Last Night Before Survivor Series

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November 14

Survivor Series is next week as fans are pumped for the Women's Warfare Match, the team of Wade Barrett against team Randy Orton, CM Punk vs Alberto Del Rio for the WWE Championship, and lastly John Cena and the Rock against the Miz and R-Truth.

*in the ring*

Mick Foley appears as he addresses the Situation between John Cena and the Rock for their tag match at Survivor Series. And he hopes both men could get along. Soon, John arrives and tells Mick that he asked the Rock to he his partner not to be friends.

Mick understood that and tells that he's supports both men. Soon, he said.

Mick: John Cena...this is your life!

They turn to the titantron and...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as John and Mick look in surprise as Daikon comes out and makes his way to the ring. He was wearing some black pants, a Brick Red Suit, and a black undershirt that's buttons are barely holding his Godlike Pecs.

JR: Why is our General Manager coming out? This has nothing to do with him.

Michael: I don't know, but I'm glad. I find Foley's attempts to try to get John to be friendly with the Rock pathetic.

Jerry: Only that Daikon really does not care about either Mick, John, or Rock. Remember when he beat Rock after beating Stone Cold Steve Austin at SummerSlam?

JR: I remember that vividly. And the fact that Daikon would later beat Rock for the WCW Championship. Just a merciless psychopath. Now, he's a blood thirsty sociopath that is ruling RAW with an Iron Fist.

Daikon soon enters the ring as stares at Mick and John. His theme fades as the crowd cheers for him. Soon, he asks for a mic as Justin Roberts passes it to him.

Daikon: Mick...I can see why you're doing this whole...thing, for John Cena. do realize that it wouldn't really matter as both John and Dwayne...

The crowd oohs as he refers to Rock by his real name. But unlike John, Daikon's way of saying it shows Rock has yet to earn his respect, after losing to Black many times.

Daikon: Would still be at each other's throats. And after Survivor Series, they would still be at odds. So this...This is your life thing you're pulling would not cut. Why the Hell would I want to spend like 5 minutes of my time watching someone that is irrelevant to me in any way possible?

The crowd oohs as John glares at Daikon. Daikon paid no mind as he stares at Mick.

Daikon: And let me remind you, Mick...that even though you and Dwayne became friends later both, like John, had hatred many years ago. Remember the Royal Rumble back in 1999?

The crowd oohs and yells in shock that Daikon made mention of the infamous time Rock went overboard with Chairshots to a Handcuffed Mick Foley at the PPV. Mick glares at Daikon who just smirks while John gave a sympathetic look to Foley.

Daikon had the audacity to mention Mick's worst night of his career. Having to be hit with so main chair shots while handcuffed in front of his whole family. And he did so, with a smile on his face. A smile of a emotionless, yet sadistic individual.

Mick: That's in the past-

Daikon: In the past, it really doesn't matter as you are trying to push a friendship between Cena and Johnson, which will no doubt not work in any way. So...

Daikon: Why don't you make the wise choice and leave MY

The crowd boos as Mick stares at this inhuman being in a mortal body as he smirks at him. Soon, he nods as he begins to leave...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as the Rock comes out and makes his way to the ring. Mick is seen happy to see his friend while John was not happy to see him. Daikon was just smirking with no care in the world.

Soon, Rock enters and then hits Foley with a Rock Bottom. The crowd yelled in shock as Daikon laughs at this until Rock gets on his face. The crowd oohs and cheers at these two Icons as Rock glares at Daikon.

He remembered the pain and torture Daikon put him through as well as leaving America for Japan to start his World Tour, taking all the World Titles with him. Daikon dominated WWE, ECW, and WCW without a sweat as he left to NJPW.

Daikon just smirks. Rock was nothing to him. He reigned Japan and many other countries while staring in many films before Rock, even appearing in four Godzilla Movies, such as GMK, Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla, Tokyo SOS, and Final Wars, where he played the main villain.

Soon, Rock leaves the ring as Daikon looks on with a smile. John glares at both men, mainly Rock, but Daikon shrugged it off and left as well.


