Chapter Ten

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A few days after last chapter.

The Sakura Empire had been working at pick proformince with the increase siren activity and the possible threat of Azure lane attacking there supply lane, it had them on edge.

On top of that, fight with the siren was a wake up call to most members of the Sakura Empire as she was able to single handily fight off and kill hundreds of sirens along with the report Kaga summited an elite operative of there spices named Purifier.

This shock most members, and baffled the veterans. Sirens even lower level ones are usually fought against while within a squadron of three or more and higher ranking Sirens in much larger groups. But for her to kill one of the tippity top Sirens by herself without sustaining ANY injury's, shock many.

But After all this was settled Kaga was meant to report straight to their leader in order to explain her suspicious behavior which is been becoming more and more transparent since the arrival of the Axis Mind.

So that is what she was going to do, making her way from her dorm she walked silently down the hallway the tapping of her shoes echoed throughout the silent Hall, as she round the corner she noticed the door open on her right this was obviously the axis minda room, but strangely enough she could hear what sounded like talking she peeked inside and noticed that the vex was watching some kind of movie.

'Hmm looks like she found out how to use a smart TV, she's already watching movies produced by the people who made us.'

She observed for a little while longer and noticed that the movie she was watching was actually a very popular romantic movie which had only come out recently, seeing this Kaga had to wonder if she was somehow into romantic themed moves or was this just the first thing she through on?

Shaking her head she removed that thought from her mind as of now she had to meet up with their leader so she simply walked down the hallway but the Vex caught her presence and looked upon her as she left. Her eyes would look at the empty doorway before she slowly turned her head back to the TV which was continuing to play her movie.

'Strang why would these organic organisms be interested in such a thing? And what are these things love a heart? Further research and Discovery is needed to know and understand.'

*Back with Kaga*

She had exited the dormitory as now she was walking along the stone pathway, down the section of the Sakura Empire where majority of the girls could be seen hanging out talking buying food eating food the whole etc. The girls who were in her way scooted off to the side as to get the hell out of her way as she did not have the friendliest of faces on and anyone who knows the little rumors about her knows not to deal with her when she's in a bad mood.

Kaga continued her journey through a Sakura Empire eventually finding the steps made out of red wood as she began her Ascension towards where the leader of their faction reside.

Upon her arrival Nagato looked over at her an extended her hand towards an empty seat, Kaga getting out with our leader requested took the hint and took a seat.

"Kaga I would expect you now know why you are here."

"Yes lady Nagato, it's because of my actions have been questionable and so has my behavior."

"You are correct but I do not want you to think that this is an interrogation we simply wish to know what has brought about this new change? And is it connected to our newest member."

Kaga looked down and didn't utter a single word silence washed over them all as she collected her thoughts.

The dreams have certainly been something and they seem to become more and more real by the day, it has gotten to the point where the white haired Fox didn't even want to get up. She wanted to lay within that world of fiction, and escape from the cruel reality. To be there with the one she loved and even though it might have only been an illusion, it brought warmth to her heart. It gave her more closure than anything she has experienced within the past two years it has brought her Joy which she thought had died off long ago.

These dreams have been something of a Bliss to her, the euphoria of it intoxicating. Those dreams were her hopes and she did not know why the axis mind was always there but she was but she also seemed different.

The version from her dreams was much more lively much more compassionate and looked much more alive, her usual dead sapphire eyes were replaced instead with lively filled ones one's of Hope and joy but she usually saw within most members. This version of her new compassion she knew what it meant to be well... Human, she had dreams ambitions she had a wanting to be with her.

Everything about her was different and yet she could not deny that she liked that she liked the way that she held her within the dream she liked the way that when she laid against her body feeling of protection and warmth would find its way within her heart. This feeling had festered within her.

These dreams had connected her to the Axis Mind.

Nagato looked at the silent Ninetales with her body resting peacefully and patiently she had basically ask Kaga to divulge a deeply kept secret, a secret which she probably did not want the rest of them to know.

She waited patiently as a Ninetales seemed together her thoughts she took a deep breath the stress left her muscles, she looked at her leader directly in the eyes as her mouth open and her words spoken.

