Godly Prowess is the Best of All

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The Gojir-eviljho was sleeping in his cave, before he could make out the bickering of some monsters, making the humongous radioactive beast get himself up.

"What the hell could these damn annoying monsters be bickering about this time?!" the nuclear deviljho-like creature said, as he began to walk to the cave entrance. he could just barely hear what one of them were saying.

"You really think your wife is cheating on you for our guardian deity, Rathalos?" one of the monsters said.

'Wait a minute, why would Rathian cheat on him for me?' the radioactive monster said to himself.

"I'd have to go with Nargacuga on this. It just doesn't sound correct for your wife to cheat on you for a godly creature that doesn't do too much unless he's needed." he hears a second monster say to Rathalos. The monster then says "Not that he's lazy or anything.". Gojir-eviljho then decides to show himself by walking menacingly out of the cave entrance, just as Rathalos was about to say something.

"I'm positive that my wife is cheating on me for a blue deviljho that can't walk outside for one minute." Rathalos says, as Gojir-eviljho growls and retorts his statement, "And here I thought Jaggi were stupid.", making Rathalos pale. 

"Well shit." Ralathos said, before Gojir-eviljho shoots his nuclear breath at his face, making it have burn marks all over it. Gojir-eviljho then asks him a question, paying no mind to what he himself just did to the flying wyvern. "Now, where the hell did you get the idea that Rathian is cheating on you for me?", before he looks at the other two monsters, one being a Nargacuga, and the other being a Diablos, who responds to his question.

"We have figured out that a good amount of female monsters have started to act weird when they have been around you for periods of time, Elder Dragon or not" he says, before Gojir-eviljho looks at the Ceratopsian-like wyvern in confusion. "Well, you can mark Kulve Taroth off that list, as she already has a child, and she's extremely protective over it.". The Diablos growls, before he continues on. "As I was saying", the Diablos said, "they seem to ignore their own species and fantasize about you. Even the Black Diablos try to invade your cave many times, before they are scared away by your good friend, the Ruiner Nergigante. He knows the amount of weight you put on yourself.".

"That reminds me, I should thank him for being a great friend some time." Gojir-eviljho says, before going back to the conversation at hand. "So what you're trying to say is, that I should watch myself when around female monsters?", Diablos then nods, before speaking, "Yes, but it's more of a suggestion.", Gojir-eviljho nods, understanding what he means.

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