(Chapter 37) Strength

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Hey guys, sorry for being gone for so long. I've barely had any motivation for a while since there's been a lot of stuff going on lately in my life, but I finally managed to write this chapter. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Midnight and Lilith watched as Gaia and Rosetta spoke to one another, while Guinevere stayed with Arthur in one of the Boar Hat's spare rooms. "Hey, be glad for the time you spent with them, you two. After all, it's not like we got the same chances both of you got." Lilith soothed. Gaia glared at the vampire as she spoke. "You have no place to talk in this conversation! How could you possibly understand how we feel at this moment?!" she yelled, causing Lilith to smile as she spoke. "Because I've been through the same thing you two have, but I never got the chance to see him again." she replied, looking out the window as she thought to herself. "Wait...what?" Rosetta asked, as Lilith sighed sadly before turning to look back at them. "I figured that Midnight had told you about that, but do you remember when you two saved me ten years ago in Edinburgh?" she asked, causing both to nod. Midnight spoke next, smiling at all of them. "And this is why I never want to have a relationship with anyone, ladies." she said, causing Lilith to laugh. "Sure, ok miss succubus, keep talking. We all know that you like-" Midnight clamped a hand over her mouth. "He doesn't count because I haven't seen him in a few thousand years." the demon hissed, causing Lilith to laugh. "What was his name, anyway?" Rosetta asked, looking at Lilith. "Orlondi, sound familiar?" she asked, causing Guinevere to perk up at the mention of a familiar name. However, she didn't say anything, since that could wait until later. As the group made their way to Liones, they saw an explosion in the distance. "Oh, I hope that Mael is alright. After all, we only just got back our memories of him, and I've been wanting to see how he reacts to Hendrickson." Rosetta said. Gaia smirked as she spoke. "Shall we start placing bets on how he'll react to him?" she asked, causing Lilith to speak first. "I say that whoever wins gets bragging rights, because you two," she pointed to Midnight and Gaia. "are both sore losers and welsh out when it comes to bets dealing with money." she said, causing Rosetta to laugh. "Ah, perhaps you're right. Well then, I'm betting on Mael actually liking him, what about you guys?" she asked. "My money's on him not liking Hendrickson." Midnight said simply. "Nah, I've got a little faith in him. I say he tolerates Hendrickson." Gaia commented. "My money's on him liking Hendrickson. After what all he's been through, I can't imagine he'd want Arcadia to go through more than she already has, too." Lilith said. Guinevere came out of the room for the first time in a little over a day, smiling. "If I know anything, it's that Mael doesn't like violence, so I'd assume that he'll let Hendrickson be, so long as he cares about and loves Arcadia." she said, before walking back into the room that Arthur was held in.

Meliodas, no, the Demon King, stood in front of the group as he spoke. "Thank you, Seven Deadly Sins, and to the rare animal that helped them." He said, causing Arcadia to turn to the man himself and glare at him. "That's not Meliodas, because the one I know wouldn't call Hawk a rare animal or some crap like that." She said, as she stared up at him. "Elizabeth, I've decided to lift your curse." The Demon King said, causing Hawk to snort in triumph before he spoke. "See, why can't you just be like that, huh?" He asked, walking closer to him. "However, once I do, I'm going to kill you as painfully and as brutally as possible." He said, grabbing Hawk in one of the large golden hands protruding from his back. "I wonder how he'll react to seeing his lover killed by his own hand." he said aloud, before Merlin sealed everyone in a Perfect cube, including Hawk, although he barely fit in his. However, the Demon King quickly destroyed Hawk's Perfect Cube, and grabbed him using one of the large golden arms that was protruding from his back. He looked at the animal in disgust. "I find your continued presence annoying, but I'll send you to your brother now." he said, starting to squeeze him harshly as he tried to crush him to death. Unfortunately for him, Ban arrived once again, grabbing Hawk and jumping out of the Demon King's reach. "Hey, Cap'n, can you hear me in there?" he asked, taunting the Demon King. "Well, look who's back." Merlin said. "Hey, Ban, you're just in time." Diane said, relieved. "Hey, idiot, you better be damn good at fighting, else we have an issue that you can't deal with." Arcadia called. "Ban, even if you're immortal-" King started. "Yeah, not anymore. I revived Elaine, and to do that, I had to give up the Fountain of Youth." Ban explained, causing Arcadia to facepalm. "I really hope he doesn't get himself killed." she mumbled to herself, as the Demon King spoke. "Oh you foolish child. Feast your eyes on the power of a god." He said, conjuring up an intense energy storm. It blew everyone around, and hit Arcadia, too. "Shit!" she yelled, grabbing onto Hendrickson as the two were sent flying. Just then, she felt the air around her still, as King used Chastiefol to put a barrier around them. "Nice call, you saved the two of us just now." she said, her hair and wings now a mess thanks to the strong energy storm. "Gowther, is he alright out there?" she asked, looking over at the doll. He looked out the barrier and then spoke. "As of now, a high level energy storm is brewing. There isn't anything that could possibly withstand the force of the storm out there." he said, causing Diane to tear up slightly. "Ban..." however, the energy storm broke after a minute or two, and there he was, fighting the Demon King.

