Chapter 2

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New chapter. Enjoy.

Also I made a terrible mistake from the previous chapter. I got a character name wrong.

Also the picture from above are the goddesses. In case you might ask

Warning: Long chapter

Also since the Ciel twin brother is confirm amd his real name is still unknown. I'm giving a name from blue cult arc

Third person POV

    It's been a week since the new Sangg're was born. Everyone from Encantadia had come to celebrate and gave so many magical gifts from the elves, fairies, mermaids and pixies from all over encantadia.

    “Thank you all for coming to this special event for our daughter” said the air goddess

    “We can't thank you enough” said the water goddess

    “Our Sangg'res, I've been wanting to ask you this... But.... What is the new Sangg're's name?” ask the child pixie

The Four goddesses smile and said


    “That is her name” said the fire goddess as she caresses her child's chubby cheeks making her giggle in delight

    All the magical creatures bow down as they yelled

“All hail to Sangg're (Y/n)!!”

“Yes. All Hail indeed”

    Everyone turn their heads to see the king of Hathoria.

“Oh beloved Sangg'res, that so mean for not inviting me to this event. It pains me” said the king.

    “You are not welcome here, Hagorn! Leave this instant!” yelled the earth goddess

“Oh I will leave. Not before I get the child!” he yelled

     “Guards!” the water goddess command as many guards came towards to Hagorn. But his men attacks them before they could capture him

“Give me the child!” he yelled

     “Never!” the four sangg'res yelled as they all transform to their armor as the goddess of air give the child to Imaw

     “Keep her safe for me, Imaw” she said

     “With all my heart, my sangg're” he said as the goddesses fight the warriors while air goddess fought with Hagorn.

     They all continue to fight as the guests had evacuated.

     Suddenly, the goddess of water got a cut in her cheek and feel great pain from it.

     “Alena!” yell the earth goddess

     Hagorn chuckle as he shows them his weapon. “This is not an ordinary weapon, Sangg'res. This weapon is made out with real fire and lava from our great ancestors. One cut from it and you will feel great pain inside. Even from a pathetic fire goddess like you, Pirena” he said

     The fire goddess glare at him with hatred “Pashnea!!(1)” she yell as she was about to attack him but the air goddess stop her.

     “Pirena, don't! If you got hit you'll die!” she yell as Pirena continue to glare at him

     “To make things easy, just give me the child and gem you have been protecting and I'll leave you be” he said

     “We will never give you our daughter or the gem to you, Hagorn!” the goddess of earth yell as she heals her water goddess sister.

     “You four goddess really want to take this in a hard way. Men! Grab the child! Now!” He order as the men goes towards to Imaw that is holding the child

     “No!!” Yell the air goddess as runs towards them but the three other goddess stop them by combining their powers together and blast them off

     “Imaw! What are we gonna do now?!” yell the air goddess.

     “There's only one way” said the elf.

     “What is it, Imaw?” she ask

     “We must hide (Y/n) to the human realm” he said making the goddess gasp

     “But we are forbidden to go there!” said the fire goddess

     “That it why Amihan must go while the three of you must stay and hold off Hagorn and his men from entering the gate to the human realm. I will use my magic on Amihan so she can enter there” he said.

     “He's also wanting the Mother Gem.... (Y/n) should have it with her. To keep it safe hidden.” said the water goddess.

     “Then it settles. (Y/n) and the mother gem must go to human realm...” said the fire goddess.

     The water goddess made a horse made out of water for The air goddess to ride on. “The horse will take you to a safe place for (Y/n)” she said

    “Thank you, Alena” she said as the three goddesses kisses the forehead of their child

    “Avisala Meiste, Our Adea(2)....” said the earth goddess

    “E correi diu(3)” said the fire goddess

    “Sancretireya(4)....” said the water goddess

    The air goddess, Amihan grabs the horse's reins. “Imaw, take the horse to the gateway. I have to get the gem from the chamber” she said as she give the reins to him.

     “As you wish, my sangg're” he bows as he guide the horse to the gateway to the human realm as Amihan runs to the chamber where t he Mother Gem is captive.

   When she was about to take it. She thought of something else but hesitate to do so. Then, (Y/n) coos at her mother as she looks at her with her beautiful smile making the goddess smile as well and takes a deep breath and takes out here weapon “Ada Cassiopeia(5), please forgive me.” she whispers as she strike the mother Gem and bright light almost blinden her

(The picture is not Amihan but imagine it it was her)

    As the light had faded and Amihan open her eyes to see five gemstones floating. A green gemstone(water), a yellow gemstone(earth), a red gemstone(fire), a blue gemstone(air) , and a white gemstone(spirit).

      Amihan stretch out her arm as her eyes glows and the gemstones floats towards and disappear meaning she had it and runs off as she quickly grabs her cloak and leaves to the gateway.