We see Daikon walking down the halls backstage as he sees Zack Ryder talking to the Bella Twins. Ryder was trying to get them to sign a petition to help him get a shot at the United States Championship against Dolph Ziggler while John Morrison was the #1 Contender.

Zack then sees Daikon and immediately gets excited.

Zack: Hey look! It's the General Manager! He can vouch for me!

Daikon rolls his eyes as he goes to leave. But then, Zack stops him.

Zack: Hey, boss. I would like-

Daikon: Ryder, you do realize that I'm gonna put you in a Tournament next week on RAW to decide on who should face whoever wins the United States Championship at TLC?

The crowd cheers as Zack was surprised by this.

Zack: You are?

Daikon: It's mostly do to the fact I want to piss off everyone that is against having you onscreen more. niece says you're her favorite and I'm a softie when it comes to my family.

The crowd pops.

Nikki: Aww that's so sweet-

Daikon: Don't you have something else to do?

Bellas: Right/Sorry, sir.

They quickly leave as the crowd laughs.

Daikon: Anyway...yes. Next week on RAW, will have 2 Fatal Four Way Matches. And at the main event, both winners of those matches will face each other to earn a shot at the US Title. Now, could you please stop with this petitioning nonsense? It's getting irritating.

Zack: Right. Sorry, boss. Thank you, sir. I'll do my best.

Daikon: Good.

Zack leaves as Daikon sighs.

Daikon: The man's has a set. I don't know if I should respect that or not.


Daikon is seen in office, as he watches the Women having a match. It was a Six Women Tag Team Match with Kelly Kelly, Alicia Fox, and Eve Torres against Natalya, Beth Phoenix, and Layla.

The new WWE Women's World Championship belt is seen next to him, showing viewers what's to come at Survivor Series.

Soon, the match ends with each Women hitting their finishers at each other before Eve picks up the win for the team by hitting a Moonsault onto Beth. The crowd cheers for the baby face women as Daikon nods with intrigue.

Daikon: Impressive.


We see Randy Orton facing against Wade Barrett before their Survivor Series match as their teammates were at ringside. Earlier it was announced that Sin Cara wouldn't be able to compete due to injury, so Daikon personally put Zack Ryder is his spot.

This angered Dolph as it's clear Daikon was messing with him having Zack in Randy's team. Soon, the match goes as Randy seems to take the lead while Wade was an even matcha against him.

Soon, Randy was going for an RKO until Cody Rhodes appears and attacks Orton. This causes a disqualification as both Team Orton and Barrett began a brawl inside the ring.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Daikon comes out and makes his way to the ring. However, everyone realizes something. Daikon's not here to peacefully stop the chaos.

Jack Swagger saw Daikon approaching but had no time to react when Daikon kicked him down.

Daikon enters the ring and takes out Sheamus and Hunico with a double clothesline.

Cody ran into him and gets caught. Daikon lifts and hits Nodowa Otoshi.

Daikon then caught Dolph Ziggler and hits a Snap Backdrop Suplex.

Daikon gets up as Mason Ryan was targeting him. He went for a Strike but Daikon caught his arm without looking and takes him down.

Daikon caught Kofi and hits a Knee lift.

Soon, Randy went for an RKO on Daikon but was caught. Wade tried to attack but Daikon caught him too. Soon, Daikon hits a Double Chokeslam onto both leaders.

Soon, everyone is seen at ringside or in the ring, destroyed by Daikon Black. Fans were amazed by the fact that he can still wrestle even after no longer doing it as often as before.

Daikon soon, exits the ring and walks away, showing a clear message to the Superstars.

Daikon brings order by Destruction.


We see the Rock in the ring, having finally speaking out after he hit a Rock Bottom on Mick Foley earlier. He said that while he loves Mick, he doesn't want him to continue hearing about John Cena from him. And he even thanked Daikon for interrupting Mick, though didn't like how he threatened him to leave the arena.

Soon, Miz and R-Truth arrived as they refused to have a fight with either Rock or Cena. It's up to them and that they will make history at Survivor Series. Soon, John arrives and both he and Rock began to butt heads, making the Awesome Truth frustrated over being ignored.

