity and found it VERY profitable. If the realms were fused together and the humans were overrun by the witches, she can start up a new business like Blight Industries and sell magic weapons to humans to defend themselves. Sure there were some small things, like morals, that stopped that, but it was totally possible. Besides, Odalia didn't care until Belos requested the Abomitrons serve the Emperor's Coven while giving Blight Industries all the funding they could ask.

'I'm sure this can work out if I convinced his majesty of the lucrative opportunities and MAYBE tamper with the weapons so they wouldn't last long.' Odalia thought as she and Hunter went their separate ways.

Odalia had dozens of ideas going through her head. How to build a new business, how to deal with Luz when they meet for the LAST time, and how she was going to remind Amity that she should've STAYED in line.

'Mittens, though you hate me, I have the best interests for the family at heart. Soon, you'll realize that.' Odalia thought with a glare, heading towards the shooting range of the castle.

Hunter on the other hand, was doing what he been doing for nearly a week. Questioning everything. Was his uncle the good king everyone thought he was? Was his coven system really working? And was Luz really a threat like he was told like with all humans? Every question made him more confused. And it made him wonder, why was he staying in this side if he questioned if it was really to good side? Rascal chirped which broke Hunter out of his mind. He quickened his pace to his room and shut the door behind him. This was the only safe place in the castle where Rascal could fly without worry of his uncle feeding on his wild magic.

"What am I going to do?"

Rascal flew out from his cloak and began chirping to Hunter, trying to say everything will be alright but he couldn't understand him. Even after being with Hunter all this time, their connection still wasn't strong enough.

"I don't think chirping is going to help."

Rascal rolled his eyes at Hunter as he kept chirping, trying to talk with him. Hunter just sat on his bed. This entire thing has been messing with his mind.

"I just don't know what to do."

Meanwhile, Belos was talking with Kikimora about the Day of Unity.

"Have you found it?" He asked her.

"Yes, your grace. We have found the mine where the Titan's Blood is said to be, we shall begin excavation at your call." Kikimora said with a nod.

"It's only a matter of time before the Human also learns this." Belos said, "Send Golden Guard and Eclipse Enforcer to the extraction site this friday. The weather won't be that dangerous at the knee, so there is reason to believe that the Human will attempt then."

"Understood, but if I may ask, how exactly would the human know of the site? It's not like we have a spy in the coven." Kikimora said to Belos.

"Maybe not but that human has proven to be more trouble than we thought. Her getting the Monado is more than proof of that." Belos said to her.

The little member nodded to Belos before going to tell the Eclipse Enforcer and the Golden Guard of their future mission. She felt that she liked E.E more than G.G. for some reason, maybe because she was older than G.G. and recognized respect.

"There is much to do in such a short time." Belos said, going back to working on the portal.

All Belos could do was work and pray accordingly to the Titan's will.

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