3) Draw Four

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The goddess of light was a concept I knew from mythology books I had read in the school library as a kid. She was a legend, a myth, and a mere figment of imagination. Even so, I found her sitting right in front of me, very well and alive.

"Here, you must be tired. I saw all the action from the security footage," she held out her hand, prompting me to take it. "You put up quite the fight. I'm impressed!"

"You... saw that?" I finally found the will to speak. There was fear behind my eyes and fogging my brain. Was she going to hurt me for trying to escape? Or lock me in that room in this place high above land? My migraine became even worse at the thought. The only thing I had in mind was to suck up to the goddess and hope her grace wasn't a way to deceive me. "I didn't mean to escape, I swear! I was... just trying to find a bathroom!"

Her expression exploded with worry. "Oh, I am so sorry! Where are my manners? I knew I should have intervened when I saw you woke up. Here, I can show you to a restroom."

"No! I actually don't have to go anymore," I lied through my teeth, feeling the sweat on my forehead drip down in large beads. I couldn't tell if it was from running away or from my nerves running in circles.

"Oh, would you want to take a seat, then?" she asked. "You seem really tense after... all that."

"How much did you see?" I questioned.

"As much as Pit did," she replied, leaving me with more questions than answers.


"Yes, he's the leader of my army," she explained. "The angel boy... speaking of which!"

She motioned me to sit in a plush armchair beside her desk. I took it, not having any other option. The footage in front of her floated in midair. They were floating pictures without being projected by a tv or computer screen, like something out of a sci-fi movie.

My eyes went wide, saying to myself, "what kind of dream is this?"

"It's not a dream, but if it were, I would write this one down when you wake up," she replied as she adjusted the headpiece in her hair before speaking loudly. This time, she wasn't speaking to me.

"Pit, report to my office. And PLEASE calm down the troops!" she begged, and I realized she was talking to the angel boy. The pictures on the floating screens were from a third person perspective, which followed the angel.

"Did you find her, Lady Palutena?" he asked frantically. "I saw her, but she got away!"

"Yes, I have her here, Pit. She is safe, so your priority is to calm the troops and make sure everyone is back in position before reporting here. Got it?" she ordered in a no-nonsense fashion.

"On it, Lady Palutena!" He said before the goddess turned to me. I could tell my face gave away how I was feeling.

"Hey! I know what can take your mind off all this chaos. How about we play Uno!" she suggested in a very cheerful tone. "Human love that game, right?"

That's where I drew the line. Things could not have possibly gotten any weirder. "Thay have Uno in... wherever this is??"

"I guess I should explain," she started, magically making a box of cards appear out of thin air and taking the liberty to shuffle. "This is Skyworld, my domain. I promise we are not trying to keep you captive or anything, but I didn't know what to do when Pit brought you back to me."

"I... can't go home, can I?" I looked down dejectedly as she dealt out the cards.

"Oh no," I could tell her heart sank with my words. "You saw the destruction, didn't you?"

I nodded, trying to erase the images from my memory. That's when I looked up in realization. "What were those things?"

"What things?"

"Those things that attacked me! The floating eyes!" I exclaimed.

"Floating eyes?" she asked before gaining a look to remembrance in her eye. She said as she placed a yellow card. "You must mean Monoeyes. They are evil creatures and minions of the late Hades."

I felt more like I was watching a movie, sitting through the starting scene where they dump all the information on you at once. I played a card with the same number as Lady Palutena's as she continued. "Oh gods, I don't think I have seen one of those since the war. I wonder-"

She trailed off, her eyes widening with realization. And I could tell it was a special, deadly kind of realization. "Oh my goddess."

"What is it?!" I replied, worried about her troubled state.

"Nothing you need to worry about now. I will work things out." The goddess composed herself. She then played a draw four card, and I gave her a look. "Sorry... what's your name?

"I'm (Y/n)," I told her, only to realize I shouldn't really be giving any personal information out to the goddess that had the power to crush me in a snap. It was too late.

"(Y/n)! I like that human name! I haven't gotten to research its origins yet, but I was intending to!" Lady Palutena gushed.

"You like researching names?" I questioned.

"I like to think that I'm an expert on humanity and its ways. It's precisely why I chose this game," she smiled proudly, crossing her arms as she played another draw four. I gave her the same look. "Sorry."

"So, why am I here?" I asked, playing a green card. Feeling uncomfortable, I put my legs to my chest.

"We weren't going to leave you to die!" Lady Palutena cleared up, playing once again, another draw four.

"How many of those do you have!?"

"I'm going to be honest. That's all I have."