Within the confines of the spirit world, Arcadia sensed Meliodas fighting, and whispered something to Gowther. He nodded, and used his magic to get into Meliodas' head. Just as he was falling asleep and giving up, a hand, Elizabeth's hand, supported him. "We're here, Meliodas." She said, causing him to look back at the group behind him. "Ban's out there getting his ass kicked, Mel, so give it all you've got!" She cheered. The others did the same, each giving him their support. "I'm any case, since I can meddle with spirits, I could-" "Don't worry about me, Arcadia. We both have people who are waiting for us outside, right? So please, reserve your strength, for Hendrickson's sake. Ok?" He asked, causing her to nod. Gowther smiled. "Although we can't directly intervene, we can support you by-" he stopped, smiling. "Why'd you stop?" King asked, before Gowther pointed over to Meliodas and Elizabeth. "Sometimes, you gotta read the room, King." He said. Meliodas walked over to Elizabeth and hugged her, pulling back to look at her. "How do I look? Did I age during that thousand years I was in Purgatory?" He asked, causing her to shake her head. "Not at all." Elizabeth replied, tears welling up in her eyes. The Demon King tried to attack, only for Meliodas to snap his fingers and hit him with condensed lumps of darkness. They hit him head on and made bloody holes in his body. "What kind of power is this?!" The Demon King demanded. "Their presence gives me strength, it gives me power above all others." Meliodas turned to face him fully. "You've lost all chances of winning now." He said, glaring at the Demon King.

On the outside, the Demon King let go of Ban and sent him flying, before Arcadia stopped Astral Projecting and watched as he looked at the group. "Fine, if this is how things will go, then I'll just have to cut your power off at the source!" He yelled, before Arcadia pulled out the Winged Sword and assumed a defensive stance, Mael and Ludociel joining her. "No you won't!" The three challenged. "The likes of the Four Archangels, and of the Necromancers, you dare defy a god?!" He yelled, outraged. The Demon King used the claw-like hands on his back to form a ball looking creature, Sighing Sage, which started to attack the group. However, Ludociel used his ability, "Sanctuary", to protect the group, as Arcadia used her magic to transfer her mana to him.

Zeldris used his lent power to heal himself fully and launched himself into the air, as the Demon King used his magic to make a weapon of sorts that started going after Ban. However, Zeldris stabbed it and watched it fall. "What the, Zeldris, why are you-?" Mael asked. "Insolent child, what do you think you're doing?!" The Demon King asked, as Arcadia smirked at him. "Sucks to suck, doesn't it?" She asked, causing the Demon King to glare back at her as Zeldris spoke. "Father, I have important business to discuss with Meliodas, and would like for you to butt out of it. However, before anything else, I have a question." He said. "When you ordered me to execute the Vampire Clan, did you know of my relationship with Gelda?" He asked, causing the Demon King to smirk. "Of course I did, your Commandment told me everything. How you met in secret with that vampire maiden, and how you planned to take over the throne with her and make a Hell where peace was an option. What a foolish child you really are. And even when I ordered you to execute them, you disobeyed me and sealed them away instead. Granted, you behaved under the impression that I was none the wiser, but that ends today." He said, launching a new attack, 'Hermit of Moments' at him, as it attacked him continuously.

