North strikes ,again

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"I remembered. Sit down. We need to fucking talk."

River pushed back a chair and made himself comfortable for what seemed to be a tedious discussion. Raven sank into the plush, regal-looking seat across the table with a grunt.

"Would you like some fucking tea?" He offered, rubbing the heel of his palm on his eye.

River watched him as he scanned the tabletop, which was overflowing with parchment scrolls and thick account books. The crease between his brows deepened with each passing second.

"I swear the fucking teapot was here literally seconds ago," he said, scratching his head.

River looked at the shattered pot on the floor, lying in a pool of fragrant tea. Feeling an oncoming headache,he sighed.

"No,thank you. What is it my lord wishes to know?"

"What happened while you were staying at Wesown?" Raven inquired, his voice stern.

River thought back to the past month; he had made a friend, found a master, almost became a sacrifice, and escaped. Nothing much.

He narrated the events as diplomatically as he could, deliberately leaving out the part where Kaizer Schulz made him march across the kingdom for two days and send three bloodthirsty beasts after his throat.

He also explained how Wolfram had decieved him in to thinking that he was abandoned and how he had taken away River's divine essence ,making it impossible for him to call for help . He watered down everything happened from that point on ,just to make sure that Raven doesnt pick a fight with Wolfram .

By the end of it,Raven Alistair's face had gone red, and he was grinding on his teeth, loud enough for River to hear across the table.

"You give me the word, and I will fucking throw that mongrel into the ocean this second." He fisted a scroll ,his one eye glinting murderously in sunlight.

River shook his head. "Wolfy apologized."

Raven jumped a perfectly arched brow. "Wolfy, and his dog-fucked brother tried to kill you."

River grimaced at how he spat the name like it was the most offensive profanity in Raven's vocabulary. "It is all in the past now, my lord."

"It literally happened this fucking morning," Raven glared at him. "If we had taken time to button our pants, you would be pushing up daisies about right now."

"How did my lord-"

"Aaaaaaa," Raven interrupted him, "details, fucking details."

This had been the second time he had been evasive about this topic. But River decided not to push it.

"So you don't have the metal?" Raven tapped his chin. "I don't; the blonde bimbo doesn't, because that bitch threatened to wage fucking war on me if I didn't return it."

His lips curled up into a humorless smile. "That only leaves your lover-boy ;Wolfy."

"I dont suspect Wolf..ram has it, My Lord," River objected, "His actions are contradicting that theory."

"You are too fucking trusting," Raven slapped the tabletop, making River jump in his seat. "You let your gaurd down too fucking easily and run head first into shit. Look how many times it almost got you killed!"

"I'm willing to give Wolfy another chance," River replied, holding his ground.

"How can you be so fucking forgiving?" Raven huffed.

"A wise man said to me not to waste my life on revenge."

"Well fuck him and his ancestors ,he doesnt know shit" Raven rolled his eyes. "Honestly , you should have at least punched him in the throat for what he did."

"I dont turn to violence, my lord," River shook his head.

"I fucking do," Raven deadpanned.

River sighed, wishing he had saved the teapot. Warm tea right now sounded fantastic.

"Ol' paw paw acting like he has another eighty years left to live," Raven scoffed,grudgingly rolling more parchments. "Sacrifice! my ass!"

Cousin, he is only thirty!

He gave the scroll in front of him a nasty look and sighed. "A wise woman once told me, "Never let the same dickhead fuck you up twice." . So if you let him fuck you up again, Im throwing you both in the ocean Understood?"

Taking that as a sign of him letting Wolfram off the hook, River promptly nodded and said, "Yes, my Lord."

Remembering the book he found at Whitlock ancestral hall, River decided to tell Raven details about that as well.

Raven listened silently till the end and nodded solemnly, "Ill look into that."

River furrowed his brow. "Dont "

"Dont what?"

"My lord is planning to steal it back from Calamis."

Raven smiled sheepishly,proving River's fears correct. "It's too risky."

"Don't worry your pretty head over it," Raven smirked. "Give me three days, and you will have your book."

River's gaze plummeted onto the scroll that Raven had been glaring at for some time now. It seemed to be an important tax document, depicting the expenditure on a military camp in Sandgill. This seemed to be the cause of the previous conflict with the officer.

River peeked at the scroll. It was only thanks to years of practice that he could keep a straight face.

Sir!! How did you mess up adding 300 and 700 together? Who taught you math?

"One more important thing," Raven said, fishing out a white envelope from a drawer. He handed it to River, signaling for him to go ahead and open it.

River's heartbeat kicked up at the sight of the golden stag seal. It was an official missive from the North.

Pulling out the letter that was crudely folded into eight with trembling hands, he tilted his head at the King. "This is?"

"Your shit-eating family wants me to hand you back," Raven replied, distracted by redoing the addition on the scroll.

River's palms sweated as he unfolded the missive. He read it, his mouth going drier with each fancifully calligraphed line inked on to the finest parchment.

My Esteemed Colleague
Ruler of South, Raven Alistair,

I trust this letter finds you in good health and prosperity. It has come to my attention that a wanted individual has sought refuge within your kingdom. In the spirit of mutual cooperation and the bonds that unite our kingdoms, I kindly request that you facilitate the extradition of this fugitive.

I propose a diplomatic meeting to discuss matters of mutual concern. Such discussions could pave the way to strengthen the relationship between two kingdoms, effectively avoiding future misunderstandings and conflicts.

May our kingdoms continue to flourish in peace and unity.


Ruler of the North, Lucian Verlice

River stared for a long while at the sign on the missive; the loopy letters scratched on the paper over the stamp. His father's sign. This was his first time seeing it.

"If you want to go back, that's fucking fine." Raven scratched his temple,still trying to sort out the flawed account.
"But I know they will lock you back up or do fucking worse."

"If my Lord does not,there will be consequences, "River reminded.

Raven glared up from the scroll. "Can you worry about yourself for fucking once?""


"Do you want to back?" He demanded.

River felt his eyes watering. Trepidation seized his heart at the memory of East Wing. Raven was right; house arrest was not the worst they could do.

It was not the worst they had done.

The missive crumpled up in his fisted hands as hot tears rolled down his face. There was a fishbone struck in his throat that he could not swallow down.

Why are you such a fucking crybaby!?

He never wanted to go back. He never wanted to go back to being invincible. Back to when he was treated less than a human being. Back to that cold, dark place where no one called his name.

And no one came, no matter how much he called out.

"Ill take that as a no." Raven rose from his seat and walked up to him. "Then you don't have to go."

River bit his bottom lip, letting Raven take the letter from his hands.
He could not be selfish and ask to stay, knowing Raven Alistair would have to face consequences for shielding him.

He held his breath, bitting back a sob. He hated how little control he had over his own actions.

Shamefully crying like a whiny little bitch ! unacceptable !

"If you want to cry, just fucking cry." He patted his head softly, and his voice mellowed out. "Don't be so fucking difficult on yourself."

River buried his face in his hands, not wanting the other one to see his unsightly, crying face. Sobs raked through his body as Raven Alistair pulled him close, and the familiar scent of Softberry wine enveloped him. He rubbed soothing circles on his back, like he was an upset child.

With a sense of shame, River realized that he was an upset child. He had been ,for a long time.

"I didn't mean it when I said nobody loves you." Raven's voice came from above him: "Im fucking sorry."

River could not stop himself from crying, but somehow, it didn't hurt as much as it did before.

Author has nothing to say except that she is dead tired.

Einar Ashford

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