Coming Clean

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 I got inside the temple and everyone seemed to be in a panic, but all the chaos stopped when I was noticed by Pit who had been rushing down the hall.

"(Y/N)!!!" the angel tacked me. "I was so scared!"

"Scared, scared of what?" I asked, pretending to be oblivious to the situation.

"Of you *sniffle* being gone," he started having a meltdown in front of everyone. I hugged him tighter to reassure him that I wasn't going anywhere. "I don't know what I would have done *sniffle* without you!"

I saw Palutena come up behind him with a large smile on her face and making the hug into a group hug. I was happier to see them than they would ever know.

"What happened to you? Where did you go? Are you hurt? Do you feel ok?" Palutena's mother instinct kicked in the moment she saw me.

"I'm fine, everything is fine," then I remembered the very important piece of information that decided the fate of the world. "Well, not everything is fine."

"What do you mean?" Pit asked. That was when I came clean about everything. Including, 'the dog I never had.' (Trust me, it fitted somewhere into the conversation.)

"And that's basically how I tried to save everyone and made more problems in the process," I sheepishly finished my story of how I ventured into Pandora's dimension, found out I was a goddess, unleashed Hades back into the world. I had never wanted to cry so hard before that moment, but atoning for my sins wouldn't fix the mess I had made.

"You have Pandora's box? You used to be a goddess? Hades is truly back?" these were all questions that Pit and Palutena needed to ask to make sure they heard me right. The sad part was that the answer to all of their questions was yes. Palutena and Pit seemed absolutely horrified at the news. I tugged on the hem of my nightgown with anxiety.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Palutena asked with worry.

"I couldn't afford my chance to save everyone from myself to just slip away," I looked to the floor. I wanted to cry, but I had to stay strong.

"I thought you said you wouldn't attempt that," a voice came from an open window. It was Dark Pit, and he didn't look happy.

"Wait, I can explain-" he cut me off.

"You can explain to Viridi after you read this," Dark Pit headed Lady Palutena a letter.

"Viridi wants to be allies?" Palutena gasped.

"Yeah, she also wants to have a peace treaty signed in the court of her kingdom. You are all requested to be there by sunrise," and with that, he flew off.

"She knows that Hades is back. She wants to make sure that if this keeps happening, we have her back," Palutena explained.

"Alright, how often does Pitoo do this?" Pit's face was red with anger. I wasn't going to tell him about when I saw Dark Pit before I went into Pandora's dimension. I would have to explain myself in court if I ever wanted to have his friendship ever again. 

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