Ban kept attacking the Demon King while Meliodas used his attack 'Trillion Dark' to subdue him. "It's much stronger than back in the Druids' Holy Land, but how?" King asked. "That's the funny thing. Seeing all of you here brings me so much energy, so thank you, I feel much more energized now than before. Now, let's end this and save Ban!" Meliodas replied. "Captain, you've done so much for me even though I'm a pain in the back during the day and weak at night. I'll continue to fight for you until I breathe my last!" Escanor said. "Thanks, Escanor!" Meliodas yelled back. "Thanks to you, I got my heart back, and I remembered the life I used to have. For this, I thank you, captain!" Gowther said next. "Careful now, if you doubt us for even a moment, then we'll have to make good on that promise, alright?" Merlin called. "Of course you'd threaten me at a time like this," he said. "Captain, I want to talk after this is over, face to face. And so I can apologize!" King declared. "Let me remind you that the Dragon Sin of Wrath is the best of all of us!" Diane added, before the group looked at Arcadia. She sighed and then spoke. "You stood up for me when no one else would! You cared about me when my brothers were busy! You were there for me when I was at my lowest points in life, so please, fight for us, all of us!" Arcadia yelled. "We'll be waiting to celebrate with you, Meliodas!" Elizabeth cheered.

Zeldris kept getting attacked by the Hermit of Moments, before using Ominous Nebula to destroy it completely. The Demon King pinned Ban to the ground as Zeldris yelled at him to finish the man off. However, he stopped when he was struck by the Demon King's power. kept attacking until Zeldris fell to the ground once again. "But how? Magic attacks shouldn't work on him!" Mael observed. "Yes, but you're forgetting that I'm the one who lent him that power." the Demon King chided. Ban attacked the Demon King ruthlessly. "How could you?! That's your son, your own flesh and blood!" He yelled. "I'm the Demon King, that's who I am! I have no purpose for weaklings in my bloodline!" He shot back, knocking Ban to the ground yet again. However, he got weaker when Meliodas used Trillion Dark once again and left the Demon King's body riddled with holes from his power. Arcadia and the others had been transported back to the real world.

Arcadia watched as Meliodas' body started going haywire, bouncing everywhere as the Demon King tried to take him down alongside him. "Let's drive him out now!" Merlin said. "We just have to stop this lunatic. On top of everything, you're a sore loser, too!" Ban yelled.

"Arc!" Elizabeth yelled.

"Perfect Cube!" Merlin called.

"Now for Pollen Garden!" King called.

"Combined attack, 'Triple Prison'!" the three yelled in unison.

The Demon King tried to escape the attack, and launched Ban backwards, before Hawk jumped him and covered his eyes as he started trying to unleash more of his power. Ban yelled for him to be careful, before Diane attacked next. "Diamond Tower!" she yelled, launching Meliodas' body up into the air and prohibiting his escape. "Ban, it's up to you now!" Arcadia yelled, as Ban made his way up the tower and jumped up high, before aiming and punching Meliodas square in the gut. "It's time to bring the captain back!" he yelled, the force he used splitting the tower in half as dust filled the air. "What happened?" Diane asked cautiously, as the dust cleared. "I feel awful. Every part of me hurts" a familiar voice said, as Ban smiled downward at the person speaking. "We've barely been holding it together out here ourselves," he said. Elizabeth smiled, wiping a tear from her eye as she looked at who was speaking.

"Good to see you, Meliodas. Welcome back." she said.

Ludociel started to fade away into light, and spoke to Mael softly. "It's become so quiet, did we win?" he asked. "Yes, brother, thanks to the Seven Deadly Sins' efforts, we won." he replied, as Arcadia made her way over to her older brother. "Ludociel, you don't have much time left, do you?" she asked, looking at him. He shook his head. "Come here, Arcadia." he said, causing her to drop to her knees when she got to his side. "Listen to me. From now on, choose the path that makes you happy, ok? I've been too harsh on you lately, and I turned a blind eye to your feelings. So please, let me make it up to you now instead of having to wait to atone." he said, turning to look at Hendrickson. "Take care of her and go with my blessing, she's been through enough already." he said, causing Arcadia's eyes to widen as they brimmed with tears. "Brother..." she said quietly, taking hold of one of his hands as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Look at you now. Please, save your tears, I'll be alright." he said, wiping them away with his thumb. "Perhaps it is because I wanted so long for the Goddesses and Demons to get along together that I forgot the whole meaning of this pointless war." he said. "Ludociel..." Elizabeth said. "Hmph." he huffed, before looking at Arcadia. "I wish we could spend more time together, sister." he said. "Well, I'll make sure to bring you back as soon as I can." she said, causing the Flash Grace to look at her with wide white eyes. "Wait, what?" he asked. "The necromancer of our clan. It's me." she stated, causing him to sigh. "Well then, perhaps you'll tell me more when we next see each other, Arcadia." he said, fading away and rising as particles of light into the air.

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