usurper pt 2

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Following  chapter contains explicit depiction of violence

"Is that?!"

River watched on in shock as the petite figure of the Third Wendigo daughter approached the edge of the pit.

She silently examined her surroundings , like an owl looking for prey.

"Someone has been here " She pointed out. Her voice was soft and nasal making her sound as infantile as she was.

"I dont have whole night, darling Xola" Wolfram shut his fan with a snap ,clearly irritated. "I have other places to be"

" It is going to take some time " The child ,whose name River caught to be Xola , said. "My Lord has to be patient"

Xola extended her hand towards the fiery pit of bubbling molten and her palm started glowing in a soft golden light.

"She is going to take it out!" River hissed ,expertly ignoring his nose that was starting to profusely bleed again.

No wander that Wendigos brazenly threw it in to a fiery hell of liquid gold where no one else can retrieve it. They had a child who can use telekinesis.

"Has My Lord found the remaining fragments ?" Xola questioned.

Wolfram's brows furrowed in annoyance " Im afraid I cant disclose that without taking away your life as a small curiosity tax "

Xola bit her bottom lip ,clearly embarassed about being presumptuous.

"I admire your father" Wolfram said in a voice that carried not a hint of sincerity "Wise old man"

He dragged a long painted nail on a wooden box and scrunched his nose at the amount of dust it picked up. "Resistence would have been futile. He made the right decision to hand it over to West"

He gracefully sat on the box and threw a leg over the knee of the other.
"Gods agreed?"

He saw a wave of fear sweeping over Xola's expressions. She silently shook her head.

River felt a chill running down his spine. He lifted his gaze to see Raven wearing a simillar face of dread.

East God has not allowed this transaction .

Raek Wendigo was defying God.

"Huh," Wolfram jumped a perfectly arched brow " My admiration reached new heights"

Xola extended her other arm ,and the glow of her divine power brightened. It was obvious that she was trying to speed up the process.

"The thing is cursed ," she explained " For one, we are living right above it. Many maids and gaurds died under mysterious conditions past two months"

Wolfram sighed . It was clear he had no interest in listening to sob stories of the Wendigos.

"We had to heavily compensate their families to keep their deaths under the wraps. We could not afford to have unrest among our people"

"Sacrifices must be made " Wolfram deadpanned

Xola looked at him over her shoulder "They were innocent people ! They died for no good reason!"

"Oh! To be young" Wolfram rolled his eyes.

"We cant keep taking gold from our people to feed this monstrosity either! " Xola 's voice was emotional. " I dare say you are doing the people a favour by taking it away"

"But God wants it" Wolfram's voice was calm.

"We do not intend to plunge the kingdom in to war and poverty " Xola's voice was firm.

" huh," Wolfram laughed dryly " Im only here as an envoy and prefer not to involve in any of this. But let me ask you, what garuntee is there that the kingdom wouldnt suffer a greater peril by God's wrath?"

Xola shook her head somberly "There's no greater misery than war"

"I doubt that " Wolfram sighed "If I was in your position Ill gladly take the option of war over displeasing God"

"We are not you " Xola huffed .

"Im glad " Wolfram said flatly "I rather not be in your position"

"How does My Lord plan to contain it?" Xola asked over her shoulder .

"A curious one, arent you?"

The pit rumbled like an ancient sleeping beast that was being stirred awake. They both quietened .

"It wont take long now" Xola assured.

"Good "

Raven lowered his lips to River's ear
"What should we do?"

His breath tickled River, making him inch away from the man. "When she hands it over to Lord Wolfram, do things your way"

Raven knitted his brows "which is ?"

"Knock him out"

Raven scoffed "Missy wants me to maul his suitor?"

"Desperate times calls for desperate meassures" River held his sleeve to his nose. He had turned in to a human faucet of blood . "Ill distract them , My Lord snatch it"

Raven nodded furiously .

Why do you look like you are enjoying this?

"I heard Lord Alistair found them " Xola said . "And pawned them off at Saltstand "

"Im not saying Alistair is dumb," Wolfram laughed "but if the man thinks any slower he will be going back in time "

The pit made another rumble . A small ball of condensed golden light floated up excruciatingly slowly from inside of it .

River signalled Raven to be ready to take action . The ball was still hovering over the pit, out of reach. It was undoubtedly hot enough to burn through someone's palm.

"Do you think he is here to get them back?"

"She's on to us " Raven scowled.

"He is " Wolfram replied "He simply cant"

Xola looked at him in question

"That would require him to take on the impossible task of growing a brain"

River heard Raven cursing his mother under his breath.

