Ch. 91: Ready for Anything

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A few days later, it was time to get ready for the dance.

"Alright, you guys ready for this?" Boscha asked from her bathroom.

"We're waiting." Luz said.

"Please don't come out naked, Luz might die." Amity said.

"I won't.... not until after the dance." Boscha said through the door, slowly opening it.

She had on a black suit with a yellow tie. Her look was simple yet it was dazzling as Boscha also had her brunette hair done in ponytail.

"Amazing." Luz said with wide eyes.

"You do clean up good." Amity said in her dress.

"I figured I'd be similar to Luz." Boscha said.

Luz wore a white suit, with a black shirt and white tie. She also had a white raven pin clipped to the front pocket, a little memorial to Lilith.

"Well, you both look perfect." Amity said as her dress looked like it was made from abomination magic and her hair was in a bun.

"When are the others getting her?" Luz asked.

"Skara said they're only a couple minutes away." Boscha said.

"Meaning we have a little time to fix small things in our outfits." Amity said as she patted her dress down a bit for wrinkles.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I look perfect." Boscha said.

"I think no matter what you look like, you'll both be perfect to me." Luz said to Boscha and Amity.

"Awe." They said.

They each gave Luz a kiss.

"You're so sweet." Amity said to her.

"Sweetest girl in the whole isles." Boscha said.

"No, that title belongs to you two." Luz said.

"No, it's you." Boscha said back.

This wouldn't gone in for longer, calling each other cute over and over, until the doorbell rang.

"They're here!" Luz said.

Luz was the first to rush to the door as her girlfriends followed behind her, excited to see how their friends looked for the dance. Luz opened the door and hugged Willow and Gus. Her friends hugged back as their dates came watched from behind them.

"So, who's with who?" Boscha asked.

"Well... I'm... going with Amelia." Cat said.

'Good for her.' Amity thought with a smile.

"And I'm going with this cutie." Skara said as she hugged Gus from behind.

"And I've never really been that interested with dating or romance." Willow said, "I'm just that mom friend everyone has."

"Willow, being the mom of the group... that doesn't surprise me." Luz said.

"Yes, you always been caring and nurturing like a mother, but I still think you'll find love someday." Amity said to her friend.

"Maybe, but I'm more focused on myself at this point in my life." Willow said, "I don't need someone to be happy."

Luz gave Willow a proud look before patting her shoulder and nodding.

"You are what every woman on Earth strives to be, strong and independent." Luz said to her.

"Well... she's definitely strong." Boscha said, "You could learn a thing or two from her, Luz."

"I said I will bulk up in three years time!" Luz said to Boscha.

"We know but maybe Willow could help you as a trainer." Boscha said to her.

"She couldn't keep up." Willow said, "I'm pretty intense."

"She's right. I've seen her workout regimen." Gus said with a nod.

"Hey, I'm not some little kid, I'm a strong girl."

"Bi strength is not permanent strength." Amity said to Luz.

"Oh, don't you start!" Luz whined.

"Should we be watching this, or should we just get to the dance?" Gus asked Skara.

"Gussy is right." Skara said, "Boscha, do you have the special carriage?"

"You're damn right I do." Boscha said.

Putting the argument on hold, Boscha lead everyone to the front of the house and pulled out her scroll to send a text.

"And the carriage should be here in 3....2.....1." Boscha said.

A giant, gold plated, carriage with wings landed in front of them.

"Holy golden steed!" Luz shouted in shock.

"Actually, there's no steed. It's fully magically automated." Boscha said to Luz, "And it's the best carriage money could buy. Let's get going!"

Everyone got inside of the carriage and flew to Hexside, with Luz gazing in awe at the interior as well.

"This is- Boscha get your hand away from that bottle." Luz said.

Boscha, who was slowly reaching for a vodka bottle, stopped.

"What?" Boscha denied.

"Amity told me about sneaking alcohol when you hung out but I will not have my girlfriends being drunk on the night of a dance. That is a human world cliche." Luz said as she grabbed the bottle and rolled down the carriage window.

"Wait, Luz what are you doing?!" Boscha asked in shock!

"I'm putting my foot down. There will be no drinking tonight." Luz said to her.

"Luz, don't drop that bottle." Boscha said, "It is really expensive. My parents will kill me."

"I'm sure they'll understand why I had to throw it away." Luz said before reeling her hand back to throw it.

"I have to agree with Boscha, Luz. Her parents are VERY strict about their alcohol." Amelia said as Luz paused.

"Fine, Amity, make sure Boscha stays away from it." Luz said.

Luz put the bottle back as Amity put herself next to Boscha, keeping a close eye on her

"Gladly." Amity said, not liking that Boscha tried to drink either.

Boscha pouted.

"This is gonna become a whole thing, isn't it?" Boscha asked.

"Yes, it will." Amity said as Luz came to sit in the other side of her.

"We do this because we love you." Luz said to her.

"Hold on." Skara said.

She reached into Boscha's hair, shoving her entire arm into it.

"You have hair like that too?!"

Skara pulled out three bottles of whiskey.

"Just as I thought." Skara said as she put the three bottles away from Boscha.

"What the hex, Skara?! That's my secret stash!" Boscha shouted at her!

"Boscha you're fourteen!" Luz said.

"You don't know the legal drinking age!" Boscha quickly countered, hoping no one would tell Luz.

"You told me it!" Luz said, "It's seventeen!"

'Dang it!' Boscha thought, remembering that!

"I could check for more in her hair." Skara said.

"And I put an oath on her to make her promise not to drink tonight." Amity added.

"No! No oaths! And that is all that was in my stash, swear to Titan!" Boscha said with her hands up.

Skara reached into Boscha's hair.

"She telling the truth." Skara said, "But I know you usually carry six."

"I've cut back." Boscha said with her arms crossed. "Being with two beautiful girls takes time away from drinking."

Luz and Amity glared at Boscha.

"Honestly Boscha, I can't believe your an alcoholic."

"I am not... I'm a drunk, there's a difference." Boscha said.

"I can't believe you never told me that you can do the hair thing!" Luz said, "How do you do that?!"

"Well, it's both a genetic trait with certain witches and a spell one could apply to their hair to turn it into a magic storage space. The size varies with how big or long your hair is." Boscha said to Luz. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I was always curious to how Eda always did that, and I thought it was because of her big hair!" Luz said, "I want my hair to do that!"

"If you want hair like that so badly, we could do something to it after the dance." Amity suggested.

"Yes, Please!" Luz said.

"You better not think of storing anything huge in there." Boscha said to her. "A new storage space needs time to settle in before you use it."

"I won't." Luz said, "Just somewhere to put a couple books."

"Azura books?" Willow asked with a smirk.

"I won't deny or add to that." Luz said with a smile.

"Why didn't I think about that?" Boscha mumbled.

"Because you enjoy booze too much." Skara, Cat, and Amelia said to her, hearing her mumbling.

"Shut up." Boscha said.

Luz and Amity giggled at Boscha before they gave her a kiss on the check each, calming her down.

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