"Nagato I have known about our newest acquaintance for over a week now actually I knew of her existence before we even knew she existed."

Nagato looked at her confused "Kaga can you please elaborate?"

"One night I was laying in an unconscious state I fell into my slumber when I was dragged into a most peculiar dream."

"If I may ask what was in this dream of yours?"

"Atheon herself."


"I saw her but I also didn't see her well not the current one we know, this one was more human she and I well I don't know how to explain it we shared a bond together."

"A bond? Like a bond between comrades or a bond between lovers?"

Kaga lightly blushes "ah..... It wasn't anything romantic it was like she was a close friend." 'thats a lie but they don't need to know about that aspect of my dreams. After all I'm still trying to figure out that myself.'

"..... A close friend you say." Nagato new for a fact that she was lying the blush on her face basically gave away the act of deception. But she would not pry too deeply into it, she would wait for her to admit it herself. As of now these dreams caught her attention more then the feelings she may have for the vex. "Is there anything else you can tell me about these dreams if possible have you had recurring dreams?"

"Actually Lady Nagato I have been having these dreams ever since that day and every time I fall asleep I see a different version of it."

"Well if possible can you describe your most recent dream?"

Kaga paused, almost recent dream hadn't been well.... Appropriate, especially for speaking out loud. But then again she could just give half of it and keep the more... Ahem "good part" to herself.

"Yes..." She let out a heavy breath "the most recent dream I had was of her an out faction of red axis Azure lane then years would pass forward the world would be different, multiple people would have normal lives the threats of the Sirens gone. It might sound like a delusional fantasy but this dream it felt too real it felt like more of a vision than a dream per say, you my sister everyone else we lived peaceful lives much differently than our current ones."

"... Theses dreams of yours Kaga, they can be dangerous this feeling, the feeling you're experiencing now is a deep wanting. I know that these past years have not been the kindest to any of us especially to you or your sister and this could Fester into something like this no matter how much we try to say we're weapons we are living organisms with our own wanting and desires. These dreams could be your latent desires which you have suppressed for so long finally bubbling to the surface because of something that Atheon did when she arrived, but if we are to see that they are visions then could this mean that we are on the right path?"

"I do not now for certain Lady Nagato, but I do know that so long as I draw breath I will continue to stand with the Sakura Empire no matter how well these dreams of mine may be. I will not let them lead me astray."

"That is most reassuring, and if that is all you are free to leave Kaga."

Kaga bowed her head slightly before standing up and leaving she left the room as the leader turned her head to another veteran of their empire Yamato.

"Yamato how long were you there?"

"I was here the moment she started talking about her dreams and I must say Nagato this could be a dangerous game, although she may say she would not let them lead her astray she herself does not even know how scarred she is. Her and her sister have suffered more than majority of us especially since the passing of their eldest sister."


"Yes, her death has torn a hole in their hearts. For Akagi she works tirelessly on the orochi because she herself needs something to keep her mind away from the pain. While Kaga had created this persona of a heartless warrior, her heart which was once kind has died, she's become what she is now because of a deep hole which has now been dug into her heart. A hole which has not been able to be filled by anything and was only able to be kept from spreading, and being dug deeper because of her sister and the love they share for each other. But if theses dreams of hers continue at such a rate it could very well awaken a feeling which may lead her strength she may chase after these dreams in order to reclaim a feeling which was lost because of this cruel world we live in."

"..... You may be right Yamato, but Kaga is a powerful woman she suffered greatly but she has pushed through and has not let sorrow drag her down, she worked tirelessly for our cause and rallies are troops when a threat is at hand. I believe in her, I believe in her willpower, and if these dreams do awaken this feeling I have a feeling that this will not weaken her. But will instead make her stronger. So that she may be able to change her fate and perhaps forge a future where they may be able to grow like a beautiful flower."

"Let's hope that your version of the outcome comes instead of mine Nagato."

"Yes let's."

