End: Dark Pit

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(This is called Good Little Girl // 30 Mins // Adventure time and was uploaded by xMazanax on YouTube. Also, the picture below is mine and do not steal. To use, just credit me and I would love to see my picture in a story!)

(Carl's face tho XD)

     I looked around the ballroom to see lit chandeliers, shiny tile for and gods and goddesses socializing. It was an introvert's worst dream, but even if I was going to run out of energy soon, at least I would have lived to see such a sight that I wouldn't have otherwise. I walked into the room and looked around to find someone, anyone I knew to save me from a social disaster that would come in 3, 2-

     "Ichor?" I blushed. "What are you doing here?"

     The black cat from the last party I went to stood before me in all his princely glory. "Same as you, Ms. Atë. I am a neutral god, so like you, I can go to parties I am invited to from the light or the dark side," he explained, not aware that I was actually on the side of light. I decided not to burst his bubble.

     "Well, I am so glad you could make it, since the last party was a total bust," I sigh at what became of the 'incident.'

     "Since we're both here, I was wondering if you would join me for the next waltz," said the bashful Ichor, and catching me off guard in the process.

     "The next... waltz?" I was puzzled and then remembered he was use to the crazy Atë that I had pretended to be. "Yeah! Are you kidding? That is the best idea anyone has had all week!"

     "Good, now if you will excuse me...," he trailed off and walked away.

     With that, I was feeling thirsty, so I walked over to the punch bowl. I would have walked away in any other situation, but I didn't want anyone else to get the vibe that I was lowkey uncomfortable by the person getting punch. Dark Pit. I froze, not a muscle in my body was able to move until my eyes caught sight of Viridi's long ponytail. I could talk to her and pretend I never saw the raven-haired angel. Then, I took a step in her direction.

     "Where are you going so suddenly," Dark Pit looked over, and I knew I was in trouble. There was no doubt about it. "You seem skittish. Are you hiding something?"

     "Why are you always suspicious of me? I was only going to talk to Viridi," I made an excuse.

     "Then why did you come over here?" he asked.

     "Because I was thirsty," I paused to think of what to say. "But I changed my mind.

     "You can't change your mind about being thirsty," Dark Pit countered and I mentally facepalmed at my dumb alibi.

     "Fine, I'll tell you why I'm over here," I pretended to come clean with an accusation in mind that would completely tick him off. "I bet Pit is stronger than you. He is the original after all."

     "You wanna bet?!" I was right about the ticked off part.

     "I mean Pit has to be the stronger one, Mr. I came out of a mirror!" I then had to hope Dark Pit wouldn't go picking a fight with his other half in the middle of the ballroom.

     "Alright, I'll show you," he summoned his bow and arrows. "See that goddess, the one with the big hair."

     "Yeah," I said as he leaned in and pointed to who he was talking about.

     "That's Aphrodite. She always comes with some extravagant up-do and crazy ballgown. I bet you 5 bucks that I can shoot her hair and the arrows would stay put, not hurting her at all," Dark Pit dared.

     "Ok, fine. But if you kill her, this is on you," I hesitated but agreed. He drew his bow when no one was looking, and the arrows went flying at the goddess without her even knowing. Like Dark Pit had predicted, the 3 arrows stuck out of her poofy hair like a sore thumb.

     "She doesn't even know," I whispered in utter shock.

     "That was the point, but her look is so out there, that everyone will think it's just a style," he laughed. "Now, pay up."

     "Come on, Pit could have done that any day," I said, trying to avoid that my money was destroyed with the rest of my town.

     "Yeah, whatever. How about I show you something he really can't do?" Dark Pit offered.

     "I'd like to see that happen," I challenged, and he started to walk away, looking at me to follow him. I was a little hesitant, since I didn't know when the waltz was and I had arranged to dance with Ichor. I had to dance with Ichor. Even if I wanted to stay, I went with Dark Pit as we escaped the ballroom unseen. He took me outside under the glowing stars and turned to look at me.

     "Do you know the thing Pit can't do?" the raven angel asked.

     "No, that's why I'm here," I stated bluntly.

     "The thing Pit can't do is carry anything heavier than a bow. When he flies, Palutena gives him unbeatable strength, and he never throws any fists," he explained.

     "So, you're saying that Pit had no strength of his own?" I asked. "How are you going to prove that anyway?"

     He paused for a moment. "I'm going to use my own strength to carry you back to the party."

     "WHAT?" I freaked out. Where the heck did he come up with that?!

     "Yeah, and you have no choice because we made a bet," he stated as if his decoration wasn't the weirdest thing that had ever happened to me. And that's saying a lot!

     "Why?" I tried to keep from blushing violently. Newsflash, that wasn't working at all.

     "Didn't we already talk about this, Pit can't carry you without Palutena's help," Dark Pit spelled out for me. He then turned around and got in a position where could climb on his back. "Come on, Viridi will ask where we are before long, and I think we can both agree that we don't want them to see us like this."

     His demanding voice gave me no other option. The raven boy had backed me into a corner. I climbed on his back, like he requested, and started walking back to the ballroom. "Um, what if a guard comes along and sees us like this?"

     "It fine. Most guards are at the party to make sure nothing goes wrong," Dark Pit made an excuse for me not to get off his back. "You worry too much."

     "I worry too much? You're the one who's carrying me around on your back like I'm a child," I retorted.

     "You know, you're cute when you blush," he smirked, and I could feel my face heat up.

     "Ugh, do you care or not? You are making it hard to see so decide already!" I rolled my eyes.

     "Yeah, not caring is another thing Pit can't do because he is too much of a freaking dork to not run away," said Dark Pit. And he was sort of right. "But, don't think too much about him, ok?"

     "Why?" I frowned.

     "You see, you shouldn't put a lot of effort into someone who can't even admit they like you," he explained.

     "How did you know that Pit likes me?!" I shrieked.

      "That guy is WAY too obvious. He hangs around you and interacts with you whenever he can," Dark Pit turned the corner. Then it was silent for a moment before I asked the burning question that had been rising in my soul ever since I got on his back.

     "Do you... think I'm pretty tonight?" I broke the silence with an off-topic question.

     "What, do you not think you're pretty?" he questioned.

     "Well, I don't know. Dresses aren't really my thing," I took in the smell of his silky hair.

     "If you really need to know," he paused to think about his answer. "Then yeah, I'd say you're pretty."

     Then we turned another corner to see the entrance to the ballroom. "Oh, we're here."

     "That seems to bother you," Dark Pit looked up at me.

     "I'm not bothered, you're bothered!" I tried to hide my blush.

     "Then get off, I can't hold you forever," he smirked. I then realized he was probably tired as heck, so I got off his back. I then speed-walked back into the ballroom when Dark Pit grabbed my hand and pulled me back behind the corner.

     "Since the waltz is starting soon, would you ditch that Ichor god for me?" his face inched closer to mine as he had me where he wanted against the wall. What was that feeling in my heart that made me want to say yes? I don't think I'll ever know...

Ending obtained: The Prince Charming from the Dark Side

(AN: Yep, I will never write anything this cheesy EVER AGAIN!

Viridi: Somehow I doubt that.

AN: Well, take your popcorn and go SOMEWHERE ELSE!)

oh, so you want more?

well, you won't find any here

( AN: Surprise! If you read this, then that means you get to know the secret. That being, even though the chapter is set up like a dream dating simulator chapter, this ACTUALLY HAPPENED at the party!!! The people that didn't have enough curiosity to read this note and are none the wiser, so let's just keep it our little secret. Won't you keep a secret for me, Reader? Shhhhhh)

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