Chapter 6- Meet the Verlices!

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Authors note
The chapters will be longer from this point on.
"Sarva Yearwood," the guard at the doors, announced River's arrival, harnessing the full power of his diaphragm, "From Queensend."

He proceeded to hand over the invitation-the white envelope containing his assumed name and origin for the night-to another guard to carry away.

Anxiety gripped River as the gravity of the situation hit him.

He was really here! In the banquet!

He stood at the grand doors of the opulent banquet hall and stared around, his exhilaration elevating to impossible heights the sight in front of him. It was like a whole new world, where everything was bright and sparkly.

The lavishly adorned hall was resplendent with cascading, embroided draperies and sparkling chandeliers. Tables were draped in rich fabrics and hosted an abundance of delicacies and liquor. The air was filled with the mouth-watering smell of food and the headache-inducing mix of everyone's perfume.

A few heads turned his way, but they all soon went to their own wine and joyful conversations. There were about two hundred guests, each dressed more extravagantly than the other. If he felt overdressed before, that feeling dissolved quickly.

Music flowed, guests chattered and laughed in hushed voices, clinking their glasses and utensils, while a group of dancers entertained them. Maids roamed about, making sure no one's glass ran empty. It seemed the food was yet to be served.

River fisted the fabric of his dress, which was suddenly feeling way too sweaty. His palms were on the opposite extreme, feeling icy cold.

Why don't you run away?

He scanned the hall. Everyone was minding their own business, not paying attention to him. He could technically walk out of the hall right now, then out of the palace, never to return again.

But he knew better. The security tonight had no blind spots. The king and the queen must have ordered them to keep an eye on him. He will be dragged back into the house arrest, three seconds into bolting out. Instead of embarrassing himself in that manner, he would rather enjoy the night.

It was his niece's birthday, after all. Escaping house arrest could wait.

At the far end of the hall was a platform, a few steps high, reserved for the Verlices. On it sat Lucian Verlice, the king; Elva Verlice, the High Priestress, on his right; and Mireya Huxley, the queen, on his left.

River froze in his tracks at the sight of them, his whole body weighed down in unease. He liked them as much as they liked him,which was not at all.

River's blue eyes darted around the hall, trying to find a trace of his brother or his family, which proved to be impossible. River steeled his nerves and decided to get the most unpleasant part of the night out of the way first: greeting the host.

He navigated the length of the hall, cautious not to bump into anyone. A maid offered him wine on the way, which he politely rejected. When asked where the prince was, the maid pointed in a direction and hurried away.

Valour was with Ayla. Azize was fast asleep in his arms, her adorable face squished against his chest. He wore his formal set of white robes embroided in gold, conversing with a man and a young woman.

The man had a thick black beard covering his face. He was noticeably balding in the front of his head and had a burly figure. A sword hung by his waist. He wore a red velvet shirt with golden buttons and chains, paired with black boots and pants. The insignia of a golden desert owl shone on his shoulders.

The Wendigoes

Who else could this revolting man be, if not the King of the East, Raek Wedigo?

The blonde woman by his side was undoubtedly his eldest daughter, Solina. Even in this hall full of extravagantly dressed, good-looking guests, she stood out, like a full moon in a sky full of blinking stars. Among all four heavenly bloodlines, she was ranked as the number one beauty.

The father-daughter duo engaged his brother in enthusiastic chatter for a few more minutes before excusing themselves and going elsewhere. River grabbed the opportunity to hurry over to Valour before someone else snatched his attention.

"Val," he called. The prince looked greatly taken aback at first, hearing this random stranger calling out to him so casually. It took a minute before he realized it was just his brother in fancier clothes.

"Fuuko?" His face lit up brighter than the overhanging chandelier. "You came!"

River ignored his brother, who was yapping about how adorable he looked, to first look at Ayla and then Azize.

Ayla wore a slight frown. Her perfectly arched brows were knitted together as her eyes followed the retreating back of Solina Wendigo. If River were in her place, he surely wouldn't be able to maintain such civil conduct in front of the Wedigos.

Azize had grown up a lot over the past year. She was swaddled in white robes, only her plump and rose face sticking out adorably. It took everything River had not to fall to his knees and wail at how cute she was. She smelled that pleasant, sweet scent babies had.

When the intense baby fever passed, he took out the necklace from where he had tied it around his wrist and held it out to Valour hesitantly.

He knew his puny effort at making a neclace paled pitifully in comparison to the countless chests of overflowing riches she would receive tonight. But this was all her pathetic uncle could manage, and it was better than nothing.

Valour silently took the chain from him and handed it to his wife. "Put it on her."

Ayla did as told, and River watched with a lump in his throat. "It's really not much"

"Thank you, Fuuko." Valour smiled. "It is absolutely lovely."

River smiled back.

"Let's go greet His Majesty," Valour reminded him, and they all walked towards the platform.

* * * * * * * *

River kneeled and bowed to his king, queen, and high priestress. He felt all three pairs of eyes burning holes in his bent back.

"You may rise."

So River did. He had no intention to remain anywhere near the platform for a minute longer. But he could not leave until he was dismissed, so he stood grudgingly, rooted to the spot.

Valour stood to the side, ready to interfere in case things escalated. But other than staring at him quite intensely, no one spoke to him. So he took the chance to steal a look at his father.

Lucian Verlice had aged quite a bit. His hair had more whites than River remembered, and subtle wrinkles had settled on the corners of his cold, black eyes.

Mireya Huxley looked like she was competing against the High Priestress to see who could wear more gold. Her narrow eyes were filled with contempt, and her bright red lips were pressed into a thin line. It was evident that she had a lot to say but was holding herself back with great effort for the sake of civility.

Elva Verlice, as always, treated his presence with indifference. There was no feeling behind her eyes. She was merely looking at him, not really seeing him. To her, he was as significant as a wall hanging.

She was wearing golden robes and more than sixty pounds of gold on her person. Showering the High Priestress with gold was one of the key traditions among the heavenly bloodlines. It is said to bring prosperity and peace to the land, people, and rulers.

The northern king regarded him with an unreadable look. It was as if he was seeing River for the first time or was seeing someone else entirely. The king opened his mouth, but the guard at the doors interrupted him, his loud voice carrying itself all the way to the platform.

"Lord Raven Alistair, King of the South, from Capital Sandgill"

Author has something to say

Author did some basic math and realized 500 word chapters aint gonna do it. So the chapters will be around 1200 word from this point on!

Thank you for reading my book! And dont forget to comment!

Fun facts about the book

*The very first plot was about a High priestress in the kingdom of Callidora ,Elva Raynott, who imprisoned a dragon lord named Raven Alistair after slaying his clan.

Elva also had a adopted son, whose name also made it to this book!

*Author gave up on that plotline because ...just because.

Elva Verlice

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