Ch. 88: Fading into Twilight

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Luz spent a good portion of her first class thinking about being Boscha's shorts, she isn't opposed to it. Though it was a bit distracting as she almost missed the bell scream.

'Oh right! Gotta stop spacing out with fantasies.' Luz thought.

Luz ran to her next class. With her mind clear and cool, she was about to get to her locker to get the books for her beast keeping class. After that, she went to the class and checked on Fluffy. The little griffin chirped with glee at the sight of her mother before rushing to her, jumping into her embrace.

"I missed you too, Fluffy." Luz said as she rubbed her back, "I can't wait until I get to bring you home with me. Just a couple more weeks."

"Eeeh!" Fluffy let out, excited to go home with her mother as well.

Luz went to sit in her chair and cuddled with Fluffy as the teacher came into the room. Fluffy curled up on Luz's book. Luz cooed at this before going back to the teacher as Viney came to sit beside her.

"That little one is adorable." Viney said.

"I know." Luz said as she petted Fluffy. "It's almost sad that she'll group up to be a crazy beast."

"You kidding? That's when they're even better." Viney said to her.

"Really... is that why you had to get your hand sewn back on?" Luz asked.

"That's... none of your business."

Viney didn't want to admit it, but she was also physically scarred one time when Puddles got a bit too BIG with her kisses to her and BIT her hand off by accident!

"Let's not talk about that." Viney said.


The teacher got their attention for today's lesson, a rather disgusting one to check them for magic ticks.

"Oh, this is going to suck, isn't it?" Luz asked.

"Most likely." Viney said.

Still, the duo paid close attention as the teacher went on to describe the magic ticks and what they suck out of an animal. Surprisingly to Luz, they didn't suck out just blood, they also suck out magic.

"Now what you want to look out for the most for the ticks is their unique shell color." The teacher said, pointing to a diagram of magic tick, "If they're red, then removing them is a must."

"And if they're any other color?" A student with blonde hair, brown skin, and large bat ears asked.

"They each have a different color based on how dangerous. Red is immediate removal, purple is just blood, and black... well... you may want to jump in the Boiling Ocean, because that's not going to end well for anyone."

Luz shivered as she immediately wrote down this information, underlining the color difference 3 times.

"Okay, that's nice to know." Luz said.

"Now, next is how we remove the ticks. The ones that can be removed without jumping into the Boiling Ocean." The teacher said, "It's quite simple, you must find a very cold place, because they cannot survive in cold climates."

'So, they're kind of like reptiles and other cold-blooded creatures.' Luz thought.

"Do cold spells like ice work as well?" A student asked.

"If you can't find a cold place, then yes. An ice spell is most useful." the teacher said, "Although, for some creatures that can't survive in cold climates, sometimes an ice spell won't be enough."

'Okay, got it.' Luz thought as she wrote down this information, highlighting the use of an ice glyph or fire glyph.

Elsewhere, Amity was texting Boscha.

'Are we good for dress shopping and the session after school?' Amity texted.

'Everything is set up, we'll meet up before lunch and talk more.' Boscha texted, 'Love you.'

'Love you too.' Amity texted before putting her scroll away.

"This better work." Amity didn't want Luz to feel guilty anymore, if this didn't help her then nothing will, "I don't want her to feel like this."

Luz was always such a bright ball of light, it was her name sake, but because of recent events, that light seemed to be fading.

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