(Chapter 22) Vaizel Fighting Festival Part 2

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A/N: Nanashi simps, come get your (our) husband! 

~A little while later~

Hana sheathed her katana and walked back over to Nanashi before the two of them saw a giant Earth Crawler. Hana's blue eyes narrowed, as she unfurled her wings and got ready to fly at the beast, before she watched Nanashi attack it. He cut the beast multiple times and in multiple different fatal areas, before he landed on the ground and cleaned his own katana. It had her name engraved into the bottom of the blade, while she had his name engraved in the bottom of her katana blade. "Do you like to steal my kills?" she asked, walking over to him as he sheathed his sword. He was a bit of an introvert by nature, but she still loved him very much. He shrugged before seeing a group of assassins nearing the two. In an instant, he had her behind him, in case the assassins tried anything, but they passed the two by with a nod and a wave. Hana grabbed Nanashi's sleeve, causing him to look down at her as she spoke. "Let's get going, shall we?" she asked, causing him to nod before taking her hand and walking by her side as they tried to figure out where to go. After a few minutes of walking in silence, Hana spoke, squeezing the swordsman's hand as she did so. "You know, we'll get through this together, right, Nashi?" she asked, causing a smile to tug at his lips. "Yes, yes we will." he responded, as he put his arm around her waist while he walked with her.

Gaia looked around her as she tried to calm down. She was very worried about what would happen to her if she didn't escape from this place before the sun completely set. She could sense Drole and Gloxinia, and what made it worse was that she had been separated from Rosetta at the beginning of the maze, so she was alone. Think, Gaia, think. Don't forget your instincts, and just try to figure out where you are. She thought to herself. She closed her eyes and put her hands to the ground, tapping her fingers to sense where the vibrations in the earth stopped. She could locate things better like other people, walls, and entrances into different parts of the maze. She opened her eyes after a few minutes and then got back on her feet, before she was stopped by two other giants walking towards her. She recognized Diane, but the other giant, she had never seen before. "Can I help you two?" she asked, causing the giant she didn't know to speak. "I'm Matrona, the Fang of the Land, and this is Diane. We're trying to get out of here, but it seems that this place has regenerative properties, and when I saw you, Diane said that she thought that you might be the cause of this." she said, causing Gaia to laugh. "I could never do something like this, it's far past my capabilities. But the people at the center probably did." she explained, causing Matrona to scowl. "Well, care to join me?" Gaia asked the two after a few seconds of awkward silence, causing Matrona and Diane to nod. She then led the way and started toward the center of the maze. The group of three was split again into two as Matrona saw an illusion, but the two left, Diane and Gaia, ran into Elizabeth and Hawk, and later, Howzer and Gilthunder.

Arthur, Guinevere, and Meliodas sat around the fire as he cooked the meat of the Earth Crawlers that he had knocked out. He then handed Guinevere and Arthur a skewered piece of meat, and told them to dig in. A few minutes later, Guinevere picked up a distinct scent, and saw that both of the boys with her had done so as well. She then looked over at where the source of the aroma was, and walked over to where a cut of Earth Crawler Meat was sitting with a fork and knife, seasoned with herbs and salt. She cut a piece of the meat off and ate it, humming in delight as she offered Arthur a bite. "It's really good, try it." she offered, smiling as Arthur tasted the dish. "Wow, it's amazing! This dish would impress even the castle chefs of Camelot. Whoever cooked this, I'd love to meet him." Arthur said, as Meliodas took a bite and then spoke. "No way, whoever cooked this is working for the Boar Hat Tavern." Meliodas shot back. "Hey, that's not fair!" Arthur said, defensively. "Alright, I guess that if I have to, I'll come back." The three turned to see Ban, wearing what appeared to be the uniform of a different tavern. "Ban..." Meliodas said, before the two glared at each other. Meliodas was the first to speak.



They started doing their routine handshake, before Ban punched Meliodas in the face, causing him to snicker. Meliodas then punched Ban into a wall, before the white haired man got back up and grabbed his hand. "Ready?" he asked, causing Meliodas to nod as Arthur got in between them while they laid on the ground. "Go." Arthur called, causing Ban to slam Meliodas into the ground. "Aw man, I lost." said Meliodas, as Guinevere laughed at the playful air of the whole situation.

Midnight smirked as she and Lilith killed each of the thugs that had tried to shake them down for money. "This, right here, is why I hate humans." the brunette commented, looking at each of the dead bodies as she held their souls in her hands. She then ate them and sighed, feeling her mana return to her slightly. "At least we get to have some fun here." Lilith said, her red eyes flicking over to a group of assassins as she watched them stalk away. "Looks like we have shadows following us." the vampiress cautioned her friend, causing Midnight to nod. "Let's just get going, I want to get this crap over with and done." she explained, before the two started walking once again towards the center of the maze.