Both females stayed quiet as they looked upon the sky as the sun's golden rays shined down upon the world which they called their home, this new information what certainly change the way that they think if only somewhat. They would also be able to put a little bit more faith within there white haired Kitsune, and hopefully with these dreams they'll give her the fire she needs in order to burn all that stands before her and allow them to claim their ultimate salvation.

But only the gods know the fate of the world and they were not the Gods, at last they were just mortals and they were going to have to wait for the tides of Fate to unfold to reveal what their destiny has in store.

*With Atheon*

The axis mind once it was done with its movie decided to investigate around the Sakura Empire as she went walking through the island and the many area's where the ship girls gathered to hang out and enjoy themselves.

She walked around with many eyes watching her, she in turn watched them as some would be staring at her with awe and wonder, while others fear and nervousness.

Nonetheless she did not care for she could not understand these expressions nor the emotions which follow them like the obedient dog they are. She turned away from them and continued her path down a walkway until she arrived at what appeared to be a Japanese style bar.

Walking inside she didn't notice anyone at first but a gloved hand reached up and grabbed both her shoulders, as two soft mounds pressed against her back, Atheon looked over her shoulder and saw the face of Prinz Eugen, but her cheeks were flushed a light red.

"Ow my *hic* looks like I caught the talk of the hour~"

"I... Do not understand?"

"Fufufu~~ ow your so oblivious~ your *hic* everyone's talk of the hour, "the girl who trump's even the sirens" *hic* and I must say you caught my interest~~"

She leaned over and blowed air into her ear, when this happened Atheon felt a shock of something travel through her body, she slightly tensed up, this was something new and yet this body seemed to be reacting to it.

While the Vex was trying to solve the puzzle of what the hell just happened, Prinz Eugen one the other hand had a sly smile, she brought the big bad Atheon to shiver at a mere juster of teasing. So the drunken shark decided to indulge yourself and more of her teasing antics, slowly teased her arms from shoulders, sliding them down her nice hourglass figure, she went over ever nook and cranny, as her hands felt up on this Vex turned half organic.

Atheon would feel this same feeling but not know what the hell it was!! Eventually Prinz Eugen stopped as she giggled to herself from behind the Vex God. Atheon would looked back at her as she layed her hands gently upon her cheeks.

"Ow Atheon can't you handle a little tease~~"

'Teasing? Is that what she was doing? But if I remember correctly this wasn't the form of teasing I saw in that weird film..... So is there more then one form of teasing?'....... "You said you were reading me, but I saw this strange film made by you organic organisms and it showed a different form of it, so is there different forms of this method you call "teasing?"

"Fufuf~ why yes, *hic* there are many forms of it but mine on the other hand is much more direct~ and from the looks of things your responding quite well to it."

"And how am I responding to this "Teasing?"

"Do you feel that~?" She got really close to the side of her neck as the hot air of her breath caused a shiver to run down her spin once again, this feeling, this tention caused her to tense once again. But unfortunately for her the drunken German girl was smiling at this, to think that the rising legend herself Atheon who everyone is talking about for being this imposing, fearless figure was reacting so strongly to her teasing, she could feel the tenseness in her shoulders, she could feel how her body jerked in response to this new feeling.

And ow how she liked it~.

"That tension in your muscles, that flash of lightning you might have felt~ that is how your responding, and I must say it's quite nice to see~"

"...... Is that so I'll have the document that, but also I also recall that in the film teasing is meant to be a two person thing not just a one person thing, so am I supposed to respond back to you by teasing you as well?"

".... Sure" that sly smile grew even more "give it your best shot~."

Prinz Eugen was actually quite excited for this she usually does the teasing but never gets anything back from it well apart from those lovely faces that's her victims make, but if she was trying to tease her as well then why not let her? It would be nice to see if this dominating figure up on the battlefield wasn't he good at teasing.

Unfortunately for her Atheon not only recorded her version but also the version she saw from the movie, as like lightning Prinz Eugen was pulled towards her a hands layed upon her face and another wrapped around her slim wast, as the other hand rested right against her ass, her perfectly crafted face inches away from her her sapphire eyes staring deeply into her own.