Suddenly, we hear a sinister chuckle as the titantron cuts to Daikon Black. The crowd cheers as all four men stare at the General Manager who sips on his vine as looks at them.

Daikon: Children...such children. You want to be the center of universe...

Daikon: You have no idea what the Universe Holds. Unlike me. I am the World. You live in MY Domain. I merely let you live out of the kindness of my consciousness. Nothing more.

The crowd oohs as Daikon pours more wine on his cup.

Daikon: It seems this feud...whatever it's supposed to getting tense. Hmhm...why don't I make it interesting? Instead of a regular tag team match...why don't we make it...brutal? Hehehehe...

The crowd oohs as the four men look on in confusion and worry.

Daikon: At the main event of Survivor will be a Tornado Tag Team Match...but...with Hardcore Rules.

The crowd yelled in shock and fear as John, Rock, Truth, and Miz, look on in dread.

Daikon: That way I would like to see how "loyal" and trustworthy both your teams are. One that barely tolerate each other for some shitty reason...*coughs* Cena...*coughs* movies...*coughs* My goodness. The wine nearly got to my throat.

The crowd oohs and laughs at this clear trash talking about Cena and Rock.

Daikon: And you got a team that has been on thin ice after getting rehired for their actions and one of the is a Goofball and the other is known to backstabbing others and be a pain in the ass. Pah! Miz is looking after himself and Truth would only his imaginary friend at his side. Pitiful.

The crowd oohs as Miz and Truth glared at Daikon, but knew that he's a guy that can kill someone without trying. He proved that after he threatened a creep that was targeting Eve Torres. So they can't lay a finger on him.

Daikon: So that is my announcement. Take care, you four, and let's hope you use your weapons on your opponents. Not at each other. Hmhmhehehehehehe! *sighs* ...Ningen.

Daikon snaps his fingers and the camera cuts off, ending his moment on this segment. Now, the match between Cena and Rock against the Awesome will be a Falls Count Anywhere match with Hardcore rules. Which would be a very difficult situation as Daikon mentioned the untrustworthy nature between both teams.

The show ends with both teams staring at each other, shocked by news as Daikon watches on with an evil smile.


Beth: You've been so diabolical this night. First you insulted Mick Foley, attacked several superstars, and then made the match between Rock and Cena vs Truth and Miz more difficult in the trust business.

Daikon is seen talking to Beth about tonight.

Daikon: Yes. I mean, what can I say? I'm playing as a Warden inside a prison island. Since I've been destructive in my prime.

Beth: You're prime? I mean, you're barely 30 right now. So I don't think you're Deity World Tour was your prime.

Daikon: If you only stayed healthy and not check with a doctor, then it can change you.

Beth: Oh. Right. Your heart virus. Sorry if I-

Daikon: No, no. It's okay, Elizabeth. I'm at fault for not going to the doctor. I was advised by everyone, even Inoki-san, about my health but ignored it. Then, I coughed out blood while holding chest during a match.

Beth: Geez. I saw a video of that and it was horrific. Your opponent was just as scared as everyone in the arena.

Daikon: They should.  They never seen a man they believed was a God to cough out blood and was in pain in front of them. *sighs* It was the second worst day of my life. The worst was that I learned about my virus in front of my family. I was in denial, I was angry, sad, and depressed, I even try to assault the poor doctors and nurses. I couldn't believe it.

Beth gave him a sympathetic look as places her hand on his shoulder.

Beth: Well, it's a good thing you finally took your health seriously and went into treatment.

Daikon: Yes. It really...was eye opening. Sorry for telling my life story, Elizabeth. I-

Beth: No it's okay. I'm open to have others chat about their life. I just want to you to know that you are one of the most incredible wrestlers in Wrestling History and your reign, while may not compare to the likes of Bruno Sammartino, is one the best runs and really cemented your total badassary.

Daikon looks at her and gave a smile. He then grabs her hand and gives it a kiss, surprising her.

Daikon: Thank you...Beth. *winks*

Daikon then walks off as Beth looks with surprise She never expected this from Daikon, but it's nice to see more of his character than what he shows.

She smiles and walks off.

How's the chapter?

What did you like about Daikon here?

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