The golden orb floated over ,like an enormous firefly. Everyone in the chamber held their breaths ,watching it in trepidation ,waiting for it cross the brink.

"Do you think he knows what this is ?"

"Do you ?"

"I dont" Xola replied "God only told us that it is a object capable of doing great evil and that only gold can contain it. And that we must hold on to it and find other fragments"

Wolfram snapped his head up "what do you mean fragments ? There's only one more "

"No there-"

River blinked and missed it. He heard it. He heard it all clearly. The piercing whistle of it slicing through air, the nauseating squelch of a blade digging in to vulnerable flesh ,the sharp explosion of it hitting the stone floor and grounding itelf.

But he missed it.

Raven shot up beside him. Wolfram still wore a calm expression. Just like River ,he had not yet grasped the sight before him.

A golden spear had gone through Xola Wendigo .

The girl stood there ,like an insect that has been nailed on to the ground with a needle by a cruel child. The spear had gone through her slim neck with pin point accuracy and had sank in to the floor behind her.

Xola gurgled , choking on blood. Her eyes bulged. Crimson ran down her front in a steady stream and dripped onto the floor.

The girl stood dead on her feet.

The spear vibrated with a soft hum , like an insatiable monster weeping for more blood. It shook itself free from its grounding and flew back, as fast it struck the unsuspecting girl.
Her limp body fell face down on a pool of her own blood .

River turned his head to witness the spear retreating in to a soft pale hand.

There , cloaked by the shadows of the
furthest corner of the chamber stood a tall figure.

It inched towards the pit ,one step after another, their footfall accompanied by jingles of jewelery .
The perilious spectacle illuminated the figure, revealing the face that rumored of being able to topple nations.

Solina Wendigo still wore her red dress from the feast. Her lovely visage was splattered with fresh blood . She stood there, golden spear glistening with warm blood in one hand, the severed head of the Eastern king in other.

Solina's jade eyes gleamed menancingly at the man infront of her . The Eastern crown ,made of gold , embedded with scarlet jewels shone on her head . Even from this distance River could see that it was bloodied.

"What have you done .." Wolfram breathed.

"Wolfram of the West Shculz" Solina held up the dismembered head of her father. There was no telling what horrors he had seen before his demise . By the way his visage was twisted ,it was obvious his last moments have been anything but peaceful.

"I, the Queen of East ,will not allow you to leave this chamber with the possesion of our God "

"If West wants war, war you shall have " She gripped the spear "you will not see another dawn "

Auther has something to say.

Auther interviews River Verlice

A -Hi! Thank you for being here !

River- Pleasure is mine.

A - Im going to ask you a few simple questions.

River- Ill try my best to answer them

A- Tell us a little about you.

River- Im River,19,from Callidora..

A-Thats all?

River -...

A- ok, Ill help you out. Are you left or right handed?

River - Right

A- hobbies?

River - I read and put together artifacts

A- favourite food ?

River- Fruico

A- favourite place ?

River - Saltstand beach ..and Arcton Library

A- Favourite color ?

River -black

A- *flips through notes* Its supposed to be .. baby blue?

River - Its black now. I had a change of mind.

A- interesting ..what may have caused it?

River -Actually I have some questions for you too.

A- hah? I dont think thats how this-

River - Mind if I change the title card?

River Verlice interviews the Author

River - Can I have your name ?

A- I really dont think this is a good idea.

River -Please co -operate

A- Rath

River - Age ?

A- 21

River - I found some ..interesting scriptures titled "character designs" ?

A- You went through my things?

River - I dont do such dishonorable things. Lord Alistair did.

A- mother fu-

In background - You are on camera.

A- ...

River - You have written here that Im..* double checks * baby girl coded?

A- Please put that down ...

River- Im afraid Im not familiar with your cultural terms. I hope you can explain?

A- I refuse to answer.

River - I dont remember giving you that option ?

A- can I interest you in a google definition?

River - Not sure what that is but go ahead.

An endearing term of affection given to pop culture's sad little men

River - I dont recall being a sad little man?

"Girls be like 'he's so babygirl' and it's the darkest, most brooding, melancholic, tortured man you've ever laid eyes on."

River-That do vaguely makes sense. Next, it's also mentioned here that I have abandonment issues?" Please go to therapy" ??

A- For your own good, please put that away.

River - There is also this rather thick volume of notes * pulls out a book *


*thank you for tuning in. Due to unavoidable reasons the program will be put on hold for foreseeable future . We aplogize*

River Verlice

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