Rosetta marveled at the ability of the apprentice Holy Knight with her, as she tried her best to fight off the thugs that kept trying to attack the group. "Harlequin, don't push yourself." Elaine advised, before Rosetta spoke. "Spirit Spear Honey Hive, Sixth Configuration, Purple Nightshade." she called, before she saw the other three cover their noses, eyes, and mouths. The thugs looked at the purple flowers, and a few mocked the three, before a poisonous mist filled the air as Rosetta covered her eyes, nose, and mouth as well. After the mist had subsided, the men were in a pile on the ground, frothing at the mouth and red eyed as the poison took their lives. "That's what you get when you mess with a queen." she spat at them, before the small group continued toward the center of the maze they were in. They met up with Hendrickson and Arcadia along the way, who had Griamore with them.

When everyone got to the center of the maze, everyone started speaking to each other, happy to see that their friends were alive. After a while, everyone present heard a voice at the top of the large boulder in front of them. "Welcome to the Ultimate Time Killer, no I mean the Great Fighting Festival!" Gaia and Rosetta tensed up as they heard who was speaking. There, at the top of the boulder, was Gloxinia and Drole, a smirk on the fairy's face as his eyes met Rosetta's. "But before we start, we must prepare the arena. Alright, Drole, you're up." he said, surprising Gaia, Diane, and Matrona. Drole waved his hands and spoke. "Gigant Gauntlet." he said, causing large hand-like structures to rise out of the ground, with flat pedestals for fingers. "Now, before we begin, I just have to dispose of those little worms still lurking around in the maze. Spirit Spear Basquias, Death Thorn!" He called, causing Rosetta to whimper as she saw the numerous thorny vines that reminded her all too well of the power that he possessed. She now was scared of what exactly was going to happen to her, and looked up at Granite, who still had her jacket hood over her head. As the thorns killed everyone in the maze, King flew up, but Rosetta tried to stop him. "King, what the hell are you doing?! Get back down here!" she whisper-yelled, but he didn't listen to her. "Death thorn is a type of vine that grows at the top of the Sacred Tree, and it can take out any threat that Sunflower alone can't handle." he stated with narrowed eyes, before they widened in realization. He cast a glance at Rosetta, who gave him a pleading look for him not to tell. "Hold on, Basquias is the name of the First Fairy King's Spirit Spear, but, how? And...why now, First Fairy King, Gloxinia!" he exclaimed, causing Rosetta to bite her lip and force herself not to cry. To think that this was who, no, what he and Drole had become. It was almost too much for her, but the last straw was what he said next. "That's a name I haven't heard in ages. I'm with the Ten Commandments now, called Gloxinia of Repose." that did it. Rosetta sat on the ground and folded her wings, tears rolling down her cheeks as gripped her Spirit Spear tightly, to the point where there were little honeycomb imprints in her palms. "Repose. What a lie of a Commandment." she spat, her voice barely above a whisper. "Now, it's time to get this festival started, Taizoo, you're up next." Gloxinia stated, causing a very nervous Taizoo to step out from behind Drole's leg. "Y-Yes sir." he said, before announcing the beginning of the festival.

Arcadia couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that the same man who had helped her with identifying different types of plants that were both for poisons and medicines, and who had watched over her whenever she visited the surface as a child, was the same one who was helping the enemy. When he saw her, he looked as though he was trying to figure out who she was, before he told Drole to decide teams. "Two per team, right?" he inquired, causing the crimson haired fairy to nod. Gaia picked up Rosetta and sighed, seeing her friend rest her head atop her knees as her loose white hair covered the rest of her face. "Rose?" she asked, calling her friend the nickname she had given her ages ago. Rosetta looked up at her friend, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Dividing Board Spell!" Drole called, separating the groups into teams. Gilthunder and Gilfrost were with Lilith, Hana stayed with Nanashi and Arthur. Midnight was stuck with one of the Cobalt Demons, too, and was faced against Solaseed and one of the knights she had never seen before, who was blonde, and had orchid eyes. Arcadia grabbed onto Hendrickson and Griamore before she could be separated from either of them. Guinevere was with Elizabeth and Elaine, and smiled before saying hello to the fairy, and Gaia and Rosetta floated off to a pedestal to the side. They were alone, too, which worried Arcadia and any of the others involved with the duo.

Hana looked over at Arthur as he introduced himself. "My name is Arthur Pendragon, I look forward to working with the two of you." he said, a determined smile on his face. "Arthur, guess who I'm with?!" she looked over his shoulder and smiled when she saw Guinevere. "Oh Gwen! Yoo hoo, guess who your little boyfriend here is teamed up with?!" she called back, causing Guinevere to smile brightly as she started collecting water from the ground below. She needed it for the battle ahead. "Oh, Hana, I had no clue you were here! What are you doing here?!" she shouted back, causing Gloxinia to start getting impatient. "You know, you can begin whenever-" he was silenced by the glares from the group of Necromancers in the arenas, causing him to scowl. However, he smirked when he saw that Gaia and Rosetta had remained silent.

Gloxinia looked up at Drole. "I say we take them back with us, so that we don't miss the chance to make things right with them." he advised, causing Drole to nod. In all fairness, he had wanted to speak with Gaia for some time now, to see if she was alright. He had missed her quite a lot during the time he was sealed, and she had certainly changed since he had last seen her. She had grown out her hair from the shoulder cut length it had been at, and it now sat at waist level. It was currently tied back in a low hanging ponytail, and it still had that beautiful wavy look to it. He remembered when he used to braid and style it whenever he had the free time. He remembered the sound of her laughter when she talked with Gloxinia and Gherade. He also remembered when she volunteered to take care of a couple of children for a few days who were from the Giant Race, and how she looked like she would be a wonderful mother. But of course, the Holy War had split the two of them, and he had no clue now whether or not she even thought of him as anything more than an enemy.

