Chapter 4- The Legend of Vorine

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This author warns everyone!

Long chapter ahead. Unedited. 

Mention of suicide, child marriage, implication of dubcon sex. 

Take care!!!

Thirteen years ago, Kaizer Schulz sauntered down the snow-covered staircase one winter evening, watchful of his steps.

Bright orange columns of sun rays filtered through the canopy of Garden Iris overhead, casting golden patterns on the blinding- white snow. Now bare of their glorious halo of yellow blossoms, the dark branches shouldered the cruel weight of winter on them, praying for the summer to come. Kaizer felt the absence of their fragrance dearly as he gazed down the heaven reaching stairwell, warming his palms with his breath.

Under the hues of cold azures and glittering gold, the youth resembled a descended god. Draped in a dark blue fur coat, one of his gloved hands gripped the icy railing while the other held a bouquet of freshly cut River Blues. His gray eyes glistened with a naïve sparkle only a seventeen-year-old could have, before life stomped it out. Cold winds kissed his cheeks and pouty lips, tinting his pale visage with an adorable redness.

His guardians: two majestic raven hounds trotted by his side, playfully wagging their tails. They both were covered in a layer of fresh snow but didn't seem too bothered by it. Although they were huffing cold smoke, there was a happy spring to their gait. From how their golden eyes were twinkling, Kaizer knew they were exhilarated about this rather distasteful outdoor adventure. Kaizer occasionally patted their backs, relishing the warmth exuding from their soft fur.


He mumbled as he went, determined to count all nine hundred ninety-nine stairs. Monotony of the journey down the winding stone path grated on his nerves, and he swore to never make another trip to the foot of the mountain if he becomes the King one day.

He would send his bratty little brother. Make him pay for all his mischief.

"My Lord!"

Kaizer halted, swirling on his heel to see who in world was stupid enough to run down this death slide. It was a girl, darting down the stairs with the bravery only an immortal could possess. Her boots stomped on the snow with an ominous crunch, dark black curls bouncing joyously with each step.

"Narin!" Kaizer called out, hands already outstretched to catch the girl who was bound to fall sooner than later. "Slow down!"

The girl somehow made it to him in one piece, giggling. Narin's eyes reminded Kai of those black marbles Einar once got him, clear and round. She latched on to his hand, breaking into a new fit of breathless giggles when his hounds came sniffing at her.

"Where is my lord off to?" she chirped, beaming up at him. "I'm coming with you."

Kaizer sighed. Now that this little pest caught him, she will stick to him like hardened tree sap. Kaizer naturally had low tolerance towards kids and their hyperactivity, but Narin sure won the "most annoying" trophy by a landslide against Wolfram.

"Go back." He commanded firmly, trying not to sound rude.

Narin grinned, her cheeks ballooning. "No! Wolfy pulls my hair."

Kaizer scowled down at her. By experience he knew trying to shoo her away was futile. But she would whine nonstop around the sixtieth step, wailing that her feet were hurting and crying to be taken back. Kaizer chewed his cheek, trying to think of a way out of this predicament.

"Alright" He agreed finally, pulling her clammy hands off his arm. "But be quiet."

Narin had Kaizer worried about her neck with how ferociously she was nodding in agreement. They descended about five steps in peace before Narin asked, "How many steps are there?"

"Nine hundred ninety-nine"

There was a short pause. "I can only count to hundred."

Kaizer sighed deeply, praying to heavens for strength.

"Why are there so many of them?" Narin swung her arm at a branch, sending snow flying around.

"There is one for each day of divine judgment" Kai explained, dusting snow off his robe. He braced himself for the deluge of questions, hoping against hope that his ears wouldn't fall off.

"What is that? Why did you make stairs for them?" Narin asked, brows furrowed.

"It's a grown-up story" Kaizer shut her down and inched away. It was not. He just didn't want to talk to her.

Narin puffed up her chest and put her hands on her hips. "I'm grown up."

"You are nine." Kaizer deadpanned.

They hopped down a few more stairs with Narin loudly humming a tune. Kaizer kept silent and picked up his pace, hoping to shake her off his back.

"What is a divine judgement?" Narin babbled. Her voice was nasal, a tell-tale sign of an impending sneezing disaster.

"Long time ago," Kai paused, wondering how to translate the entire Legend of Vorine into simpler terms so this brain damaged kid could grasp it.

