(Chapter 35) Mael

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Mael launched attacks at both Sariel and Tarmiel, before Gowther was confronted by Derieri. "Gowther, transmit my thoughts to everyone but Mael, and do it now!" she demanded, causing him to nod and use 'Broadcast' to do so. "Think fast!" Mael mocked, before King used Chastiefol to ward him off. "Now!" Derieri yelled at Sariel and Tarmiel, before the two of them pinned Mael in place using their graces. Derieri then started attacking him. However, while he was being attacked, Mael spoke. "Why is it always me who must be treated unfairly, like the scum of this earth?" he asked, causing Tarmiel to lose his will to fight, and he released Mael. "Thank you, my brethren." Mael said, before using 'Arrow of Salvation' on Derieri, hitting her directly in her last heart, before she fell to the ground. Elizabeth ran to her, as Mael flew up far past them, taking Derieri's Commandment with him as Sariel lost his focus, and the last bit of his strength with it. He fell to the ground, and right into the arms of Muriel, before he saw Mael start to fuse with the Commandment of Purity. Sariel spoke softly, leaning into her gentle touch, as she watched him smile sadly. "Perhaps we will have to wait for a wedding, my dear. After all, I've no strength left to fight him, and now that he has Derieri's Commandment, it's all over. Here," he took off his large oversized coat that he knew Muriel loved, and shakily slipped it over her head. "Make sure you look in the right inside pocket if you live through this. Know that I love you, and that I'm sorry that I couldn't marry you and have that family that we talked about long ago. I love you, Muriel." he said, before using Tornado one last time to blast her out of the way of one of the beams of light that hit him and Tarmiel head-on, disintegrating them both instantly. Muriel screamed as she watched the last of the beams disappear, as Diane used 'Lightning Rod', one of Gideon's special abilities, to ground the attack that hit the group. Arcadia watched a light beam hit Ella, practically cutting the dragon almost in half. "Ella, no!" she yelled, flying down after the dragon as tears welled up in her eyes yet again. "Not you, too, please." she begged, catching the reptile before she landed on the ground and went to check the dragon's face, only to see a pearlescent white egg in the dragon's grasp. Arcadia sniffled as she was handed the egg by the beast, trying to comfort her. Ella wound her head around Arcadia's torso, chuffing softly, as she rested her head in Arcadia's lap. The great beast purred as she rested, while Arcadia tried frantically to heal her. However, it was only when someone yelled 'Pollen Garden' that Ella's wounds started to heal, and the dragon looked up at Arcadia before hugging her. "Oh dear goodness, you scared me far too much." she said, before hugging the dragon. Arcadia then watched as King went and made sure that Mael was still, before Gowther launched himself at him and used his magic to trap Mael in the mindscape and speak to him.

Mael looked at the floating islands, but there was a field of orchids around him, making the place smell wonderful, as Gowther walked to him. He watched Mael play with the ring he remembered having on him when he was turned into a demon, a sad smile on his face. Gowther saw a faint image of Orchid running across the field, wearing a white wedding dress, with a bouquet of flowers in her hands. "If only I had that time." he whispered to himself, as Gowther spoke. "I know you hate me, but you do have that time. Please, just turn back and relinquish the Commandments you took in." he begged, causing Mael to gaze at him. "With whom would I spend my time? Don't lie to me and say that Orchid or anyone else aside from Sariel and Tarmiel are still alive. I won't fall for it." he said, causing Gowther to reach out his consciousness to Orchid to pull her into the mix. "You think she's gone?" he asked, causing him to scowl at the doll. "Of course she is! And even if she wasn't, who would love someone who killed thousands of our kind? Answer me that!" Mael yelled, only for a pair of hands to gently cup his face, causing him to look up, only to find Orchid, as she gazed lovingly down at him. "I would." she whispered, gently kissing his forehead, before she spoke. "Please, listen to him. Me and Arcadia are waiting for you, as well as the others. Please, Mael, don't leave me again." she begged, before Gowther's concentration snapped with the arrival of the Commandments' forms in the subconscious. "Mael, you have to come back!" he yelled, as the Commandments kicked the Sin of Lust out of Mael's mind. "Now that he's gone, let us take you for power in exchange." the Commandments chimed, only for Mael to sigh deeply. "Sorry, no can do." he said, expelling them from his body completely.

Arcadia rested with Ella as she regained her strength, before a shadow fell over her. She looked up to see Mael, tears in his eyes as he saw her. "Get up and face me for a second. I need to check something really quickly." he said, causing her to nod and get back on her feet to face her brother, before he pulled back her hair and looked behind her ear, only to reveal the birthmark that he remembered all too well. "Oh Supreme Deity, it really is you, Arcadia!" he exclaimed, wrapping her up in a warm hug as she hugged him back. "Brother, I missed you so much! Me and Orchid were so worried!" she sobbed, causing him to tense up as he pulled away to look at her. "Wait, Orchid was worried, too?" he asked, cupping her face in his hands. "Where is she?!" he asked frantically. "Try behind you." a voice said, catching his attention. Mael turned to see Orchid, with a smile on her face, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Mael," she practically whispered, causing him to let go of Arcadia before running to her. "Orchid!" he exclaimed joyfully, picking her up as she laughed, tears of joy slipping down her cheeks as she spoke. "Mael!" she exclaimed, as he held her in his arms and kissed her forehead. She cupped his face in her hands before kissing him, causing his face to turn red. "Someone's blushing~" Arcadia teased, laughing as Mael cleared his throat. "Anyways, look at you, mister fancy. You almost look like a decent waiter for the Boar Hat." she commented, causing him to scowl at her. "Arcadia!" he scolded, as Mael looked over at his sister. "One of these days, when you have someone you love, I'm going to tell them all your embarrassing secrets!" Mael joked. "Jokes on you, Hendrickson already knows most of my embarrassing secrets!" she shot back, before covering her mouth as Mael processed what she said. He went wide-eyed in an instant, before he rushed over to her and shook her as he started asking question after question. "What's he like? Does he treat you well? Does Ludociel know him? Is he a Goddess, too? Where's he from?" he asked, before Orchid cupped a hand over his mouth. "In due time, dear, but for now, we have a kingdom to save, and a Demon King to stop." she explained, before everyone turned and started making their way to Camelot. On the way there, Mael flew up to Arcadia. "So, are you going to tell me what he looks like?" he asked, causing Arcadia to get out her sketchbook and smile as she showed him a colored drawing of Hendrickson. Mael smiled softly. "He looks like a good one. A keeper, if you will." he commented, causing her to smile. "Well, our brother doesn't even know, and yet, he decided to drag him to Camelot, so you can meet him very soon." she said, causing Mael to stare at her in shock. "Wait, you didn't tell Ludociel?!" he asked, causing her to shake her head no. "You know how our brother is, he doesn't really like it when Goddesses and the other races have relationships." she replied. Mael sighed deeply as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yeah, he really is like that, now isn't he?" he observed, causing Arcadia to laugh as she nodded softly. They flew in silence for a while before Mael spoke again. "I still want to meet him, though." he said, causing Arcadia to shake her head. "Alright, after all is said and done, I'll introduce you." she chuckled, before silence once again settled on the group as they got closer to Camelot.

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