My bad luck had struck again. Though, that was the last thing I needed her to know. If she knew I was a walking disaster, she would throw me out into the stratosphere layer to float around until I suffocated.

That's when someone came through the door. "Everything is back to normal- what are you doing?"

She sighed, "You know, we should really get you out of the house more. I forget you aren't as educated in human society as I am."

"Riiiiiight," he said before turning to me. "Hi, I'm Pit! Sorry if I scared you back there. Or if Carl scared you."

That weird angel's name is Carl? I thought. I put out my hand for him to shake, hoping to not anger or displease the angel somehow. But he seemed as nice as Lady Palutena. It was the way he carried himself that made his smile more uplifting when he looked me in the eye. I looked away, saying, "hello."

He gave me an odd look, and I remembered what the goddess had just said about him and human culture. I awkwardly put my hand back down as Lady Palutena spoke up. "Pit, this is (Y/n).

"Nice to meet ya! I'm glad you finally woke up-" Pit said as a rumbling from outside cut him off.

A rumbling followed by a yell that echoed into the sky. "Take that Palutena!"

Lady Palutena and Pit turned to each other with the same alarmed look and said in unison, "It can't be!"

"Pit, grab your bow! I'll activate the power of flight," Palutena commanded, and he was off just as she ordered.

"Lady Palutena! What's going on?!" I freaked out right along with them.

"I'm sending Pit in to figure that out," she replied, sitting back down at her desk. The screens turned on just in time to watch Pit jump from the edge of a cloud into the sky, only to be caught by the air, and sparkling particals on his wings. As he flew, she guided his every movement with her hand like a video game.

The sky was quite dark, and its magenta stain had not yet washed away. Apparently, neither had destruction. Monsters everywhere were flying at Pit. They looked reminiscent of plants. Lady Palutena said under her breath, "it's just as I thought."

"Hu? What is it?"

"The Forces of Nature," she said, when Pit joined in.

"Well, it certainly is cheerful out here today!" Pit had to yell through the chaos for us to hear, shooting another enemy with his gleaming bow and arrows.

"Oh Pit, you are just in time for the unleashing of my next reset bomb!" The same voice echoed in the clouds.

"Wait, but I broke your reset bomb factory!" Pit exclaimed. "How are you making them again?!"

"I made another one, genius," the voice retorted. "Since the war is over, we're not allies, and I can do whatever the heck I want!"

"Um... am I allowed to ask what's going on?" I whispered to Lady Palutena.

"It's Viridi, the goddess of Nature. She is using her reset bombs to try to turn the world back to its original state. That unfortunately means wiping out the human race," the goddess informed. "She was making them before, but we stopped her. It seems she's reverted to her old habits."

"What? She can't do that," I protested against Viridi's ways in the same whisper voice.

"That's why we're trying to stop her. Viridi has wiped out entire cities with her reset bombs," the goddess of light went from heavily concerned to dead serious.

"How is Pit going to take down all of those enemies?" I muttered just loud enough so that only Palutena could hear.

"This little angel has been under some intence training. There is a reason he's my army's commander," she reassured. I had to trust her for now. At that moment, a large flash of lightning struck not even 2 feet next to Pit. I almost shrieked at the close call.

"Awww... did I miss?" an unfamiliar voice came out of nowhere. Then a girl with short blond hair flew into the scene. "You know, you're cute when you scream, Pit."

"Please don't do that, Phosphora. It doesn't make the enemy any weaker when you flirt," the goddess of nature retorted.

"I don't know Viridi," Palutena spoke. "That might be the case with Pit."


I let out a snort by accident and everyone went silent.

"Now that was not a Palutena snort. Are you hiding something from us over there?" the girl named Phosphora inquired. And she wasn't wrong.

"NO, no that was me! Good ol' snorting me," the goddess tried to cover up the fact that I was sitting next to her. "It's just me in here."

She's trying to protect me from the human murdering goddess! Maybe she is looking out for my best interest! I thought.

"But Lady Palutena, what about (Y/n)?" Pit revealed my existence to the hater of humans and her sidekick.

"(Y/n), huh? That sounds like a human name. Palutena, you're just giving me more reasons to drop a reset bomb right on your temple!" the goddess of nature exclaimed in overwhelming anger. Oh great!

"Pit, you weren't supposed to tell her," Lady Palutena facepalmed at Pit's big mouth. He tried to apologize, but it wouldn't fix anything. The second strike of lightning almost killed Pit again, the moment the goddess of light's disappointment distracted him. The angel sprang forward and tried to hit Phosphora with his bow and arrows. He's never late when evil calls. 

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