"Gods descended to the mortal realm and punished the humankind for a thousand days."

Narin regarded him with widened eyes "Why were they punished?"

"Gods decided human's sins far out weighted their merits and decided to wipe them out from the realm. They created a rift in time and space, unleashing powerful beasts from demonic realm that wreaked havoc all over the world, destroying it." Kaizer recited, not bothering to see her reaction.

"They fought back, trying to prove that they can redeem themselves" he continued. "They formed a league of legendary warriors to rebel against the heavens and won."

"What is redeem?"

Kaizer looked at the girl, holding back an eye roll. He would never have kids. Not if they were going to turn out like this one. "It's when you right your wrongs."

She nodded thoughtfully, "How did they win, though? Aren't they just..people?"

Kaizer pinched his nose bridge trying to hold himself back from kicking her down the mountain.

"One of the gods believed people could do right, good things and fought alongside the warriors to free the mankind from retribution." Kaizer saw her face scrunching up with confusion.

"It means punishment" he sighed, exasperated. "We made stairs for each day so every time we climb towards the glory of Calamis, we are reminded of our sins and retribution. To remind us that the path to freedom and peace we lavish in today is paved with our ancestor's sacrifices and the kindness of the heaven."

Narin caressed Onyx's silky coat and laughed when it licked her palm "Is Buttercup a beast too?"

Kaizer snapped his head to shoot her a warning glare. "Onyx and Obsidian are heavenly beasts."

Narin shrugged dismissively. "What's the difference?"

"They served Gods. They are not mindless killing machines!" Kaizer retorted, feeling rather defensive about his darling hounds. "They are completely two different types of creatures!"

"Quit bragging!" Narin poked her tongue out. "Tell the story about the god!"

"I'm not- well whatever" Kaizer pressed his lips into a thin line. "Her name was Vorine. She was a lesser dragon spirit yet was very powerful. She gathered four warriors and lead them to victory on the nine hundredth ninety-nine day of the divine judgment, slaying the last beast before the final hourglass ran out of sand."

They descended a little while longer, in silence, before Kaizer continued with the tale. "The hourglass is what decided how much time mankind was granted to prove themselves worthy of a second chance. All their merits only got them thousand days."

"Isn't that a lot?" Narin interrupted. "Look how many stairs are there!"

"That's a painfully little time." Kaizer chuckled grimly. "In the eyes of immortals that's only few seconds."

"What happened in the end?"

"After the judgment Gods rewarded the four warriors with Godhood. They were appointed to oversee mortal affairs so a tragedy like that never happens again. The four gods created heavenly bloodlines to make governing the realm easier."

"That's you! "Narin's eyes shone with admiration. "Does god talk to you?"

"Very rarely"

"What is he saying?'

"That's between me and god" Kaizer shoved her slightly, putting distance between them.

"What happened to the dragon?" Narin asked him.

"We don't know exactly. It is said she went back to the heavenly realm with her sword, the Divine Bane. We made shrines for her and worship her because she is our savior."

"Who made the sword?"

"I don't know" Kai retorted, feeling his patience thinning rapidly.


"When you get older, read the book yourself." Kaizer glared at her, reaching ends of his ropes. What sin had he committed to suffer not one, but two nuisances? Add Einar who was an overgrown toddler to the mix and Kai very much regretted being born.

"Why is your voice weird?" Narin poked his side.

Kai cleared his throat and grimaced through the discomfort. He suffered a sore throat since the beginning of the winter. Not even Einar's beloved herbal oil helped. It only seemed to get worse each day, as weather grew harsher. Though it was nothing too painful, Kaizer liked life much better when it wasn't there. Physician advised to stay warm and drink a concoction twice a day. Hopefully, it wouldn't escalate to a bothersome fever.

He had plans for the summer. Big ones.

Like usurping the Western throne.

With the powers of the heavenly beasts under his command, he stood a chance against his father and his ice manipulation. It would take some time though to whip himself into shape before he could take Cyra Schulz down in a battle, but it was no longer impossible.

Those who lowered on him with pity and mockery for five years no longer dared to meet his gaze. They knew for the first time since Cyra Schulz wore the Western crown, he was facing the risk of having it snatched from his head.

Cyra knew it too.

"My legs hurt!" Narin wailed, tugging on his sleeves.

