Prologue: Friend or Foe?

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A quote by J.V Hilliard: 

"The Blade of Betrayal, the sharpest of weapons, is wielded not by your enemies, but by your friends."

In a thick and foggy forest, Jaune Arc, armorless and unarmed, was sprinting away while dust bullets were fired at his location. It has only been a year and a half since something like this happened before, but what really happened?

Well, to understand what went down, we go back around a year ago when Jaune was still in Beacon Academy. It wasn't a day after his transcripts had been revealed by none other than Cardin Winchester, who only want nothing more than to see him suffer for his 'crimes.'

And by each day, his situation got only worse, as the surrounding students began to pick a fight with him, which almost killed him. The teachers weren't even any better, since they didn't bother to intervene in said fights.

The only one that tried to help him was Ozpin, since he felt sympathy for the boy after hearing his backstory, but mercy wasn't on his side for long. Eventually, the Arc Clan disowned him after hearing what he had done, deeming him a disgrace to the family name, their clan and to their allies, while also allowing Vale to put an arrest warrant on his head.

This forced him into hiding, as he was a wanted fugitive across Vale due to his faked entry, something that shattered their pride and egos. Despite all of this, he still showed kindness to a girl, who was left for dead on the streets, starving and poor.

But eventually, they would get things their own way...

As he ran, he could hear the shouts of huntsmen and huntresses coming his way, all of which were ready to capture... or kill him. It was no secret that the Huntsmen, citizens of Vale and those from the Arc Clan hates his guts, more so his very own family out for his blood.

And speaking of family...

Alex: There you are, you damned disgrace!!!

All it took was one turn to see her face, and then...


His very own sister, Alex, had stabbed her former brother in the heart, with the intention of killing him. She pulled out Crocea Mors from her brother's chest, before shoving him down to the ground. A bunch of Huntsmen then rushed towards her location, all of their weapons poised at his bleeding body.

Alex: If only you have listened to us and stayed at home, you wouldn't have to suffer the consequences-

All of a sudden, Jaune delivered a punch straight into her face, breaking her nose and taking many others by surprise. Despite the big hole in his chest, he still managed to pack a punch that sent her flying through the air. As retaliation, the surrounding Hunters began to shoot him down without a second thought, since death was a better punishment than what the judges have in place for his trial. 

When they saw that his body stopped moving, they proceeded to pick up the unconscious Alex and walk away, with the hopes that the Grimm in the forests would be attracted to his corpse.

They would get their wish, but not exactly what they would expect...

POV Switch: ???

At the same place, a Grimm was patrolling around the area, but this was no ordinary Grimm that any of the Four Kingdoms of Remnant will ever encounter. This Grimm stood in a bipedal form and was armored head-to-toe in strong bone armor with red veins glowing brightly.

In place of his right hand was a longsword being fused there directly, which was his main weapon.

As he trekked around the area, he could sense high levels of negativity coming from a specific area, which was odd since the area he was surveying in rarely had any humans coming through. 

As much as he wants to see what was it, he was being told by his new master to stay on his patrol route and ignore anything else. Despite this, curiosity got the better of him and decided to head towards where the negative energy came from.

And it was lucky that he did, since he came across an almost dead Jaune, slightly charred with gunshot wounds and lacerations all across his body. The Grimm Knight immediately picked up his body and slung it over his left shoulder, before rushing towards his base.

POV Switch: Unknown Base

At the base, there was a man in green armor with brown undergarments, helping a group of villagers with medical aid and settlement in their new homes, while his soldiers were out on patrol.

Just a few hours ago, he led a group of Grimm knights towards a village outside the borders of the Four Kingdoms under attacked by the White Fang.

Flashback: Village

At the village, the White Fang was killing anybody they can see, whether if they're human or their fellow Faunus brothers and sisters in blood. To them, living in harmony with Humans was anything but what they wished to achieve. 

Instead of the original vision of unity among humans by their original leader, they now aimed for the genocide of humankind and those who live with them, believing that there would be no peace if their kind were to continue existing with the humans.

So much so that they never realized that they've fallen from grace, becoming true animals with no leashes or restraints.

Up from the treeline, the Green-Armored Warrior could only look on in disgust, their actions reminded him of the Gods that he once worshiped who've also wiped out his generation of people, caring not in the slightest bit about the lives that they've taken.

Despite his hatred, he remained calm and turned towards his army, all of which were Grimm Knights, warriors of darkness created from the Grimm pools when he killed the Witch a long time ago and claimed her powers for his own.

Grimm Knight#1: Sir, we've surrounded the village and are waiting on your command.

The Green Warrior turned to face Beowulf, one of his Grimm Knights, ironically modelled after it's Grimm beast variant.

Green Warrior: Very well.

The Green Warrior left, with Beowulf following him in tow, retreating into the thick, dense forest.

Back in the village square, the White Fang Grunts had gathered most of the surviving villages, some of which were Faunus while the rest are humans. They wished to make an example out of one of them, before killing the rest.

Their leader pulled the Village Mayor out of the group, with his weapon pointed at his head, apathetically, while the Mayor begged for his life.

