I would think you would call this the build up. XD

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A/N Sadly all rights go to Uncle Rick Troll Y-U-Like-Cliffhangers Riordan. I looked up his name and guess what it is. Richard Russell Riordan Jr! Now i'm pretty sure there is a character in his books called Russell. Correct me if I'm wrong. Any way on with this fanfic!

{{{[[[Hebe's POV ]]]}}}

I'm tired of these better gods regarding their kids as if they are any other child. I just need a plan to make them pay attention to them! I mean look at Nico Di Angelo for Zeus' sake! When was the last time Hades paid attention to him other than for a quest?!I can turn them all into children! Yeah and I'll make sure that they take care of them definitely. Aphrodite would definitely help me to make them swear on the River Styx to take care of them. Hebe teleported out to Aphrodite's palace on Olympus. "Hebey Hebey Hebey! Hey!" Aphrodite squealed applying her lipstick. "Hey Aphrodite I was wondering whether..." And they Hebe explained her plan to Aphrodite and she obviously said yes. (Dam Aphrodite Chill)

¬-¬Leo's POV~#~

"So. Rundown of what's going on," Percy said.

"We've been called here by Hebe," Jason responded, "The goddess of youth."

"Anyone know why?" Hazel asked. Everyone just looked around confused. Us – the 7 and Nico – were standing in the middle of the Olympus' throne room confused when BAM outta no where Hebe and Aphrodite stood at the bottom of Zeus' throne. "Hello children," Hebe greeted while everyone bowed. Well everyone except me and Nico because our cheeks were being attacked by Aphrodite. I think she knows that me and Nico are dating. ((A/N DEAL WITH IT I LOVE VALANGELO/LEICO!!!))

"Stand heroes. I've called you here today because- Aphrodite, dear, your hurting them," Hebe said motioning to me and Nico. Our cheeks being pinched to death in her death-like grip. Hopefully we aren't her OTP. Yeah... Piper taught me some words. Aphrodite released us and floated towards Hebe who had came closer to the demigods while me and Leo had been attacked. "So guys! We are making you children again! Because Hebe wants the gods to look after you more or somat like that," Aphrodite explained and before all Hades broke loose, like I knew it would, Hebe cast the spell.

!"£$%^&*()3rd Person)(*&^%$£"!

Hebe summoned Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hephaestus, Ares and Athena to the throne room and Aphrodite smiled slyly at their expressions. They were all shocked, especially Poseidon as in Zeus' shock he sent electrical charges into the air - electrocuting the God of the Sea. "They... They are toddlers," Ares whispered in shock and everyone knew it was bad news as Ares' voice was naturally shouting. "Yes they are Ares," Hebe said in a monotone voice as if it was obvious. 

Percy and Nico crawled away from their little group towards their parents. Leo followed after Nico like a puppy. "Why isn't my boy coming to me?" Zeus boomed and Poseidon shrunk down to normal size and picked Percy up, "I visited Percy when he was a baby," Poseidon said simply doing cross eyes to Percy and him giggling. Hades did the same to Nico and added, "I helped Maria take care of him and Bianca when they were small."

"Now," Hebe began gesturing to the children, "I've been noticing lately that you gods," She said pointing accusingly at them, "Have not been taking notice of your children!" She gave a death glare to Hades, "So you will take care of them. By yourselves. With no one but the other Gods to help you," She smiled to herself, "Would you do the honours Aphrodite?"

The Gods then swore on the River Styx - Not favourably - to look after thier son or daughter till they grew up.

And that's how the Gods ended taking care of their kids!

((Okay so I might not update this ever again. But if you like this vote and stuff!))

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