She was also leaned back as her hold felt like the only thing keeping her from falling, Prinz Eugen eventually snapped out of it and smiled like a sly fox once again.

"Ara ara~ who would have known you would do something this bold dear Atheon~ *hic* but you now what I quite like it~"

The duo stayed like that, as the arms of the drunk shark reached up and wrapped around her neck, Atheon seeing this tightened her hold on her.

Prinz Eugen felt like time itself came to a screeching halt, the longer she stared into those eyes the more she felt like she and her were transported somewhere else, where they were the only ones.

But hai broke away as she heard someone else enter and lo and behold.


It was Kaga.

"Well dear Kaga you see-"

"Prinz Eugen was showing me how you organic organisms do this special gesture called teasing, she teased me and I teased her back."

"Ok and why the hell is YOUR hand so close to her ass?!"

"Because this was how they teased in the film am I doing it wrong?"

"YES! You're doing it all wrong teasing doesn't have to be physical it's just the way SHE teases! Now can you please separate!"

Atheon had no problem doing that but was still hella confused, go figure she was just a robot bot to long ago before becoming what she is now.

Prinz Eugen on the other hand had a "hurt" expression, she looked over at Kaga who's words had a faint amount of jealousy in them and she caught that. And smirked, she was going to enjoy see this~.

When the vex finally pulled.herslf all the way, Prinz Eugen pulled herself back in, laying her head against her shoulders as she made sure to blow a little air into her air and have her warm breath trance over her neck to cause that same reaction.

Which happened, she tensed up once again and now the white haired Kitsune was glaring daggers into the drunk shark.

Seeing this he decided to play innocent, just to get a bit more out of this before she was inevitably forced to leave.

"Ow how clumsy of me, thank you Atheon for catching and holding me~ *hic* your just such a wonderful girl~."

"Ahhhhh....." [cannot compute; do not respond.]

"Hmmm your just so warm~ and comfy~ I could just lay against you all day~~."


'That.....' Kaga hands were now balled into a tightened fist. 'Ok Prinz Eugen time to go.' as she stormed toward her the next words well....

"Hmmm~ I'm someone doesn't get you in the future I think I may have found my lover~~."

Cause her to stop dead on in her tracks.

"..... Clam me? What like a mate?"

"Hmmm you could say that *hic* and you now what I feel like when this happens Fufuf we can have quite the bit of fun~~."

"Fun what do you-"

"I think she's said enough, now Prinz Eugen if you would please be kind enough to get the hell off of Atheon, and take yourself back to your dorm to get a good night's sleep to get rid of your buzz, that would be greatly appreciated."

"Fufuf alright Kaga *hic* no need to get so aggressive."

She unwrapped herself around the vex as she walked away, but as she did she put more way in her hips, Kaga glared at her for doing this while Atheon was confused but couldn't take her eyes away.

"Ow and Atheon" she turned to her " When we meet up again how about we both drink together, so that way something Interesting~ might happened."

"Interesting, I don't-"

"Prinz Eugen pleas leave, now."

"Ok, ok, no need to worry Kaga, but just now if you don't start making your move I might just have to take her all to myself~~."

With that final bit done she walked out, leaving a very confused Vex and a pissed off Nine tails.


"Yes Kaga"

"You're never to be alone with her."

"But why?"

"Because we don't need her nature rubbing off on you."

"...... Very well your orders have been reconcised, but if I need to talk to her in order to complete the mission I must do as I'm assigned."

Kaga sighed..... "Well at least that's somewhat settled now."

"Are you alright Kaga, your blood pressure and everything else about you has been heightened."

"I'm fine just came here for a drink, and it ended up going up in flames the company made it bad."

"Made what bad?"

"The drinks and the peacefully quite of doing the act."

"Ow.... Is it a tradition for you to come down here to partake in such a thing?"

"No it's more of a hobby I usually do it when I have nothing else to do, I would sharpen my skills but we'll have to wait until the next resupply hopefully nothing intercepts our resource lines."

Atheon did not say anything both in her minds she was going over the schematics of a Vex gate Network, if you were to install this then supplies could be brought to their faction in a little under a second furthermore they would not have to worry about the supply Lanes ever being discovered because there would be no Lanes it would just be a simple go through the portal and the supplies would be right there.