      Imaw saw Amihan coming and comes out from hiding “Beloved Sangg're, Did you get it?” he ask

      “Yes, but....” she opens her palm revealing the five gemstones. “I had a feeling that I had to do it.” she said sadly

      “It's alright, beloved sangg're. Would you give me the gemstones?” he ask.

      She nods and let the five gemstones floats towards him as he uses his magic to turn the five gemstones to a necklace and wraps it around the child's neck.

(Warning: my horrible drawing)

   Amihan smiles at Imaw “Avisala Eshma(6)” she said as she jumps on the back of the horse

   “Wait before you leave” he said and takes out a silver box and gives it to her. “A present for the new Sangg're” he said while smiling

    Amihan takes the box and smile at her trusty elf “Thank you, Imaw” she said as Imaw uses his magic to open the gateway to the human realm. “I'll be back once I leave her to a safe place”

    “Be safe, My Sangg're” He said as the horse then quickly runs to the human realm along with Amihan and (Y/n)


???'s POV

     Me and brother are in our room. I was playing one of the toys while my brother was in the window looking at the stars

     “Brother, Do you think wishes come true when you wish on a star?” he ask me

     I smile and goes to him “Of course they do. That's what mother told us remember?” I told him

    “But why is my wish haven't come yet?”

    “What is your wish exactly?” I ask him

    “My wish.... Is to have a business of my own,a toy store to be specific.” he said while he looks at the stars “That is my wish”

    “Mother said that wishes takes time remember? So you have to wait” I said and smile at him as he smile back and look down but then in the corner of my I saw something blue flashes to the trees "Did you see that?” I ask him

     “See what?” he ask me as I open the window to make sure if it was real and saw a someone in cloak and riding on a horse made of... Water? I rub my eyes to see if I was just imagining it but it seems it isn't. “Brother! Look!” I exclaim as I point at the cloak figure

      Before he could see it someone open the door and we look behind us. It was our mother.

     “Why are you two still up?” she said as she walks towards us

     “Mother I saw a-” I was cut off when the cloak figure had disappeared “Wait where did they go?”

     “Astre, you must be imagining things. It's almost midnight. You too, Ciel” she said as she lift us up and tucks us up in our bed.

     “Sorry, mother. I just thought that I saw someone out there” I apologize to mother.

     “It's okay, Astre.” she said as she kissed both of our forehead and walks to the door “Goodnight, Astre, Ciel” she said

     “Goodnight, mother” we said as we close our eyes and she closes the door taking the candle with her. But I can't never forget what I had saw... Whoever it is.... I can feel that it's aura is a bit.... Off


Amihan's POV.

     I continue to ride on the horse and looking around for a safe place for my daughter then I stop at a gate and behind it was a palace. “I think this is a perfect place.....” I jump down from the horse. “I'll be right back for you, okay?” I said and the horse nods in respond and I use the wind to lift me up from the gate and walk towards to two large doors and place my child down on the doorstep.

      I took out a note that I wrote after I left the gateway and put it beside her along with the music box Imaw gave her. I kiss her forehead and about to leave then I hear her cries making me stop.

      I don't want to lave her but I had to.... For her protection..... For her future..... For her sake.....

      I run back to her to say my last words for her

     “E correi diu(3).” I said as I caresses her head while my tears fall from my eyes “I will never forget you... You will ways be in my heart, My Diwani(7)” I kisses her forehead one last time before leaving her and use the wind to fly me over the gate and land on the horse and ride back to the gateway.

      I cried as I continue to hear her cries.

'I'm sorry, my daughter.... But this..... Is for your protection.... I love you.... I love you, my daughter.... '


???'s POV

      I was walking around the halls as I always do then I hear loud cries of a baby. I walk towards the Hall where the main door is. As I open the door I saw in the doorstep was a baby wrap in a gold like blanket with a music box and note beside her. I took the baby in my arms making the baby's crying stop and opens it's eyes showing her beautiful (e/c) and rainbow eyes.

     “My, aren't you a beauty?” I said making it giggles like it can understand me. I took the note and read what it said

Dear, whoever found my daughter,

     Please take good care of her and protect her from danger. She is important to me. Yes, I left her because she is not safe with me. I had to leave her to you for her sake. Tell my sweet (Y/n) that I love her and that her mothers will be always in her heart. The necklace around her neck is very special tell her to never give it to anyone. Thank you for accepting her. Until then.....

Love, her mother.

     (Y/n)? A pretty name for a beautiful child. The queen will be delighted to have a child of her own.

     I took the music box and go back inside to keep the child warm and find her a room to stay. But of course I have to inform the queen.


Wow 2019 words.... Awesome!!!!

Anyway here are the Enchanta translate

(1) Pashnea- Bastard
(2) Avisala Meiste- Goodbye or Farewell
(3) E correi diu- I love you
(4) Sancretireya- Last goodbye
(5) Ada Cassiopeia- Mother Cassiopeia
(6) Avisala Eshma-Thank you
(7) Diwani-Princess

Thank you for reading

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