Ch. 81: Planning Ahead

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They landed at Hexside and walked in hand in hand in hand. Many students have them waved and friendly greetings, still supporting their relationship as they say their friend groups getting along with each other.

"You know, it was lonely at the top." Boscha said, "It doesn't feel so lonely anymore."

"That's because you let yourself be alone when you didn't have to be." Luz said with a smile to her, "And I'll see you in Potions." Luz kissed Boscha's cheek, "And I'll see you in Abominations." She kissed Amity's cheek.

"See you later, Lulu/babe." Amity and Boscha said before they kissed her cheeks before she left.

"She's too pure for this world." Amity said.

"I know." Boscha said, kissing Amity's cheek, "See you at lunch."

"Right back at cha." Amity said before she headed off towards class.

Luz went to her first class, Beast Keeping. Since this class didn't require magic most of the time, it was one of Luz's best and favorites. Luz was currently petting her baby griffin. One of the things she had to do was watch over a Griffin Egg, and it hatched before it was supposed to and then imprinted on Luz.

"How are you this morning, my fluffy little baby?" Luz asked in a cutesy voice.

Fluffy, as Luz called her, climbed up Luz's arm to her shoulder. She was too young to fly, she has small baby feathers still. Luz wanted to bring her home, but because she hatched early, they want to make sure she doesn't have any problems. Fluffy nuzzled Luz's cheek as her class partner sat down next to her, Viney. Fellow multi track student and friend from the detention track.

"Hey, Luz, hi Fluffy." Viney said, petting the baby griffin.

"Hello, Viney. How are you today and how's Puddles?" Luz asked.

"Both good." Viney replied.

"How are you, Luz?" Viney asked.

"I'm... I'm good." Luz said, "It's... it's been a hard weekend."

Luz was still sore from the loss of a family member. Luz didn't get to focus much on it, as the teacher came in.

"Alright, class settle down. Today we have a special guest joining us today." The Beast Keeping teacher said, getting all their attention, "Today, we have the head of the Beast Keeping Coven."

The class gasped in shock, Viney being the loudest, as the door was kicked opened and the head of the Beast Keeping coven came jumping into land on the teacher's desk!

"Head Witch, Eberwolf!" The class, besides Luz, said in shock.

'That's the Beast Keeping Coven head?! He's so cute!' Luz thought in awe of the small witch.

"Now, he's here to demonstrate some of the more advanced forms of Beast Keeping."

"Mmhm." Eberwolf nodded, sitting like a dog on the desk.

He was so in tune with beast keeping magic, Eberwolf was a beast himself. Luz watched with interest, she never got to see a master Beast Keeper in action. Eberwolf held up his finger and drew a spell circle over his forehead, shutting his eyes to perform the spell before he opened them to reveal high beams coming from them. Eberwolf looked at the ground and revealed several seats of footprints coming from the door to leading to the desk.

"Does anyone know what type of spell Head Witch Eberwolf is using?" The teacher asked the class.

Luz raised her hand.

"A Tracking spell?"

"Very good, Luz. It is a tracking spell." The teacher said as Eberwolf's continued to look around the room.

The class kept going, while in Potions class, Boscha was working on her latest potion.

"Just a little more and it'll be complete." Boscha whispered to herself.

She figured that she could do something nice for Luz, seeing as she was having a rough time with... what happened, so she decided to make a potion that would change Luz's mood. She's done it on herself several times in the past to appear happy in places she did not want to be, so she knows it last for a while, but has no lasting side effects. And it was better than seeing one of the girls she loved being so down at times.

"Now I just add one drop of-"

"Could Miss Triplet please come to the Principal's office?" Bump said over the loudspeaker.

The sudden call made Boscha drop the vial into the cauldron, making it explode, covering her in soot and making her hair stand up. She removed her glasses and used her uniform to wipe them off.

"Dang it." Boscha said as her glasses were clean and she put them back on.

She got up from her desk and began wiping the soot off her uniform as she exited the class to head to Principal Bump's office.

"Can I help you, Principal Bump?"

"Sit down, Ms. Triplet." Bump said, gesturing to the seat before his desk, "Now, I wanted to talk to you about... Luz."

"What is it? Is she hurt?!" Boscha said.

"No, well... not in the way a Healer could fix." Bump said, "Her teacher called and said that her usual happy self is. Seeing as you and Miss Blight are...acquaintances, I figured maybe you might know what's wrong."

Boscha looked away for a moment as she did know why Luz was so sad. Lilith's death was heavy in all of them, even though Boscha didn't know her that well, she still respected Lilith greatly and she did so much for the isles.

"I know the reason." Boscha admitted, "Don't let her know I told you but... she watched Lilith Clawthorne get murdered. From what she told me, Lilith took an arrow aimed for Luz and it hit her in the head. She died instantly."

"Goodness!" Bump said as he covered his mouth in surprise and shock.

He would never say it aloud, but Lilith was his favorite student, and yes as much as it pained him to say, Eda was his second favorite. Lilith always did her homework, never got in trouble, was always on top of everything. This was a horrible thing to happen, especially for Luz to witness. He can't imagine how she feels.

"And you can imagine how Luz feels." Boscha said sadly.

"She is blaming herself, isn't she?" Bump guessed as Boscha nodded.

"Amity and I can't seem to get through to her." Boscha said.

Bump hummed as he rubbed his chin, thinking of something to help.

"Have you thought of seeing a therapist? It could help her properly process these feelings." He suggested.

"Please, she would fight that tooth and nail." Boscha said, "But it could work if we trick her."

"I agree, though she probably won't like that. Even if you are one of her girlfriends." Bump said as he reached into his desk and pulled out a pamphlet for a therapist.

"Believe me, she won't but it's out of love and concern." Boscha said as the pamphlet was magically given to her.

"I'll talk to Amity about it." Boscha said.

"I hope that you do. You may go now." Bump said to Boscha.

As Boscha was leaving, she looked at the brochure.

'"Therapy, please help us by letting us help you." Titan that sounds so cheesy.' Boscha thought, 'But, it's the only possible option.'

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