Chapter 1: The Arrival

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(The image up above is an image of a part of the Celestial Real BTW)

"Your Highness! Please! Please rethink this! We need you here, in the Celestial Realm!"

"Sebas, I must return to the Mortal Realm to fix what my broth-... what Shiro has done."

"But, your Highness! You can't just-"

"Sebas! I am leaving and that is final! You are my most trusted servant... and my most trusted friend. I leave the Celestial Realm to you for the duration of my leave. Please, old friend... You are the only one besides Kuri that I can trust with this..."

"... *sigh* very well your Highness. I shall keep these people in line until you return. I pray for your safe return."

"Thank you Sebas. You truly are my closest friend."

"Be well your Highness..."

"Farewell for now, Sebas..."

(Time Skip to Day of Departure)

A man with dark black hair and an aging face who looked to be in his early 20's paced a room decorated with banisters and containing only a golden throne. His black panther ears and tail flicked every once in a while in anger.

( Pic above is Sebas, I will post this on the top of the next chapter in case you missed it)

He was rather handsome for his age and he could easily convince many a women to stay for the night. His piercing golden eyes examined the throne warily, dreading what must now be done. Standing next to the door to the room was a woman with long blonde hair who also looked to be in her early 20's. She smiled at the man, shaking her head.

(Pic above is Kuri without animal features, so just imagine her having cheetah ears and a tail, In case you missed this pic I will post on top of Chapter 3)

"Sebas, she will be fine. She has single-handedly ruled this realm for longer than she has shared it with him," the woman sighed. No one liked to mention the older sibling, and Kuro had taken to stop calling him brother. The woman glanced at the pacing man, shaking her head sadly. "She trusted you with this Sebas, the least you could do is trust in her."

Sebas stared at the woman, thinking. He looked at her long hair and her cheetah ears and tail. And then he looked into her light blue eyes, seeing nothing but honesty and sympathy. Sebas sighed, knowing she was right. "I know what I must do, and I know what she must do. When she returns, she will find a better and improved Celestial Realm. Perhaps she may even take more time off, you and I both know she needs the rest. She is only a young girl after all. She should not have to be dealing with the responsibility of ruling a kingdom. Very well. I shall make this place a place that she can return happily to, with no conflicts or problems. I will be sure that she never suffers again. Let us go, my dear."

Turning and walking past the woman, Sebas held out his hand, and the woman smiled, grabbing it. Turning once again towards the door, they walked out hand in hand. They had, in older times, been known as Sebas the Black Death and Kuri the Silver Streak, two of the deadliest Celestial Royal Guards ever, but that is a story for another time.

(P.O.V change to Kuro 3rd)

After stepping onto the transporter, Kuro opened the keyboard and selected a random destination near a town in the Mortal Realm. Sighing, she looked out at the Celestial Realm, watching the people go about their day ignorant of the soon to disappear Queen. Tears gathered in her eyes as she remembered her younger days when she and her brother had run around the kingdom and played games and make believe. Now... well, enough of the past. Now she had a new problem to deal with. Mankind has taken what they have gotten for granted and demanded more. They are taking more than they should and it was up to Kuro to stop it. Finally, after thousands of years, a celestial is once again venturing into the Mortal Realm. Scared as she was, she could not let Mankind get away with the destruction of her domain. It was not possible. Now was the time to change the greedy ways of Man.

Pressing the button to be transported, she closed her eyes. Goodbye for now, my home.

(Pic above is a portion of Cerias, also known as the Mortal Realm. It is where Kuro awoke in. In the right corner is the town that will be in the next chapter. Will show later in case you missed it.)