Gloxinia saw Rosetta with tears rolling down her cheeks, and wanted to comfort her, to tell her that he was still himself, but he knew what she'd do. She'd been through too much, and had witnessed too many people who had betrayed, and lied to, and stabbed her in the back. He knew the moment she had looked at him, that when their eyes met, there was no love in her gaze. There was no warmth, no longing, and certainly no hope. He wanted desperately for things to be alright, but he would have to wait until later in order to do anything even remotely close to making amends. So, for now, he would just watch as Gaia consoled her, reassuring her that she would be alright. But, things didn't last long, and he had a fight with King and Diane to win.

Arcadia was faced with a choice. Either kill the assassin and the priest, or try to dodge and think of a solution. However, when she saw who was contained in the priest's staff, she smirked. "Ok, no way in hell he's living this one down. I'm pounding his ass into the ground, and he's never going to hear the end of my win against him." she then looked over at Midnight, who was faced with the same problem. "Aim for the child, but spare Howzer. They'll never live this down, Midnight!" she called, causing the demon to turn to face her. "Are you serious right now?! We're in the middle of a fight, and you want to tell me that, while sparing an adult is ok, that I can just kill the child?!" she shrieked. "The child's lyre, take a good look at it!" she called, causing Midnight to look at the lyre and then back at Arcadia, a wicked smirk on her face. "I'm lording this win over him for the rest of time! He's going to get his ass kicked so hard right now!" she yelled, before she used her darkness and communicated with her team partner using the demon language. Then, she wrapped Howzer in darkness to keep him still, before the two cornered the child. "Tell your friend something, ok?" she asked, looking down and glaring at the lyre as the child looking person nodded. "Ask him how it feels to fall to your death, even though you have wings." she said, shoving the child off of the platform and watching her fall.

Arcadia stepped in front of Hendrickson and Griamore as the group they were fighting got ready to attack. However, she threw both of them off in one go. "Screw you, Tarmiel!" she yelled at the person inside the staff. She then stood up and went over to Hendrickson, his eyes wide from what she just did. "How did you-?" she put a hand on his shoulder, before she shook her head and smiled. "I'll explain a little later, alright?" she proposed, causing him to nod. She then took Griamore into her arms and spoke. "How are you holding up, kid?" she asked, causing Griamore to hug her tightly. "Oh?" she said, confused, before she saw tears rolling down his cheeks. "Hey, I'm alright, ok? Griamore, everything is ok, I'm fine, Hendy's fine." she reassured, causing him to look up at her with tears in his eyes. "I thought you were going to get hurt." he sobbed, causing her to hold him at eye level as she wiped away his tears and then hugged him tightly. "I'm too fast for them to catch me, ok?" she asked, causing him to nod. "Now then, let's watch the others." she said, holding the child as she, Griamore, and Hendrickson watched the other fights.

Guinevere watched as one of the assassins tried attacking, before she sent him back with a blast of water. "Oh no you don't!" she yelled, keeping them at bay before a smoke bomb was thrown while she spoke to Elizabeth and Elaine. "It's a smoke screen!" Elaine coughed. "Elaine, Guinevere, run!" Elizabeth exclaimed, before she was attacked by one of the assassins with a snake whip. Guinevere flew up past the smoke screen and then used her magic. "Mist of Purification!" she yelled, making the mist fill with the smoke and then disappear as Elaine used her magic to injure one of the assassins. As the more able of the two brothers held his brother, Elizabeth walked up. She then healed him before the taller brother spoke. "Who...are you?" he asked. "I am the daughter of Bartra, the king of Liones, and my name is Elizabeth." she said, causing them to be shocked speechless. "Lady Elizabeth, I could never allow myself to be in your debt." the assassin said. She smiled and crouched down to his level. "Don't worry, we'll talk more later." she said, before a hole opened up and swallowed the two into the abyss of darkness beneath them. "I must ask the losers to exit the ring immediately." Gloxinia said.

Arcadia watched as Escanor and Gowther got into a fight, with Gowther trapping the Lion Sin in an illusion. Escanor then turned into his daytime form as he spoke. "Gowther, what you have given me is not despair, but a shining ray of hope." he said. Arcadia made eye contact with the other Necromancers, as well as Hana, before giving a small whistle and giving the signal as Escanor landed an attack just where he needed to, Right where Gloxinia and Drole were. Gaia held Rosetta tightly as Hana flew with Arthur and Nanashi grabbing her arms. "Hold on tight!" she advised, gripping their sleeves tightly. Arcadia had Hendrickson and Griamore in her arms, and flew down into the rapidly closing Gigant Gauntlets, as Gaia and Rosetta landed outside of them. It was then that they realized that they had no chance of escape, especially now that Meliodas was practically cornered.

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