Mayor: Please let us go. What did we even do to deserve this?

WF Leader: You humans are the reason why. You pretend to let us live in peace, yet you humans did the opposite. You still came after our kind, enslaved us and treat us like nothing. Let this be a reminder to all the faunus if they dare to side with the humans.

The leader gripped onto the trigger tightly, ready to take the kill while the other villagers watched on in fear, since they knew that they'll be on the chopping block next. They closed their eyes and accepted their fate.

However, the shot never ranged out, so they looked up to see that the WF Leader was choking on a steel pilum being thrown at his neck, before he collapsed to the ground. The grunts looked around for their unknown enemy when they heard the sound of a war horn being blown in the distance.

WF Grunt#1: Wait, where did that come from?

WF Grunt#2: Who cares?! Kill the humans!!

However, before they could even lay a finger on anybody else, a Grimm Knight charged towards the grunt, swinging down his sword onto his head and killed him. It then tossed the corpse towards the rest of the Grunts.

WF Grunt#1: What the hell is that?!?

WF Grunt#3: Grimm?!? But why are they-

WF Grunt: Who cares?!? Kill it!!

The WF grunts began to fire on the armored Grimm, but proved to be useless as the dust bullets diffused on impact.

Before they could react, they saw more of their White Fang brethren being cut down by more of the mysterious Grimm Warriors, which, in turn, led them to flee from the scene. However, their path was suddenly blocked by the man in Green Armor, alongside Beowulf.

WF Grunt#1: What the- A human? Don't tell me that you led these Grimm.

Green Warrior: Unfortunately for you all, I am, and the dead that you've killed is out for your blood.

The warrior spoke in a venomous tone, unsheathing his weapon in the process. The grunts prepared themselves for battle, only for him to plunge his sword into the ground and twist his handle.

Just as the WF Grunts were about to charge at him, they found themselves rooted to the ground and felt their bodies were too heavy to stand up, to the point that they were dropping to the ground.

Some of the much more stronger ones tried to stand up and approach the warrior, while the warrior unleashed a heavy aura that forced the stronger grunts down. As all the WF grunts were forced down, they could feel their soul being ripped from their body slowly and tortuously.

At the same time, they could also hear voices running through their head, while their faunus instincts told them to run away from this human as he holds much greater power and control over them.

Flashback End

Back at the base, the Grimm Knight on patrol returned, carrying a barely alive Jaune on his back. Beowulf saw this and rushed up to help him.

Beowulf: Dainsleif, what happened to this kid?

Dainsleif: I wish to know that as well, but he needs immediate medical attention immediately.

Beowulf: Got it.

Beowulf helped Dainsleif to carry Jaune's body as they entered the base, warning people to move aside quickly.

Inside a medical tent, a girl with blonde, short hair and blue eyes was patching up the wounds of the injured, alongside some healers that volunteered.

The last thing that she need would be her mentor's knights coming in sick, as her hands were full until she saw both Beowulf and Dainsleif approaching her tent.

Girl: I swear to god, if those two got themselves injured again...

However, when she saw Jaune, she was taken aback by the injuries inflicted upon the poor boy, staring at him in horror before she was snapped out of her trance.

Dainsleif: Do you think you can patch him up, Madelyn?

Madelyn: I'll try, but what happened to him?

Dainsleif: Hell if I know. I was just on patrol when I found his body in the middle of the forest, all covered in stab wounds and cuts.

Madelyn: Has Gabriel known about this already?

Beowulf: We plan to report it to him after we dropped him off at your tent.

???#1: That won't be necessary.

The trio turned to see the green warrior who led the attack on the White Fang Raid, accompanied by two other women, both of which the trio were acquainted with.

The first woman was described to have pink, long hair and pink eyes with large, white wings. She wore a battle armor akin in design to a Valkyrie, alongside a golden headpiece attached to a pair of golden horns.

The second woman was described having long, white hair, blue eyes, black horns, black wings and a red halo. She wore a balck dress,with the top exposing parts of her cleaveage.

Dainsleif: Hmm, the Legendary Valkyrie of the North and the Fallen Angel herself. Care to explain their prescense, General?

Gabriel: These two came here under the Legion and my own orders to train the new recruits under my supervision.

Madelyn: I see, but what about the boy? What will happen to him?

Gabriel: As one of the supreme leaders of the Arknight Legion, it falls under my jurisdiction for what will happen to him. You two may be dismissed back to your duties while I talk with Madeyn.

The two Grimm Knights nodded in unison, returning to helping their brothers on patrol or assisting the rescued villagers to settle in their new homes.

POV Switch: Jaune Arc's mind

Even thought he was barey alive and unconscious, he could feel the prescense of unfamiliar people surrounding him and yet, also hear their conversation as he keep passing out.

???#1: His wounds are something I can stitch, but it's the heart that I am worried about.

???#2: And why is that?

???#1: His heart is rapidly decaying at an abnormal rate, meaning that he won'tlive long enough to survive.