A gush of wind and a ticklish feeling prompted her to open her eyes, blinking from the sudden brightness. "So this... is the Mortal Realm." She glanced at her surroundings, examining them. This place was... different than what she had expected. She expected a dark and depressed world, lacking in "Wild". She sat in the shade of a tree, back pressed against the rough bark, causing her to uncomfortably shift her position. She was in the middle of a large field of wild grass, flowers and insects were abundant. Breathing in deeply, she relaxed upon finding the air clean and sweet, contrary to her imaginings of a smoggy and clouded air. She took a moment to rest, upon which she gathered both her thoughts and her courage. I must do this... for my kingdom and the world of my domain. Steeling her heart once more, she stood up and dusted her loose black pants off. Her large white shirt and black vest looked quite dashing yet out of place, and her dusty brown ankle boots were worn, but comfortable. She began walking in the direction that the forest told her a habitat of man resided, but paused upon realizing something. Man does not have the animal features of Celestials. I must hide my ears and tail lest I be discovered. Patting her ears down, she cast a spell to hide both her ears and tail. She could hear and feel as if she had the features but Mankind, and only Mankind (animals, nymphs, dryads and those sensitive to magic, could still see her features which mark her as their goddess) could not see or touch them. Unfortunately she could not hide her eyes, which had a slit pupil like that of a cat, a feature of all Royal Celestials have (only she and her brother currently have them). Her eyes would remain ruby red and slit.

Nodding in satisfaction, she once again resumed her walk to the habitat of Man. After walking for a few miles, she heard a scream in the direction of her right, and she froze, debating her choices of leaving it be or interfering. A moment later, a louder, more panic scream rang out and her choice was made. Dashing in the direction of the scream, she unsheathed her claws and felt her teeth sharpen, giving her a rather feral look. Scenting that the screaming person was a older female, she sped up upon smelling 5 males and one small female child. Arriving at the scene, she growled in anger and her vision turned red. Standing over a sobbing female clutching the similarly sobbing child, were 5 males that smelled repulsively like blood, ale, and male hormones. One male, the leader she assumed, was reaching down to grab the older female's hair. Clutching her child tighter, she shook her head in defiance, which made the males angry. The leader smacked the female and reached to grab the child. This was when Kuro drew the line. Sprinting towards the males, she slashed her claws at his neck, spraying blood as his head severed from his body. The other males backed away warily, glaring at her and her claws.

"What are you?" Male #2 asked.

"Who cares, she's dangerous! Let's teach her her place and then we'll enjoy her body ourselves!" Male #3 laughed, a perverse smile on his face.

"I agree, let's take her! We can do it if we all go in at once! No way she can take five grown men!" Male #4 smiled, looking at Kuro as if she was a piece of meat. The fifth male remained silent, watching Kuro's movements. Nodding in agreement, they rushed at Kuro, yelling wildly. Kuro bared her fangs, rushing to meet them. A sword came at her throat and she ducked, weaving around the male who sliced and piercing his back with her hand, ripping out his heart. He fell to the ground, blood spraying from his body. Another male grabbed the fallen sword, stabbing at Kuro in anger, but Kuro once again sidestepped and dodged the blade, this time grabbing it in her hands, Clenching her fist, she felt the blade shatter in her grip, prompting the male's eyes to widen. Opening her jaw, she closed it around his throat, biting the jugular vein and tearing his throat out to ensure his death. A third male tried to approach from what he perceived to be her blind side, unaware of her extra appendages that allowed 360 degree awareness. She quickly dispatched him with a roundhouse kick to the head, which crushed his skull and left a bloody mess. Lip curling at the sight of her boots stained with blood, she turned her waning attention to the fourth male. He angrily rushed forward, brandishing a long-sword, and swung it in anticipation of slicing off her head. She allowed the sword to hit her, but it did not even hurt much less leave a scratch. Growling loudly at the man who swung at her, she was repulsed to smell the scent of urine followed by a dark stain on the male's pants a moment later. Shaking her head in disgust, she slashed his stomach, leaving him to bleed out on the floor, clutching his stomach in agony. The last male retreated, watching her with a passive stare. It was the same male who had not responded to his companion's taunting. Turning around, he fled into the forest. Kuro was just about to chase after him when she heard a frightened gasp behind her. She turned around. The older female was once again clutching the child in her arms, but this time she stared at Kuro with a half-frightened, half-suspicious gaze.

"Who are you?"

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