"Take them off, then." He retorted, stomping ahead.

Two years.

Two years from now, and he would make Cyra Schulz pay for everything he had done. To him. To his mother. Kaizer's fists clenched at the thought of stripping him of everything he carried with pride, dragging him down his lofty throne, down these very stairs he was now standing on.

Not even his Gods could save him from Kaizer, now.

His power was still like a match. Faint and feeble. He could only summon his guardian hounds, yet this past year he had been experimenting with what he could do in secret. As things now, his lightened match could do little damage, a far cry from what is required to win the challenge his father threw at his face five years ago.

But he was holding it above a cotton field.

If he chose to drop it, he knew he could burn the entire nation down.

He just needed a little time. He needed allies.

He already had two beasts under his lock and key.

He needed a small army of them.

He will take what he was born to own, that glistening silver crown.

"My legs hurt!!"

Kaizer was startled a little by Narin's piercing voice. Yes, that was for the unborn future. He first had to get rid of this child he picked up and find Einar. Today was the memorial of his clan; the forgotten Whitlocks. They would go to their ancestral hall, clean it together before praying to Gods to aid them in afterlife, through reincarnation.

Einar had disappeared without a trace since morning. Kaizer waited for him till afternoon and decided that he would go alone. Einar had duties after all. Maybe he got called for another mission at the Northern borders.

Kaizer sighed heavily, already missing him.

He contemplated If he should take Narin instead. He then dismissed the idea, immediately. The Whitlocks have suffered enough. They will curse him if he disturbs their rest with this braying human.

He had no idea what Narin was doing at Calamis at all. He knew she was a daughter of Cyra's closest friends; minister of something. Yet he wondered why she was spending all her time at the castle.

Kaizer had a hunch that Cyra was trying to marry her off to Wolfram. It was not an uncommon practice to introduce partners early in life. It gave them time to adjust to each other and to strengthen the bond between the future King and Queen. That's how his mother got dragged into this miserable marriage that eventually took her life.

She was never given the choice to object when she was married off to Cyra Schulz at the tender age of 14. Kai shuddered each time he thought about it all. The revolting age gap of ten years. How she was forced to carry a child at such a young age, only to be discarded like a rotten chunk of flesh when that heir was suspected to be powerless another decade later.

It hurt even more because he knew how much his mother adored the beast he called "father". She loved him blindly, never once uttering a bad word about him, believing one day that he would turn around to love her with his frozen heart. The heart that didn't thawed, even when it was warmed with her ashes.

Her heart broke when he took a second wife after blatantly accusing her of giving birth to a son as useless as Kaizer. When she found out that he would make Wolfram the crown prince, she hung herself in her chambers. Her feet had gone as cold as the crown sat atop Cyra's head when Kaizer found her.

The new queen didn't reign long, either.

Kai had no enmity towards the sad looking woman with large cerulean eyes and permanent frown on her face. She lamented the death of the late queen, and he knew she felt as guilty as him about her unfortunate demise. He had seen it in her eyes, in the way she tried to look out for him and Einar the same way she cared for her newborn baby.

He had no ill feelings about Wolfram either. Somewhere along the way Kai found the heart to love him, even. He had not done anything wrong. None of them had.

Kai loved Wolfram enough not to tell him about the day he found the queen dead on the floor of the nursery or what killed her.

He would live a happier life believing she died of illness.

Wolfram would never find out about his own kill count. One that will only continue to grow past its current three digits if Cyra does not find a way to control his divine essence and blackout episodes.

He had to protect Wolfram, both from his own powers that had outgrown the bounds of his control and his father who fully intended to use him as nothing but a weapon. He would not let him grow up believing he was a monster, that his powers were nothing but a curse.

Kaizer paused on his tracks, catching a glimpse of Einar's mess of dark hair in the distance. He was ascending the stairs rapidly, panting. He too was dressed warmly, his sword hanging faithfully from his waist. Kai felt his brows furrowing at how furiously he was stomping, his footfall threatening to quake the castle off its perch on the mountain. His fists were clenched and judging by the tense lines of his face and tightened jaw, Kai knew something had pissed the man off.

Kai felt his heart lurching at the sight of his reddened nose and swollen eyes. Had he been crying?

When Einar saw Kaizer standing on the stairwell, he paused.