Problem was there was no Vex technology apart from herself, but being an Axis Mind she did have the capabilities replicating and creating these kind of networks problem is she doesn't have the resources on hand.

Or does she?

Kaga noticed the Vex turn around and looked out into the open ocean, she was confused with her partner was doing but the Vex was simply using her radar to trying to detect anything.

It was due to the energy of her and the guardian implosion inside the vault of Glass which ripped open a time space temporal rift in SpaceTime, which sent her here if she could track its energy back she could possibly find the temporal anomaly which would still house the vault of Glass intact.

Along with all of its technology.

Now that is not to say she could get the entire vault of Glass up and running no with just her there she would need at least several months if not years to fully restore it to its former glory.

But setting up a simple Vex gateway Network would not be that difficult of a task.

"Kaga get all the supplies you need."

"What why?"

"Because I'm about to solve the supply problem your faction is currently facing."

"Wait what!! HOW?"

"My species had a quick way of transportation we called them gateway networks it utilizes worm holes which allows quick and near instantaneous transportation from one point to another, but problem is we need to go to a certain location in order for me to get the materials required to build one of these and if I can get these materials."

"You could create this gateway Network?"

"Correct, which would mean that your supplies can get here as soon as they're shipped out."

"Atheon this is... This is incredible news with this network we could never be down on supplies, we would have a constant supply of ammunition first aid everything we could possibly need to win this war."

"Yes that is the reason why you must venture out I am detecting a slight temporal anomaly within SpaceTime if my theory is correct that is where I emerged."

"So you're saying that inside that temporal anomaly is where are you originated from?"

"Yes, the problem is opening it up I'm confident that I can open it up slightly and pull from it the materials required to build this gateway but anything else would take too much time and would take too much resources which we are currently lacking."

"Well I say even pulling that out is still game changing very well I'll get all my things ready we'll meet up back here in 1 hour I'll have to inform my sister of my departure though."

"That is fine 1 hour we leave."

Kaga nodded her head as she left with her mood now drastically changed, Atheon soon to turn back to the open ocean as so many thoughts were running through her mind and her programming was now beginning to spur with new commands.

[Mission updated.]

[Step one; recover technology from the vault of Glass.]

[Step two; attempt to recommunicate with Vex intelligence.]

[Step three; if step two is unable to be completed recreation of entire Vex intelligence and Network must commence.]

Atheon remained silent as the new missions were updated, she looked upon the sea which stretched for miles and she had a strange unknown feeling.

A feeling which humans say is the Calm before the storm, but as of now she would have to wait.

When her partner arrived they would go upon this journey in order to reclaim her species technology.

"This feeling inside it has changed it feels like a racing storm, a rapid sensation. Could this be what excitement is? Well there is no need to worry about it now there are still many things I do not know about this body further research into these feelings must be in order but that can come after this, the reclaiming of my species technology must come first."

There you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you enjoyed it.

Now I want to clarify a few things, yes I am doing so much better I'm a bit sad because my brother left for the Marines but I can let that hold me down forever but ever since then I have been hanging out with so much friends and family that I am literally overflowing with positivity and laughter that it is quite literally contagious for me and everyone else who is living in this house.

I have had non-stop Joy the entire time I took that break in order to reconnect with well my life and all that which is why I'm going to give you all the little rundown right now.

Number one I'm only working on two stories which is going to be this and the oryx story which is actually kind of funny because the two most prominent raid bosses in destiny 1 are getting their own stories side by side can't tell if this was either meant to be or just the universe's version of humor.

Number two if you're wondering what's going to happen to the queen of the Void I'm going to be releasing it next to this.

For all of you who like my Yu-Gi-Oh stories I'm going to be recreating another the wrath of the Egyptian gods, that will be released alongside of the queen of the Void when I start working on it.

Now with all that said I'll catch you all later in the future installments of my stories, I love all of you. Thank you for your support because God damn it you are all the best motherfuckers a guy like me can ask for.

Now see ya!

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!

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