???#2: I see, so you want me to use the Immortal Curse Ritual on him to let him survive?

???#1: Indeed.

???#2: (Sighs) I'll see what I can do first.

Suddenly, he was transported to a warped world, filled with swords embedded into the ground and large gears filling the sky, turning as he loo around to find anybody.

In the distance, he could make out a green knight (a.k.a Gabriel) in the distance, sitting on a rock formation, before the knight turned his head to face him.

Green Knight/Gabriel: I see that you're finally awake.

Jaune: W-Where am I?

Green Knight/Gabriel: Where this is doesn't matter, but it's a matter of what I will gift you for. Come a bit closer.

Jaune seemed hesitant, not sure whether to approach the mysterious knight. After all that has happened to him, he developed trust issues from people's trickery and deceit. However, Gabriel knew what he was thinking and immediately clarified his staement.

Green Knight/Gabriel: I knwo that yu've faced betrayal in your life, but this is much more important than to put up your trust issues.

Jaune: And why is that?

Green Knight/Gabriel: Do you wish to live?

Jaune thought hard for a moment, realizing that this may be the Immortal Curse Ritual that those two unknown voices talked about. Despite not wanting to do anything with this world, he still wished to honor any remnant of his family's original goals of helping Remnant.

Jaune: I do.

Green Knight/Gabriel: Very well. Come closer, and I'll bestow a greater power upon you greater and mightier than whta this world and your former family have to offer.

The knight got up from his seat and walked towards him, while Jaunestood and embraced for the curse to be bestowed. The kngith then placed his left hand on Jaune's chest, before chanting a spell.

Green Knight/Gabriel: O e'er distant realm of Paradise, upon the Faeries Oath unto thy blood of Arthuria, I grant thee, upon this kindred and wretched soul, one betrayed close and far. He shall received the blessing of thy Lord and Fae that he shall be gifted great power by the Scabbard of Arthuria, living forever and ever to the end of time. Under my name, Gabriel Orius Knight, he shall be blessed by my blood and name.

As he chanted, he saw that strings of lights were forming and attaching to an unsheathed sword, with it's gold scabbard glowing brightly like the sun, with the blue contrasting the glowing gold.

As he began to receive it's power he began to feel more powerful and more stronger while his Aura burn away and cnce it was complete, Jaunewas given a warning by the knight.

Green Knight/Gabriel: Just to warn you, once you're awake, you'll feel your Aura burning away.

Jaune: Wait what?

Before he could ask anymore, he was pulled back to reality and into the medical tent, where Madelyn was stitching up his wounds. Suddenly, he felt his blood and muscles boil, temperature rising as he felt that he was on fire.

He tried to get up, but found himself strapped to the stretcher, which allows Madelyn to continue stitching up his wounds.

Madelyn: Just stay still there, it will all be over soon.


By the time she finished, the burning sensation had completely disappeared and released the straps on Jaune. 

Jaune: There's something I would like to ask?

Madelyn: What is it?

Jaune: Where even am I? 

Madelyn: You're in one of the Arknight Legion's camps, and ne of our knights found you unconscious near our territory.

Jaune: I see... Well, who the leader of this camp?

Gabriel: I am.

Both of them turned to see Gabriel at the entrance of the tent, leaning on one of the pillars with his arms crossed.

Gabriel: You can take your leave, Madelyn. I'll take things from here.

Madelyn: Very well, master.

She proceeded back to tending the other injured people in the camp, leaving Gabriel and Jaune alone. 

Jaune: Wait... You're the one who was in my head!

Gabriel: Yep. Feeling any better after your burns?

Jaune: Burns? Wait, what did you even doto me?

Gabriel: Well, to put things in a mild perspective, I managed to save your life from near death.

Jaune: But why?

Gabriel: While I was in your mind, I took the liberty to go through your memories, and I will have to say it, but, you don't deserve what they did to you.

Jaune: I have been told that by many people already, but to what extent you know of it?

Gabriel: Everything.

Jaune: Wait, as in...

Gabriel: Yes, all of it, and there's something I would like to offer you.

Jaune: And what is that offer?

Jaune asked cautiously when he proceed to walk towards him and extend his hand to him, wishing that Jaune would accept.

Gabriel: I and a couple other people I know would train you in their arts and combat styles, which you can use to fulfil your dreams of protecting the weak, but there's something much more better. Reformation.

Jaune: What do even plan to reform?

Gabriel: This broken and corrupt world. I wish to rid it of it's many imperfect impurities that stain the good souls blinded by their ways of "justice". I know you want vengeance against your tormentors, former family and friends.

Jaune: That... Is true...

Gabriel: You also wished to honor your late grandparents as well, correct?

Jaune: Yes...

Gabriel: I see. So, do you accept my offer then?

Jaune thought hard about it. His offer might be tempting to be too true, but considering what has happened so far to him, he really have nothing to lose. His 'sisters' thought that he was dead, so he decided to take advantage of this.

Gabriel: Very well, Jaune Arc- No, by this day, your new name will be Jaune Arcanus, Destroyer and Calamity of Remnant.


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