Surprise marred his face, as if he did not expect to see him there. They stood that way for a short while, staring at each other from a distance. Einar would usually run up to him, waving, smiling. Today it seemed as if an unseen force was grabbing him from his ankles, stopping him from climbing these few stairs between them. Kaizer felt unease coiling in the pit of his gut as he gazed at Einar, a small voice screaming in his head that this distance would never be closed.

Einar regarded him with an expression Kaizer could only interpret as all consuming longing. The way he looked when he sat on the bench outside the ancestral hall. His eyes held that softness he reserved for things that he firmly believed would never be his.

Kaizer didn't want him looking at him with those eyes.

He took a step, wanting to go up to him. To ask him what was wrong. Ask him where he has been.

Kaizer froze the same minute, his whole body erupting into gooseflesh as another figure appeared behind Einar.

Time froze as Kaizer looked at his father ascending the stairs past Einar, his broad frame swaying gracefully with the motion. He was still in his light summer robes and snow thawed under his feet with each silent step. His hands were folded behind his back, a small smile tugging on his lips.

Kaizer's presence did not seemed to dull his sunny mood since he rapidly approached him, Einar following somberly behind. Kai trembled at the thought that Einar might have been with Cyra since morning.

A rabbit with a wolf.

"Kaizer" Cyra greeted merrily in stark contrast to how the temperature dropped below zero around him. "Nari"

Kaizer didn't bother to return the gesture. He observed Einar, desperately trying to figure out if he was hurt in any way or form. He smiled at Kaizer, though it seemed strained.

Cyra turned to Einar, "Thank you for accompanying this old man. I will no longer bother you."

"Where were you?" Kaizer questioned, fully prepared to unleash his hounds on the King if Einar showed any signs of distress. Damn the kingdom, crown, and everything. Damn his own life.

All that held far less importance than Einar.

"He escorted me down the mountain, kind soul" Cyra patted Einar on his shoulder, chuckling. Einar nodded, his forced grin widening.

Kaizer made a mental note to rip that arm first when the time came.

Cyra Schulz climbed the stairs past them and took Nari by her hand. "Let's go inside, it's cold."

Even Narin seemed rattled by his looming presence that was colder than winter around them. She silently let the man pull her up the stair, looking between Einar and Kai with stretched out eyes.


Cyra glanced over his shoulder with his pale silver eyes, the look alone making Kaizer see red.

"Let me know your answer." He said, voice laced with sweet poison. "soon"

Einar bowed solemnly but remained silent.

With that he was gone, muttering softly to Narin about something. The girl kept looking behind the whole way up, occasionally nodding grimly at King's remarks.

Kaizer watched his back, biting down on his tongue. He loathed how Cyra's eyes looked when they were on Einar, the cruel sparkle in them.

Einar grabbed him gently by his shoulders and turned him around. "Stop glaring"

Kaizer could feel his numb face twisting into a deeper scowl. He scrutinized Einar's coffee brown eyes that had darkened to black in the coldness, searching for a hint of dishonesty.

"What does he want?"

Einar pulled the hood of Kai's coat up and adjusted it. "He wants me to go to Northern borders."

"That's all?"

Einar took the flowers from his hands and beamed at him. "Yup"

"Don't go"

Einar jokingly jumped a brow, previous gloominess melted like ice before summer. "Why not? The food is good over there. Girls are prettier too."

Kaizer rolled his eyes furiously to mask the pang of bitterness. "Be gone then!"

Einar broke into a fit of laughter. The tightness in his heart loosened a little at the sound, at the way Einar's eyes lit up.

Who could send him away when he had a smile this pretty?

"Let's go before it gets dark." Einar gave him a light push on the small of his back and it sent Kai's heart fluttering.

"But you just walked up."

Einar shrugged, resting the heavy bouquet of azure blossoms on his shoulder. They framed his face like backdrop of a bright blue sky.

Sadly, Kaizer Schulz only had eyes for his sun.

"What's a few more hundred stairs" He chuckled, hopping down. Onyx and Obsidian circled him, wagging their tails frantically.

So Kaizer followed their suit and tagged behind him, warmth seeping into his heart even in the dead of winter.

Author has something to say

Plot had always been this thicc.  You are only realizing it now.

This author is too lazy to edit this. There might be a handful of errors. Author is aware that the chapter is long af, but what needs to be said, needs to be said.

Vote and comment!

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